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May I Help You? (Attn: Karigan)


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The day was still young when Aramina sur Dulciena made her way into the White Tower. Her morning had been enjoyable, a day away from her usual politics and preparations. Her eyes and ears reports were sitting on her desk waiting for her to review and pass on as she saw fit, but she was in no hurry. She'd picked up some items in the city today. A couple new dresses were being delivered later in the day and she had a bag with some exquisite jewelry she had found. Other small items she had needed were taken care of and her eyes and ears in the city had been visited and re-affirmed.


As she walked through the petitioner's area she noticed a young girl looking about. She seemed lost and uncertain. There were a number of reasons for a young woman to be in the White Tower but most came for one reason, to become Aes Sedai. She looked at the girl and wondered if that was what she was there for. She could either wait it out and see if the girl tested, or she could take it into her own hands. Aramina was good at being patient, but only when she needed to be. This was not one of those things.


"Is there something I can help you with?" Aramina asked the young girl.



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Karigan looked around. So this was the white Tower. It was huge, everywhere she looked there were people going about their busness. She had been accumpanied by Christien Sedai until they had arrived then she had gone off to attend her busness.

Sudddenly Karigan saw an Aes Sedai, walk up to her and ask. "Is there something I can help you with?"

Karigan replied "i"m here to be tested but the sister i was with has disapiered>"

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"I'm here to be tested but the sister I was with has disappeared."


Aramina nodded. Some Sisters seemed to think it was a test to make the young girls seek out the Mistress of Novice for themselves, as if wandering around the White Tower would make them understand how small they were and how little they knew. Aramina wasn't one of them. All it did was waste their time and send a Sister like herself to shuffle them off in the right direction. Even the Novices and Accepted had better things to do with their time when all it would take is a moment from the Sister who had brought her in. Well, it wasn't the first difference of opinion that Aramina would have with her Sisters and certainly wouldn't be the last.


"Then we need to see that you make it to the office of the Mistress of Novices." Aramina said in a clear voice. "Follow me." She said as she started walking through the Tower. Novices and Accepted curtsied as they passed. Aramina pointed them out. "Please remember to be respectful at all times as you see the others. In the beginning it is best to take your cues from the Novices around you. The girls with the banded hem are the Accepted and they have more freedom since they have been here long enough to know our ways and are no longer apt to hurt themselves." She explained as they walked. "The Aes Sedai that brought you here, did she test you before you came?"



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  • 2 weeks later...

Aramina nodded. "Then the Mistress of Novices will test you and see if you have the ability Child." She said as she walked quickly. "If you do, you will have much to learn."


A walk through the halls was normally refreshing to Aramina, a chance to gain a little perspective when she had spent too much time plotting and politicking in the silence of her own quarters. Today it seemed a distraction though, something to keep her from the tasks she had set herself at so long ago.


She stopped as she reached the Mistress of Novice's office. "This is the Mistress of Novice. She will be your guide in these years as you learn, if you are able." She knocked lightly on the door then and motioned the girl forward as the door opened.



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Countless times Faerzyne Grigory had glanced at the sun already, and before the day had ended, countless more times would be added to that. She sighed softly, and inclined her head a little, causing the little bells attached to her braids to tingle softly. Yet even the bells sounded a bit weary, as if they too suffered from a lack of sleep. The Mistress of Novices stifled a yawn, and turned her attention on the book of Novices again. Everything was recorded in there, after all. Everything that mattered at least. Last night another Accepted had ventured into the rings, and passed through them free of everything she had been before she became who she was now. In her fine handwriting Faerzyne made a note of the raising in the book of Novices. Today the girl would choose her Ajah, and her fate would become truly entwined with that of the Tower. Her choice was no secret to Faerzyne, the way very little that happened among the novices and accepted of the White Tower was a secret to her.


She closed the big book after she was done. The book looked a little old, but the preservation wards that were set on it worked well. It seemed as though it would never get full. Faerzyne had once paged through it, and found her own name, as well as that of the Mistress of Novices before her. It was interesting to learn how long some of her sisters had been here, and how long they had taken to get themselves raised. Wistfully Faerzyne peered at the sun again, only to find that it hadn’t moved a bit. The day was still young, and she would be tired and aching by the time it was done. Not that the work of the Mistress of Novices ever truly ended. There were wards on the door to the office that told her people were waiting in front of it. The wards would wake her, even if someone tried to sneak in when the night was at it’s darkest.


Just as she thought of the wards, a tingling sensation crept over her skin, telling her that someone was about to knock on her door. Soon enough the sound of knocking followed. The sound of a knock often told her a lot about who wished to enter. This was the hesitant knock of someome who came to her with a request. Faerzyne took a moment to school her expression into something a little less depressing than the look of fatigue she had had. “Enter.†She said, her voice calm and low as usual. The door opened as she channelled a thread of air to it. To whomever entered it might seem as magic. The young woman was dressed in clothing that suggested she was not of the Tower. Yet. Things might change soon. “My name is Faerzyne Sedai. I am the Mistress of Novices at the White Tower. How may I help you?â€


~Faerzyne Grigory

Mistress of Novices

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“My name is Faerzyne Sedai. I am the Mistress of Novices at the White Tower. How may I help you?â€

"I'm here to be the tested," Karigan replied. She was't sure what to do, all she had done was almost get lost in the Tower halls and now here she was about to take a test.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Faerzyne gestured to one of the chairs in front of her desk. They were uncomfortable, but that was for a purpose. After all, those who spent too much time in them would deserve the discomfort. Those who did not were merely reminded of the fact that they should not misbehave, in order to avoid the discomfort that came with the chairs. The young woman, who had identified herself as Karigan sat down. Faerzyne folded her hands in front of her on the desk, and studied the girl intently for a moment. Not that she could judge if the girl would be worth anything just yet, but at least she would be able to see how nervous the girl was. Those who were most nervous often were the ones who wanted it most.


Just as she had suspected, the girl had come to be tested, to see if she had been gifted with the ability that could potentially lead her to become an Aes Sedai someday. Many girls came through her office, and many of those were turned away, unable to learn to channel, their hopes of glory and power crushed. Would this girl be one of those? Or would she possess the ability? Only one way to find out. Faerzyne smiled reassuringly at the young woman, and opened one of the drawers of her desk. There was only one item in the drawer. A gray, clear gem that she had received from the former Mistress of Novices.


Slowly she rose from her seat, and walked to the other side of the desk. Though she was by no means the tallest Aes Sedai within the White Tower, she imagined that she must come across as being a giantess to the young woman sitting in the uncomfortable chair. She knelt in front of her, trying to relax the young woman a little. The test would be hard enough as it was without Karigan being terrified of her. “Clear your mind completely, and focus on the stone.†She said. The girl did, staring at the stone intently. Time passed, and Faerzyne worried that her arm would cramp up before the girl showed any sign of potential. Just as she thought there would be nothing, s light flickered within the stone. Faerzyne smiled, and rose again. As she walked back to her side of the desk, she imagined she felt the surprise in the eyes of the girl as they settled on her back.


“Congratulations, child. You can learn to channel.â€


~Faerzyne, MoN

OOC Sorry for the delay! I lost the link... :oops:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I passed. Karigan thought in shock. I can learn.This was a shock, she had been told that there was a possiblity but she had't let herself hope. For the first time in a long time she felt the thrill of excitement and adventure bloom inside of her.

After a few moments, she stared to smile, and looked to the mistress of novices to see what would happen next.

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