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*Enters in full ceremonial dress and cuts a sharp deep bow*


Greetings Aes Sedai,


    I am Corin Danveer of the Tower Guard. I come into your presence requesting your assistance in a series of RP's. There will be two separate RP threads that I would be honored to have your presence in.


  Corin Danveer for those of you who may not know him, was a shy trainee that under the watchful eye of a battle hardened sister became a player of Daes Dea'mar and a deep seated schemer. He was the prodigy of Sirayn Sedai while she was the head of the Green Ajah and continued to be an associate of sorts during her rein as Amyrlin. I would be more then happy to answer any question you have in the process of building out the RP with any information that would have been publicly known at the time.


  The story continues in that he also, after a rift formed between himself and Sirayn, found a friendship with a Grey sister named Lavinya Sedai. A freindship that furthered the rift. Again, I can answer question related to the subjects that you might deem necessary for the RP. Due to his relationship and a deep personal feeling for Sirayn (please see the update in his Bio), shortly after she disappeared from the Tower Corin left in search of her.


  He did not secure permission or a leave of absence to conduct his own private search for Sirayn and spent over a year traveling the various lands in search of her. After over a year searching he finally accepted the fact that he had failed her and began the return journey back to the Tower. This is where you come in if you are willing to assist me.


  I would enjoy having Corin found / caught / arrested (your choice) by a Aes Sedai, or delegation that happens to be out of the tower and on their way back(I am assuming they would have a guard / warder/ or group of either with them as their security detachment). I was envisioning that they would basically come across each other by chance (we can discuss this more with anyone interested.) For the entire run of both of these RP's I would ask only two things. Corin not be permanently maimed or killed. Other then that I give and encourage open writer creativity. Meaning feel free to act as you believe your character really would in this sort of situation. Coming across a deserter (for all intensive purposes) of the guard with known ties to Sirayn Sedai. Feel free to counsel him, or arrest him, perhaps just escort him, or even attempt to interrogate him. What ever you feel your character would do in this situation. Perhaps your character was a support of Sirayn when she was Amyrlin and believes Corin had something to do with her disappearance .... what ever you would like to play out is fine with me as long as Corin is not killed or permanently maimed and must be delivered to the Tower and the Commander of the Guard.


That is the first RP and would be played out where ever would work for your travels. The second would be played out in the yard. Once he is handed over to the Commander you may remain and play out any part of the ensuing conversation / fate decisions, or you may simply return to your rooms or duties at the Tower. Anyone not interested in the first RP is still welcome to jump in at any time in the second as it is held in the Tower grounds. Your only limitations would be set by the Commander and any restrictions he determines during this conversation or trail depending on what the Commander decides is warranted.


I would be honored to have any presence you are willing to offer in these RP's. Please feel free to contact me or post here with any questions you have and if you are willing to assist.


Thank-you for your time Aes Sedai. *Bows once more in perfect ceremonial form*




I would totally love in on this but I don't have a character that would fit the role. :(


Good luck finding a player! If you can't I can always snag one of the tower NPC's for the RP. :)


Don't hurt him too badly, leave some skin for Lavinya to strip from him ;)


I'll have to catch you online, I want to be in on the second rp if it works, or find some other way of discovering he has returned. Let me know if you have any thoughts. I'm looking forward to tracking these threads! :)


Ooh Jayde! The order! You have just given me a great idea to ponder! Plus, if an order member was involved Lavinya could potentially find out about Corin's return from her...eek too many ideas are flying around in my head lol. I'll just wait and see what everyone else does first I think :D


*peeks in*


   Oh .... now that sounds interesting ... Jaydena would definately have an interesting outlook on this ..... I certainly like the idea. :)


   Ummmm .... just watch what you tell the Grey ... she tends to be emotional. :p




Emotional? I've never heard you put it so politely ;). Just remember she's had some time to toughen up now, and Corin will be the seemingly delicate flower in need of a tender beating :D

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