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Hall voting system


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Sorry if it's already been brought up and answered already, but I simply can't find it anywhere.


Is there someone who could explain how the halls, sitters, voting, smaller/larger consensus, number of sitters showing up needed, etc seem to work? Or can it be found somewhere?


I simply don't understand the system. It seemed to me that for some decisions you need 2/3 of all the sitters, and some others all of them, but it doesn't seem to fit, for example:


How could Elaida put Siuan down, I mean what's this talk about bare minimum? Why did they have to do it in secret? Does it matter how many sitters are present?


Thanks a lot in advance.


The greater consensus requires that every sister who is present must stand, and that a minimum of eleven Sitters be present; The presence of at least one Sitter from each Ajah is also required, except when the matter before the Hall is the removal of an Amyrlin of Keeper, in which case the Ajah from which she was raised will not be informed of the vote until after it is taken.


-A Crown of Swords, Glossary


This is the book quote you're looking for (copied from the Wotmania FAQ)


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