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Governmental progression


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I didn't say either system sucks, but both systems are definitely better than feudalism.


I also know that the two systems aren't the only ones. I'm just asking you guys to name more systems and discuss what system would be most probable in post TG.


Part of the problem is that socialism and capitalism aren't really different systems, they're just differing levels of government regulation on the same system.  In Economics, there is a trend to refer to free market capitalism and social capitalism.  Both of them boil down to supply and demand and externalities.  The only difference is the amount the government attempts to control the externalities. 


Now, communism is a different system based on planned economies. 


Also, its worth noting that government and economy are different constructs, and you can have democtatic socialist societies, feudal capitalists, and so on. 

I didn't say either system sucks, but both systems are definitely better than feudalism.


I know you didn't, but I am.


Here's the guide reference from earlier.


p.41 - describing the world before the Bore "If the motivations for war and hate were removed, then so were the resultant activities."


p. 30 - also describing the Age of Legends "The people of this age had long since outgrown any interest in material wealth as a goal unto itself."  Therefore, "Status and honor were all-important and could only be gained through service to the community."


I don't think these statements describe anything resembling the condition of Randland now, and I don't see how any version of Tarmon Gai'don could bring them closer to those conditions.


Ok so the technology was greater than ours in the AoL?


We have to look at what the most probable outcome of TG would be, and then find out the most probable system that would be used after TG. Not that hard at all.


So socialism succeeds with a threat? You already have the threat of the Shadow so that means that socialism is possible then, or have I misunderstood something?


Rand has to make it real. If he dies without spreading the knowledge to others that survive then it's all gone with Rand.

No, socialism as described in theory can only succeed in a post-scarcity society as described in Star Trek or the Age of Legends. Where scarcity exists, socialism cannot, only a dark and twisted facisimile enforced through violence.


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