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Ah indeed


if this works as they claim it does, it's a 100% buy for me, as both my computers suck major balls and I've neither the money nor the computer smarts to constantly upgrade neither of them to fit up to day specs

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I read an article with the writer saying how much wishes it was possible it isn't, because each sever would be limited to one user at a time and the bandwidth to send the streaming feed would strain ISPs.

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  • Community Administrator

Nah it would work, IF a server can allow thousands of players to log onto it, and play the same game, its not impossiblef or houndreds of users to log on and play houndreds of different games over the net.


Hell, go to some hotels. They have these nifty little things they can put into the TVs, watch movies, and play GAMES (true they are only n64 games) all run on there internal servers, to ALL the rooms. So its not an impossibility.



you have to 'rent' out the gametime you would use.


I don't know about you, but I'm sure as hell not going to pay $1 an hour (or more) to play Crysis 5. >_<

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  • Community Administrator

Really? Did they actually say they were using that type of payment system?


Yea, rent games, rent the use of it, ect.

The actual device plugs into your tv/monitor/ect, and goes to your modem/router, and has 2 usb slots for keyboard/mouse/gamepad.

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