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Active Ajah Members?


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Red Ajah active members:


Elgee - Zarinen (Highest) and Larindhra (MoN / Sitter)

Jagen Sedai - Jagen (Sitter)

Tigara - Jasmyne (Sitter)

Aubrey - Maegan



Muirenn - Shevara (Amyrlin)

Kara_J - Raslyn (Keeper)

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It's myself, Claire, and Owen's Cara for the nonce... nobody's made a claim on Sarita or Sada that I can recall at this exact moment.


Not had any ideas for Ajah-based RPs, though I might drag those two together with me and see if we can think up something... maybe.  Been running low on writing juice for a bit. :)

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That sentence was a bit confusing for me so that is why I asked. I wasn't sure if Claire was a Sitter, and I wasn't sure if you were just telling me your Sitters or if that was everyone. Thanks I will get that marked down.

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