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The Blue/Green/Purple Thread of Inquisition!


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WOOHOO!!  Ok everything is updated up to here folks!  *grins*  I have answered questions of those who have been absent...and I have asked questions of those who didn't seem to have very many!!


NOTICE!!  Remember each person can be asked a total of 15 questions!  Dragon has reached that limit..and I think Torrie only has one more to go!!



also of note...I notice that Jade has been asking the question..is your character animated?  well all the secret identities are animated!  I think she is meaning are you computer animated or are you hand drawn....be sure to make that distinction or your will waste a question!!


and please..for the sake of my brain....*grins*  please ask folks questions in thier thread only!  Thank you so much..i get confused so easy!  LOL  as many kinsters can attest to...


You are doing great guys!!  I think we have four identities guessed...and some should be really close from the clues....*giggles knowing who is who* 


Just to avoid confusion....when a person is guessed...on thier personal post I will post:

aka  and the name of thier secret identity!! 


Ok lets get cracking!  only a week and a half left!

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Way to go Jade!!  I love Mater!!  LOL  Bill loves Mater!  I even made him a special pillowcase for the truck out of a Mater print wall hanging (He uses BIG pillows)!


Ok updated to here!!


Now you know..you can discuss who somebody might be amongst yourselves...of course that means somebody might get to the Discovery thread before you....but like say Dragon..all his questions asked...you might get inspired about who he is by talking to each other...



I also want to mention...that I am leaving on Monday for vacation and will be back around the 7th of June...so I won't be here for the end of the Disney games!  I don't know that Lor, Kia or Kyn will have time to post your questions and answers to the personal posts for the last week of the contest...but be sure to check, and to read the threads!!  If I get on the comp or have time I will update them while I am gone!  For those folks that havn't been around or asked questions..I will post up to ten questions and answers before I go!  OK?


GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!  lol seems like you are...

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Guest dragonsworn1991

14.  Is your character a primate? no  (Jade)

15.  Do you have powers? no (Torrie)

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