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Hello. I just joined. I have been reading (and re-reading) the books since about 2000. I love the series and have been a big fan. I am very excited to see the finality of the series coming with the first of the last three books this year (hopefully). I am also glad we will get to see how this ends soon. I am about to start the series over again so it will be fresh for me when the next book comes out.


I have been reading the news and such at dragonmount for a few years and decided to do a couple of posts. You guys have alot of intersting things being discussed here. Anyways, glad to be aboard.


Welcome to Dragonmount, Goramier!  I hope you have a great time participating in discussions and whatnot!  It's really interesting, I know.  :D


You should check out the Orgs of DM.  I really love the community and friendship you can feel there.  It's neat!


If you're interested at ALL in joining an Org, here are some you should check out:

The Band of the Red Hand Org

The White Tower Org

The Aiel Org

The Kin Org



I'm in the middle of my second re-read now; I think everyone's reading the books again to freshen their memories for when the next book comes out in November! :)


Anyway, welcome!  I hope you enjoy it here officially! :D


Welcome to DM!


Have a good sniff around the site and hopefully you will find a few things that will tickle your fancy. And if you do smell anything bad, it's only Empy's tutu.


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