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Guide to the Kin's Disney Games!


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Disney Games


This is your guide to the Kin’s Disney Games in May!!!  LOL  Actually, this is mostly the info for the Secret Identities game, but I will touch on the Scrambled Movie title, and the Quotes game too!!  And awwaaaaay we go!!


Secret Identities


Who are you?  Who am I?  Who will find either of those out?  This will be a game similar to Twenty Questions!!  Each Kin member has been PM’d their Secret Identity!!  It is a character from an ANIMATED Disney/Pixar film!! 


Now you may give subtle clues if you wish in your siggie, sig lines, or maybe even your avatar!  Maybe, you use a catch phrase from your character or the movie!  Maybe you will HAVE to give a clue to another Kinster if you challenge them and are wrong!!  Horrors!  *grins*  But the main way to find out anyone’s Secret Identity is to ask questions!  That is the KEY Sherlock!


Remember playing Twenty Questions?  This will be very similar to that although each person only has 15 questions!    They must be YES or NO questions!  BUT…don’t ask if their character is…..You will do that in the Discovery Thread!!


This will probably sound confusing as I explain it…and hopefully will make sense when we start playing on the boards!  LOL  The whole game will involve three threads:  The BLUE/GREEN/PURPLE  members; the RED/COUNCIL folks and the Discovery thread.


The two threads of the Sash colors will be where we can ask the questions!  I will create a post for each member that is active or has signed in in the last two checkins.    As questions are posted by the Kinsters I will repost them to the member’s post, so that all of their questions are together, and the answers as well when they are given!  By splitting the group this way…hopefully each thread won’t involve going through pages of stuff!!  *grins*    The Discovery Thread is where you can challenge someone if you think you know their identity!!  They can then say..yes or no.  IF they say no..then you will have to PM them a private clue about your own Secret Identity!!  At the top of this thread will be an ongoing list of Who’s Who when their identity is known and who discovered it!  Whoever guesses the MOST identities will win a Disney Surprise Happy Mail..courtesy of the Council!!  *bounces more and grins*




You may only ask YES or NO questions.

You may only ask each person ONE question at a time.

Each person may only have THREE unanswered questions at a time.

You may ask as many people questions at the same time as you wish.

These rules could be added to if I forgot something!


There has been a total of 34 identities assigned from 21 animated Disney movies!!  A master list of all identities and movies can be found at the Knitting Circle!!


*grins*  I think that about covers the Secret Identities Game!!!


Quotes Game

This will be about testing your memory and your movie savvy!!  Watch out folks..Lor is WICKED at this!!  LOL  A quote will be posted, then you can guess at the answer and post your own quote!  Be sure to come back and let the guesser know if they were correct!!  IF there is no posting for a day and the group is stumped…the poster can tell us the answer and post another quote!!  GOOD LUCK!


Twinnie’s Scrambled Movie Title

I’ve gone and scrambled all the letters in the words of a Disney movie title and left it for you guys to figure out!! *grins*  In the PM with your Secret Identity you also got a letter.  Post your letter, at the top I will put them together..and y’all can figure out what the movie is!


OK FOLKS!!  Have FUN!!!  And GOOD LUCK!!


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LOL  Please don't pout or cry...NOBODY has got their PM's yet!!  *grins*  It is taking a bit of time to get this all set up!  *smiles*  please be patient folks..hopefully by the end of the day all will be in place!!

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aww..*snuggles*  I know sweetie...I had hoped today was better for you!!



LOL  see the problem of anyone helping send PM's is that then they would KNOW who was who...*winks*  thanks for the offer though sweetie!!  LOL it's just me and my computer bonding....

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OK  PM's have been sent to everyone in the Kin now!!  *grins*  Can't wait to see who all shows up!!



Just so you know...


There are a total of 34  hidden identities  and they come from 24 movies!!!



Later in the month, I can post the list of movies if we aren't guessing who anyone is.... :D

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