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Bonding Issues


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That looks fine but I do need to ask if both DLs approve the release of your bond.  Because in our records you are still bonded which implys you did not ask.  If it's in your updated bio then I will correct it provided you show me the bio so I can inform Eqwina of the change.


In general as far as rp's go create your own in the same "topic" can span multiple threads.  This is about bonding so fine with me.



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I am going to have to put the rp approval on hold due to the bonding release/rebond issue.


Please contact Eqwina and get that straightened out.  She will inform me (or I will ask her) what the results are.



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Eqwina is on limited LoA, but I will see what we can work out.

Thanks Mat.




Also, since Jaydena is the WT DL, she is aware and approves (i'm assuming) of the bond and rebonding. I've just emailed Eqwina, so it's the waiting game now. :)

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Eqwina is going on LoA but when I approached her about this she said she would approve of the release/rebonding if there was sort of consequense that is rped out for the release of the bond. 


Being that I am the only one I know of who has done it I will tell you what I did which is not by any means as much drama as you would have to do.  When Raeyn released Matalina's bond it upset her already fragile balance causing a new personality and "amnesia".  You do not have to go that far.  But releasing a bond is not kind, (just as a broken bond is not).  While kinder in the sense that you have no death to overcome it is still just the same. 


Eqwina wants you to outline this consequence rp and send it to in for approval. 


After this has been approved (and Eqwina informs me of the approval) I will approve this RP. 


It's not the releasing that bothers me just that you never asked if it was okay to do.  This will be added to the Bonding Rules so no future warders will assume it's okay.



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My apologies, it was in the bio and it was not brought to my attention there was a problem. Fixed now, I suppose.



My last question, since I am really against retro anything Cairma at this point (for the bond sake am willing to write this one retro rp), can I include this bond development as part of my WS 20 Requirement? Im thinking more on this rp wise and I feel that would be the best place to put that damage & resolve then just a retro 'cairma loses everything solo rp' which really.... not very enthusiastic about rping..


I do have a major Rp in mind for the ws 20 that does include:

- Bonds and why Cairma returned to the Tower

- Story behind Aran's Death

- what happens to her son

- family relations

- Cairma's reasons for staying with the Tower over family

- (etc)


Assuming that i'm granted a shot at WS 20 when these are complete. Will that suffice? Or would this be in addition to all the current requirements?

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I can't approve the retro for ws 20 since your approval for WS 18 requies it to move forward.  Include it with the rps you are doing for 18 and I have no problem with giving you credit. 


I asked you if it was in your bio and you neglected to tell me that.  If it's in your bio there are other issues that need to be dealt with other than from you particularly.



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As WT DL I am aware of the bond issue and have approved the bond annulment. Please also note that this is not an ooc annulment, this happened only in character and out of character the bond was not severed. So OOC in all records the bond is still on the records and will not need to be removed. *G*

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I am aware of that but you do not annul a bond IC, you release it.  And with it comes consequenses.  It's not a paperwork issue.  The Warder DL should have been notified ( I know this is your bondee hun, but Eqwina knew nothing of this.)



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I feel this problem is growing too large and complicated then it needs to be. I will re-look at this and determine a better way to approach this.




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LOL I Missed an entire page of stuff back there, so you had already mentioned I approved it, etc, etc. Sorry bout that. I have already been playing Jade reacting to the bond being anulled. She stops sleeping, starts gets paranoid, etc, etc. I am thinking of whacking her hair off in a fit of rage and such. Just so you are aware I already felt there should have been consequences and have played as such. *G*

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I think whats missed is that Warder staff wants to know what comes naturally to us. We write out the consequences of our actions and the Staff want to know how we're doign it. It's not that we were going to skip over it and just unbond then re-bond like nothing was wrong. Part of the reason there was the unbond, the 'open rp' of Cairmas return and refusal to rebond right away is that is part of those consequenses. She knows how hard it is to be a warder and isn't ready for that responsibility... while eventually there was to be that rebond.


And I apolegize if I failed to mention the unbond-rebond. I forget half the time that most people are not privy to all the thoughts in my head. Got an idea and i just go with it because i know it works. Fail on my part.


Again, i'll find a better way to sort this out and throw it out there so that way all things make sense. Especially since I know my WS 20 rp plan is going to be a ... pain to get approved because it is a little out there.


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Ok..Jade I got your PM, but it had said at the time that you didn't know what was going to happen with Cairma. Which I took to mean just that  :D *grin* Given the return I should have assumed you guys would start making plans.


Then the bio came in and it was re-written with the bond being annulled. I had no problem with either....and maybe it was just a misunderstanding on my part, but I was not aware of a break and re-bond situation. I cannot find it stated clearly.


As Matalina said quite well I have no real issue with it as long as there are consequences. You are both experienced writers and would do this without being asked, I know, but as you said we do not have a direct feed to your brain and we need to be made aware of anything that is going on. Especially since we do not have time to read every single RP.


Have you made any changes to the plan? or determined how this will work out etc? Let me know.


-Crystal :)




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Just an fyi:


Anulling a bond means it NEVER existed, the only consequence here is rewriting your history.


Releasing a bond means that they were bonded at one point but the Aes Sedai chose to remove the weave from the warder which has consequences.


Breaking a bond means that it was not voluntary and the Aes Sedai is either stilled or dead which has consequences.


You do not anull a bond IC since it was never there.



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been saying 'released bond', so that clears that up a little.

Writing the timeline now. I'll email it in when i'm done so that we can stop spamming my progress report. LoL.

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LOL yes when I looked at the original PM it did say that, and I think I said something about that in the new PM. When I sent the pm on bonds I had no idea what was going on with my Bond with Cairma and didn't know that it has been released in the bio. So yes the bond would be released, that's for the clarification on that. Eqwina can you let me know what I should do with the other bonds in a return pm?? *hugs*

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