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Borderlands! Oh Borderlands! [Closed Class RP!]


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It seemed like a good idea at the time. Of course, the more that she thought about it, the more Cairma could see the flaws in offering to lead a group of Tower Guards and a few Aes Sedai into the blight and teach them the ropes. At first the thought was simple. Talk to them, explain the do's and don'ts, but some how even her logical mind concluded that no lesson like that could guarantee that what she taught sunk in with the students; Students, being a more figurative word. These were men and women that had earn their rank, and Light only knows how well they would follow directions.


It had been a good idea, at the time. Now, Cairma is wondering if she actually bit off more than she could chew. Saddling up Naran's harness and bit, she lead the horse already weighed down with her traveling gear and lead him to the north gate of the Tower that would lead them through Tar Valon and then to the North. Dressed in hard leather which was re-enforced with steel, Beast strapped to her back, two blades to her hips, a stave strapped to Naran and unnumbered daggers upon her person; Cairma still felt slightly naked knowing where they were going. Naked, bare, and no amount of preparation could have saved her from the previous visit to the north. Aran.


It was never the same. Sighing, Cairma pulled her shoulders back as those she was to lead entered and joined her party. Their faces were fairly grim; good. This was not going to be a fun trip. No drinking in taverns or sharing stories over campfires. Well, Cairma relented, at least not after they reached the Yard.


4 women, and one man. Unusual, but so long as Sandre did not try to play the hero with all these women, Cairma could live with these odds. Women tended to be a little more level-headed in her opinion. Although, with Lyssa the odds could tip in Sandre's favor. Not that she had a problem with Lyssa, she was just a little ... green. Cairma laughed inwardly, blights bite, they were all green.


"Listen up, all of you. If you don't know who I am yet, my name is Cairma Vishnu. None of this Mistress Vishnu service no matter what you hear up North. We are going on a little scouting mission and while we are there I am to teach you of the dangers of the Blight, what to expect and what to avoid. I have very few rules, but these rules are put in place for a reason. Should any of you choose not to follow them we will all be returning home." She eyed the Aes Sedai, "Rule one, you chose to seek study under me. Therefore I am in charge, and will act as the leader of this party. No heroics, no thwarting my authority, and absolutely no hesitation. When I give an order, you will not hesitate. You hesitate, you die.


"The blight is not a playground, and this isn't just some made up war game that you won't get hurt. I have seen a horde of Trollocs rampage and obliterate an entire Tower fortified and equipped to the nines just from the sheer volume of the opposition. We could be just as unlucky, and whether I doubt it could occur the reality of it is very real." Cairma mounted, with one swift fluid movement. "When you are ready, we will begin. Know that when we leave the boundary of Tar Valon you are mine."




Cairma Vishnu

GrandMaster of Tar Valon

Tower Guard



Ooc: Alright, Post arriving, leaving and travel. If you want to do anything on your way then now would be a good time to do it. Discussion posts are good, and I encourage it. I'll have the next post up once things start to slow, or in a week (whichever comes first). Interaction with Cairma is allowed. :D (You are also allowed to start your own thread if you want to hit up a tavern in the borderlands. We'll be here for a few months so by all means, cause some drama. I dare you. ;)

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Looking around while Cairma gave her instructions it occurred to Sandre that he was the only male in the group. (No way I am playing hero for all these women!) he thought and pulled a length of cloth from his plate bracer and inhaled the scent on it. It was Edana's. His only reminder of her that he had on this trip. It had not been easy to tell her. It was not her day off for training, nor did she get another before he had to leave. (She better behave.) he thought.


He was ready of course. Saddle bags bulging with gear and Heart, his war horse, was eager to be on with it. Among the things he carried was a small anvil as long as his forearm for any repairs anyone might need. He also brought dual scimitars in case he should have to face a fade. He didnt think it would shy away from his bastard sword but maybe two flaming scimitars would make it think twice.


Silently he just waited until everyone else was ready to be off.

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Melenis was looking her absolute best for the occasion. While she was obviously dressed for travel, she tried to radiate order as much as she could, as always drawing the majority of her confidence and strength from the weapon slanted across her back. Though she knew how to fight without it, courtesy of a number of lessons from a former Warder, she still very much preferred keeping the ashandarei close to her.


Already on her horse, she arrived at the agreed location, spotting one other person there. She greeted the both of them, listening to the rules Grandmistress Vishnu had laid out before them. As the most skilled person in their group, it made sense for her to be the leader even if she hadn't said it, but she knew it to be necessary in case someone was planning to play heroics under her leadership.


Another reason why she had volunteered for the trip was that she hoped to get a few pointers on weapon handling from Cairma. She had learned much from Kynwric, and was grateful for it, but she wanted some fresh views in her teachings so as to keep herself versatile as her skill with the weapon improved. The prospect of learning more about the creatures that had attacked a group she was in back during the pickup in Shienar was something she was looking forward to as well. She was going to be a Warder, she couldn't afford to be surprised at what the Dark One could (and most likely would) toss her way.




Prepared and ready, ma'm!

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Carelia looked at herself in the mirror one last time before leaving the White quarters and placing a ward on her rooms for the time she would be absent from the tower. She wore a forest green tunic over her brown riding skirt. The fit was loose on her practically shapeless form. She'd tied blond hair tight behind, making sure that the wind would not mess the curls too bad. It was bad enough to get the hair in order with the proper tools; she did not think that they would have much time on the road for her to untangle the locks.


Her white mare was already saddled and ready for the trip. Carelia placed the sword she had been practicing with in the scabbard by her waist and mounted the horse. The sword was practically a decoration. Carelia had learnt how to deal a few blows with it, fighting was not the reason she had joined this trip. She could defend herself with the One Power if need came to that, she desperately hoped it would not. Carelia did not believe in violence. She believed that life, and all life was equal. And hoped that this trip would shed some light in her beliefs, if they should come across some shadowspawn.


When she rode down to the others she noticed that she was the first Aes Sedai there. Only two of the Tower Guards and their leader Cairma was present already. Carelia greeted them all with a smile, and listened to Cairma give them the rules to the trip. Carelia was a young Aes Sedai, and inexperienced in her ways, barely 80 years she had not been out of the Tower that often, Only a few trips to the neighboring villages. Still hearing the woman Cairma call out that once they left Tar Valon, they were "hers" was a little irritating. Though Carelia had no interest to dispute the Tower Guards authority once they were on the road, she was sure that not all the women would feel that way.


The Blight. Blood and ashes, what am I doing here? she wondered to herself, but keeping her face just as calm and emotionless as possible. She did not wish to stand out any more than she was sure she already did, in her fragile body. No reason to let the others believe her to be coward as well.



~Carelia Noradien~

Sister of the White

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Lyssa snapped the buckles on her saddlebags clothes with a loud snap, it was final. She was on her way to the borderlands again and she had no idea how long it would be until she got back. Of course she had been a Tower Guard longer than some of the people on this trip, but she knew that you could never have enough training when it came to protecting the White Tower or Aes Sedai. The Borderlands was an even changing Beast that she wouldn't be caught in the jaws of if she could help it. Lys slung her saddlebags and bedroll over her shoulders and headed from her quarters, taking one last look at ther and Cairma's room. It would be an interesting few months, that was for sure. She headed out of the barracks, dressed in her black pants, crimson vest, white shirt, and TG cloak. Nodding to the Tower Guards she saw she made her way down to the gathering place and began to saddle her horse as the others started showing up. Jaydena had given her the horse not that long ago and they were just starting to get to know each other. In many ways the Aes Sedai had helped to replace the ache in her heart for the mother she had never really know. In fact she felt like the Aes Sedi was trying to spoil her since as far as Lys knew she had never had any kids of her own. In fact the woman had given her another gift last night and Lys wasn't sure where she was going to put all these things. The latest has been a wooden carving of herself weilding a sword, it was amazing and apparently Jade's first attempt at wood working. In addition she had been given several travel journals, writing paper, a really wonderful writing desk, and a bunch of other things she needed. Like Jaydena's hand made soaps, shampoos, candles, and so much more. The woman has also given her a box or two of her favorite sweet treats.


Shaking her head she laughed and turned as Cairma started speaking, "Listen up, all of you. If you don't know who I am yet, my name is Cairma Vishnu. None of this Mistress Vishnu service no matter what you hear up North. We are going on a little scouting mission and while we are there I am to teach you of the dangers of the Blight, what to expect and what to avoid. I have very few rules, but these rules are put in place for a reason. Should any of you choose not to follow them we will all be returning home. Rule one, you chose to seek study under me. Therefore I am in charge, and will act as the leader of this party. No heroics, no thwarting my authority, and absolutely no hesitation. When I give an order, you will not hesitate. You hesitate, you die." Lyssa nodded and tightened the cinch on her saddle as Cairma took a breath and continued speaking, "The blight is not a playground, and this isn't just some made up war game that you won't get hurt. I have seen a horde of Trollocs rampage and obliterate an entire Tower fortified and equipped to the nines just from the sheer volume of the opposition. We could be just as unlucky, and whether I doubt it could occur the reality of it is very real. When you are ready, we will begin. Know that when we leave the boundary of Tar Valon you are mine."


She followed Cairma's example and vaulted into the saddle of Farwalker. Walking the horse over she took up place next to Cairma and spoke, "Where would you like me, next to you, middle or in the flank Cairma?" She was the most experienced on the trip other than Cairma and she knew that Cairma used resourced wisely. Reaching out she put a quick hand to Cairma's arm and then waited for the other woman to answer her question. Cairma answered and she moved into the position and stayed where Cairma told her. It didn't take long for them to begin moving through the city and as she did she felt a feeling of homesickness. If the light were with her she would see her home again...


Lyssa Simeone


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[Time Passing between this post and the first post - 2 months]



A simple raised eyebrow to the Aes Sedai before turning to Lyssa's question. "Flank. I'll need you to watch over the rest and since I need to lead I'll need you to watch over the party. We can switch around until we reach the borderlands, so you don't have to stair at the back of heads the whole way. Does that sound alright?" They discussed a schedule as they cantered out of Tar Valon and left the beautiful gates and bridges of the white city. After they left, Cairma was quick to assign rotating duties to everyone that participated with watch responsibilities to all, including the Aes Sedai. It may seem unfair for an Aes Sedai to watch over the Guards as they slept, but in this journey Carelia Sedai was not an Aes Sedai but a pupil and would follow her rules. However, to make it fair she paired her with Sandre, and Lyssa with Melenis and the middle watch was hers alone. Cairma needed the least sleep and taking the middle watch would least effect her. The joys of being a mother, one learned how little sleep was really needed even if one was trained to barely sleep at all. Watch and patrol had nothing on screaming babies.


For the first week they established a fairly decent pace, a steady routine and casual conversation. Since they had the luxury of time, Cairma indulged them in a little lessons in culture through Arafel and stopped at a variety of Taverns instead of camping outside over night. She suspected Carelia was most appreciative of this, yet there was more to the indulgence than simply the beer and a few pitifully lost games of dice that she chose to stay. News of the Borderlands, the movement of Trollocs and unsafe area's were often readily available information to any that asked. Even the most vindictive Borderlander would not send travelers into hordes of Trollocs, not when there was still money to made. The benefits of traveling the area, Cairma knew a few by name and the information was still fairly sound, although it left her far more concerned then knowledgeable.


The Blight was quiet. This was pause for more then concern, and the truth of it left Cairma feeling colder in her toes than the ale in her hands. Hearing the laughter of Lyssa over a few protests at a distant daggers game, Cairma sipped her ale in silence. Was it wise to bring such inexperience into the Blight when all was silent? She did not know, but unfortunately she was to find out the hard way. She only hoped to prepare them the best she can for it. With luck, the Aes Sedai would be experienced enough to turn a battle in their favor. If not . . . Slamming back the ale, Cairma headed to bed for the night.


Tomorrow they were entering the Blight. Creator shelter them all.






"One of the more dangerous inhabitants of the Blight is a snake; more widely know as Sticks. These are venomous creatures that blend into its surroundings, and its bite lethal. Few survive its bite and those that do often lose limbs, skin or anything that has been bitten long before reaching the aid of healing." Cairma tossed a look to the Aes Sedai, "Let us hope that you are the last one bit." A smile on her lips. There was no need to be mean and over all the group was fairly friendly. "Over all the Stick is a pretty useless creature. Their venom can be harvested for lethal intentions but I wouldn't recommend eating them. Trust me a tried."


Looking over the group, "Alright, let us set up camp. We have a few hours before sundown and I want all of you familiar with the surroundings. I'll take care of the fire and make dinner tonight. Be sure to stay together, in your pairs if you wish. You have 2 hours before I hunt for your carcasses. Guards, Swords in hand at all times."




Cairma Vishnu



Ooc: Task if for your character to learn something new that he/she did not know when leaving the Tower. This can include Blight Knowledge, Knowledge of Arafel and some of their customs, or something of one of the participating players. Should you choose the last, I encourage you to take this opportunity to start your own thread as you either drink back Ale in the Afarel Taverns or hunt down something new in the Blight! :) Happy Hunting.


Perine, If you are interested in learning a few basics with the Sword, PM the Warders Staff for permission to gain WS. :) I'll gladly teach you the first few WS req's while out in the middle of nowhere. :D

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On a trip like this Sandre was proud to be a Kaldun and have the gift of memory that seemed to pass to the males. He had thus far said no more than a handful of words the entire trip, instead he was allowing his mind to absorb knowledge of the area. Land marks for navigation, terrain advantages he could use if needed, water holes, and of course hazards in the environment itself.


Carelia and himself had settled into a comfortable routine that allowed them to know what the other was going to do ahead of time and had even developed plans in the event they were separated to allow the group to find the lost more easily. He felt rather bad that he could not give her any privacy at all and even escorted her and checked areas before she could even do private business. She was not the first Aes Sedai he had been an escort for, however he was thankful she was much better company.


So far everything had gone smooth. He had played mentally challenging games with himself about how he would position and move armies or scout over the various landscapes. How he would set up ambushes. Pausing in his mental conditioning only long enough to every so often pull out the thin strip of silk and inhale the scent on it. It had only been a couple months but it felt like forever when you missed someone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lys reined her horse in who was a bit frisky this morning, she hadn't know that she would love riding horses this much but it felt like she was born to have such a fine horse. "Flank. I'll need you to watch over the rest and since I need to lead I'll need you to watch over the party. We can switch around until we reach the borderlands, so you don't have to stair at the back of heads the whole way. Does that sound alright?" She nodded and they continued walking through the city, she had everything she needed of course, so she didn't need to stop anywhere. She gazed around at the buildings, so beautiful and like nothing you would see anywhere, you saw her favorite sweets shot which was shaped like a giant spiral, on the other side was a herbal shop that was shaped like a start fish. The variety of the buildings was just awe inspiring, in addition the stones they had used were not something she had used before, the buildings glimmered like jewels in the morning sunlight. This city was so different than the farm she had grown up in outside of the capital city of Andor. She smiled and wondered what was up with her family this day, it had been years since she had left home, idealistic and so very young. Her brother had been her companion and they had set up to be an Aes Sedai and a Gaidin, only things hadn't worked out that way. She had tested to be a Novice and had learned that despite the fact that her Mother or rather her "Aunt" as everyone had know was a Green Sister, she couldn't channel. So she had set out and decided that if she couldn't be a Novice she would become a Gaidin to her Mother. That hadn't worked out either, her Mother had vanished not long ago with no word, and before that her brother had turned out to be the one who could channel and had tortured their Mother and ended up being killed. She shook her head at that though and looked back around her again.


She turned back to Cairma as she realized the woman had begun to speak, they had been making time while she had been musing on the differences between her childhome and Tar Valon. They spent time discussing a schedule and kicked their horses up into a canter as they left the gates of their home. In fact it had become her home over the years, she couldn't imagine doing anything else. Cairma moved from person to person and set duties for each of them. Lys was used to what came with guard duty and with traveling so she wasn't surprised at all. They moved quickly that day and settled in for the night, she helped cooked the meals when needed, they were staying mostly and Inns and Taverns since the Tower was funding this trip. She wouldn't have minded staying in tents if needed, she had done it before. They made their way into Arafel where the people were so different from where she had grown up. Time passed quickly and before she knew it she had become used to the constant traveling, the Inn, the taverns, the time in the saddle. Her body morphed and she was no long saddle sore and could vault into the saddle at the end of the day. Finally they reached the Blight, they stopped at a tavern and she spent time with the trainees and everyone on the trip. She tossed daggers and joked with everyone when she won time and again, she after all had been a Guard a long time. That night she headed up to bed, Cairma had left for the night already, she placed a hand on the woman's door as she walked past and decided it was to late to check in with her that night.


The next morning the got up, ate breakfast, checked their supplies before leaving the small town and headed out. They made good time and before long Cairma stopped them and began speaking, "One of the more dangerous inhabitants of the Blight is a snake; more widely know as Sticks. These are venomous creatures that blend into its surroundings, and its bite lethal. Few survive its bite and those that do often lose limbs, skin or anything that has been bitten long before reaching the aid of healing. Let us hope that you are the last one bit." The woman threw a look at the Aes Sedai and then smiled before she continued, "Over all the Stick is a pretty useless creature. Their venom can be harvested for lethal intentions but I wouldn't recommend eating them. Trust me I tried." Lys chuckled and waited for the woman to finish, "Alright, let us set up camp. We have a few hours before sundown and I want all of you familiar with the surroundings. I'll take care of the fire and make dinner tonight. Be sure to stay together, in your pairs if you wish. You have 2 hours before I hunt for your carcasses. Guards, Swords in hand at all times." She nodded and paired up with her partner who she had gotten to know well over the time they had been together. They headed out into the woods, and began to get used to the surroundings they would be dealing with. She kept her eyes constantly open for attack, for even the smallest things like a strange leaf or bird. Anything could be watching, this was the Borderlands after all. They made their way in a circle around the campsite, securing the area. She carefully gathered some nuts that she knew were safe, and some herbs, tubors, etc that she wasn't sure of. They made their way back to the camp and she approached Cairma. "Do you know anything about the herbs around here, I was thinking of making a poltice, I noticed that one of the trainees has a bee sting earlier. Any idea if this can be used for that, it looks a lot like the herbs back home that I use." She smiled and then handed Cairma the roots she had dug up as well, "This looks like a edible root, any idea if we can use it for dinner tonight, if we can I will go find some more."


Lyssa Simeone


OOC- Cairma want to start another thread with the two of them?

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ooc. So sorry for a late post.


ic. "Let us hope that you are the last one bit." Carelia heard Cairma say and the tower guards around her chuckled. Such cold humor would have made her teeth grind normally but at this point she was too exhausted to care. Though the exhaustion and sore muscles that had been her torment in the beginning of the journey had quieted down. She had almost gotten used to the idea of sleeping out of towns, with just a tent or worse nothing for cover of rain. Almost, but not quite. Not a day went past that Carelia did not curse her upbringing and hope that she would have broken more of his fathers rules while growing up, perhaps she would have been more prepared for the hardship of the journey. I signed up for this freely, she reminded herself. Nobody forced me; I've only got myself to blame.


She had been paired with Sandre, the only male on the trip. And even though she knew that all the Guards were well versed in the tasks, she felt a little better at this. No doubt Cairma had paired them up just for this reason. She was an Aes Sedai after all, and it did not take a genius to realize that she was not custom to these outings. And to her surprise and she worked well with Sandre. Their routine was in order and for some times she was sure that the man could read her thoughts, he followed though on them just so precisely. But of course that was not the case, nor was working with him all the time pleasant. She had been forced to argue her point of keeping her private business... well private. But she'd lost that argument. And after mulling over she realized that there had been no point for her to argue in the first point. They were all creatures of the Creator. They were all equal and all the same even if they did not look that. She made a note to study the shells that they all called bodies. Was it anything more but a shell to hold and cover their souls?


But no matter how much Careila had read about the Blight, it had still come as a surprise. The bareness of it all. She'd spotted one of those snakes that had humored the Guards, and knew well why it was called Stick. She had not spotted it out of the barren tree until the tree branch was so close she could make out the eyes. She'd jumped out of the direct closeness of the tree, even though the snake had still been too far away to strike her. Such a cruel world, and painful sights. How the Creator must weep to see his world thus polluted. And it was never-ending, or so it seemed. Nothing but the dreary warm air that blew with the wind, and the dead trees and plants. Though not all the trees were dead even though they looked it. It was hard to distinguish the living from the dead. And as she looked at the group around her moving slowly forth, she felt like she was watching a group of spirits roaming the Blight. The thought made her shiver; her imagination was running away with her. She needed to get a control on herself, or be thought a fool by the rest of them.


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OOC: And not even the latest poster, at that <.<




Melenis traveled mostly in silence, wondering as well as preparing for what they were going to face in the Blight. Though she came from Far Madding herself, she had had some advance experience in the Borderlands, and with the information she had gleaned from there -- as well as valuable combat experience against Trollocs -- she had a decent idea of what the Blight was supposed to look like. The Void gave her an emotionless face, which surprisingly enough fit in well with the Aes Sedai in the party, though her own concerns meant she dared not drop the Void as she recognised the road to Shienar from her survival lessons. What a disaster that had been.


When they reached the Blight however, she was glad she had decided to focus on keeping the Void wrapped around herself like a cloak. Even then, the smell of the place assaulted her nostrils, movement of twisted shapes pounding on the mental barriers keeping her concentration intact. Without realising it, she scowled at the aberration that was the Blight, the sickening scar on the Earth that told of a wound close by, a wound carrying the name of Shayol Ghul.


Her ashandarei in hand, she moved through the brush, watching for movement. It was only when she felt something catch on her trousers that she looked down, finding a small branch caught at around ankle height. Thinking nothing of it, she tried to shake it off, but it didn't seem to let go so she reached down and tried to unhook it that way. She had gone down halfway when she noticed something that made her freeze on the spot: The creeper was actually trying to twist around her ankle, ensnaring her.


Moving up, she pulled on her leg as hard she could, ashandarei already twirling in an attempt to pick up speed in case the creeper would be more durable than expected. With one clean cut, the vine was severed and a pus-like substance started dripping out of the severed thing. Carefully picking it up, she unwound it from around her ankle before heading back to camp, so that she could show it to Cairma. Hopefully it wasn't poisonous though.




Defeated a wild bush

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Ooc: Jehaine, if you wish to learn herbs, just start a new thread and we can go from there. Although i'm going to have to actually research a few to teach *laughs*.. figures.



[Timeline: Same Night]



The fire shone brightly in the starkness of the dark, lighting the path as Cairma and Lyssa returned to the campsite. It was about time to put out the fire and curl up for the night. Her and Lyssa had had a rather long conversation that left Cairma feeling rather quiet yet at the same time full of thoughts worse than she dared admit to. It took a long time to put up the walls that she supported and even deep meaningful conversations poked holes into the pains that she hid. How could such pain continue to exist? Had she not already paid the price? Sighing to herself, Cairma looked over the group, some looking more tired than others.


"You can all settle out tonight," She said aloud. "I'll take the night watch tonight. This is a relatively quiet area so I suspect we won't be bothered." She said. Occasionally she took the whole night watch, meaning the next day the travel was slower but preferred by everyone. She pushed them as much as she dared yet at the same time made sure that each got a full nights rest once a week. She planned to do it the night after but with the train of thoughts plaguing her mind Cairma thought better of it. Watching bedding rolls unwrap and Sandre put out the fire, Cairma took a moment to walk the parameter. Noting the paths of her group that had come and gone, she also noted tracks of creatures, or lack there of that had passed through.


Cairma scowled for a moment as she paused in silence, hearing what little conversation existed in the distance from camp and what else filtered in the air. The hair stood up on the back of her neck as something no longer felt right, felt safe. The tracks, every last one of them was running towards the direction of the camp, where they should be moving away from it. Something... something was out there, and they were waiting. Cairma's trained eyes tried to pierce the darkness as her steps slowly took a step back, step, steps towards the camp and the others. Her hand slowly drawing out Beast from its massive sheath on her back. The ssssssss of metal could be heard far off, so close was it to the sound of a Stick that Cairma hesitated.




"TROLLOCS!" Cairma yelled, turning back with her Beast firmly in her hand. Racing she ran into the camp to get each one up and swords ready; praying the numbers were few. "Get Up, swords ready! Carelia Sedai, stay close to any of the Guards, Every one up Now! Stay behind me and protect the Aes Sedai!"


Turning back to where she came from she could see the swing of the first trolloc. Bringing her sword up, she dismembered the beast from its sword and moved her blade down against its head. The Trolloc landed on the ground long after Cairma moved to the next. Counting twenty, she barked out orders for others, too busy cutting them down to check that everyone was up and doing the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: Actually, she just wanted to know if she poisoned herself or something, but herbs class works too ;D




Melenis was up in a second, the weapon that never strayed far from her side in her hands as the shout of Trollocs still hung in the air. Not for the first time she wished she had had the same Shadowspawn sense the Aes Sedai had, but it was no use regretting what couldn't be helped. She couldn't channel, and thus had trained to be the weapon herself.


She took up a position next to Cairma to prevent the Trollocs from flanking her, and form a defensefor the Aes Sedai to work their magic behind the line the two of them would create. The first Trolloc came, and she simply let it impale itself on her weapon. Momentum pushed the corpse towards her, and she sidestepped, weapon twisting in her hands to keep herself from losing her balance.


A second Trolloc followed close behind the first, attempting to cach in on the moment it took her to retrieve her weapon. Her Warder training kicked in then, the countless months she had spent working on her Forms making her react even before it occurred to her from within the Void. Arc of the Moon to deflect the sword aimed at her head with the ashandarei's counterweight. Momentum threw the dead Trolloc off of the blade, and she continued the weapon's movement as she herself completed her spin, flowing on into Tower of Morning to split open her opponent's chest.


Next to her, Cairma was killing Trollocs at a speed that made her appear clumsy and uncontrolled, but within the Void she did not notice. There was her, and there were enemies, and her allies would provide openings for her like she would provide to them in turn. That was the essence of battle, and she felt at the center of it.




Is a leaf in the wind

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Lyssa followed Cairma back into the campsite and began to prepare for the night ahead. Who knew what the night would bring so she would be as prepared as she could be. She wouldn't let the memories that had surfaced after her walk with Cairma or the renewed sense of friendship and joy determine how she dealt with the night ahead. The pain at the loss of a dear friend and the love she had wanted to share had also renewed with their conversation and that was something she most certainly did not want to deal with at this point in time. She looked the fire which was burning brightly The fire shone brightly in the starkness of the dark, her thoughts deep and conflicting. A part of her still wanted to hate Cairma and another part wanted to just let go of it once and for all. He couldn't come back to them and he had chosen Cairma over here, her love had not been enough to hold him. She glanced up from the fire as Cairma called out from next to her, "You can all settle out tonight, I'll take the night watch tonight. This is a relatively quiet area so I suspect we won't be bothered." She nodded at Cairma and then pulled out her bedroll and checked the area where she was going to lay it down for bugs or sticks of any kind. Laying her blankets atop the bedroll she went to check on her horse and see if there was anything left of dinner.


After finding something to eat and feeding her horse she sat down on her bedroll and began to write in the journal that Jaydena Sedai had given her when she reached Tower Guard rank. The woman had given her a huge supply of the thick journals to take with her on trips. For some reason despite the push of the day she was to keyed up to sleep. So she kept the small candle close to her, and her sword next to her.

'I am not sure how to feel, Cairma and I spoke of Aran today. Thoughts of him, of the things he had gone through, the pain he had endured, and the man he had become continue you plague me. I fear I will not sleep at all this night, and that is not something I need. A part of me is telling me I need to be alert and aware of everything around me on this day. Something blows on the wind, a awareness of darkness. Mayhaps it's just the Borderlands but I fear it is not. Hopefully it is nothing but an overactive imagination after a intense emotional experience, that is what I am going to bank on. Enough of that though, today we traveled hard....' Her pen scratching on the paper was cut off by the loud sound of a sword being drawn from a scabbard in the darkness and silence of the night. She was the only one awake other than Cairma as far as she knew and Cairma wasn't one to idly draw her sword to play with it. Suddenly screaming pierced the night, "TROLLOCS!" Lys jumped up from where she sat with her sword already in her hand, her draggers were still at her side, as was the large boot knife inside her boot. Cairma came running into the camp and began screaming, "Get Up, swords ready! Carelia Sedai, stay close to any of the Guards, Every one up Now! Stay behind me and protect the Aes Sedai!" Others straggled from their bedrolls, grabbing their swords or chosen weapons, some looking around in confusion and Cairma took out the first one. "You heard her, your trained now act like. Their our enemy, help our leader." She moved forward and took position next to the Aes Sedai that had come from her tent. A large wolf nosed Trolloc with hooves came at her and she quickly removed it's head from it's shoulders, as it feel she kneeled and gutted a second one climbing over the first on it's knees. She spun as another came up behind them and engaged that one in a quick battle of swords before she dispatched it. Glancing around she checked to see how many more there were, she could see several more fighting with the trainees and Cairma was fielding two at the same time. She had killed three herself but in a battle like this is was hard to know how many there were. Turning to the Aes Sedai she spoke, "Carelia Sedai, are you harmed in any way?" When the Sister shook her head, she nodded and spoke again, "Stay close to me, I don't want to lose you this night."


Lyssa Simeone

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  • 2 weeks later...

The trip so far had been less than pleasing. He had shook a scorpion out of his boot as he woke up one morning and found a poisonous snake under his breast plate when he went to put it on another morning. Now, when he wasnt bathing or in a building of some sort he was wearing armor. It chaffed badly when you tried to sleep in it but he also found that wearing it was better than digging out the eggs of some strange parasite fly here. It was hot which only made it worse in armor. He was laying on his blanket rather than in it but still had a thin veil cloth over the upper half of his body so the flies couldnt get to him while he slept.


One of the horses stepped on a twig which only made a horse nearby it whinny in fright. Even the animals were nervous here. After a second twig snapped this time from who knows where, Heart, his horse, leaned down and bumped Sandre with his nose, which knocked Sandre off his blanket. He frowned at the animal. It was only supposed to do that when someone approached the camp but the night wasnt revealing any visitors. It suddenly struck Sandre what it could it be. He reached his sword by his blanket just as Cairma shouted.


The sword by random chance was now tangled in the veil. Heart however used his back legs to kick the first Trolloc to approach sending back a few feet. It would be questionable on if that one would get up again. With a rip of the veil the sword came free and came up to remove the head of the first charging Trolloc in a swift motion. As ichor began to pour on his bed Heart he noticed had a battle of his own going with a very unhappy Trolloc the horse had previously kicked. As everyone backed into a circle with the Aes Sedai in the middle it turned into a game of parry and thrust with the next Trolloc to charge him. You couldnt dodge in a circle as that would mean the death of a friend nearby. However they couldnt surround you with as many numbers this way either. It felt like forever but in seconds the second Trolloc was on the ground. Heart was eating his grain again already. "Show off." he said to the horse which huffed at him in response.


OOC I assume we were ending the battle after a couple kills?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ooc: Totally changed my mind cause I need the finished but August 10th. However, 'my' requirement is probably completed for this anyway. All about the fun after all. <3



The battle was quick, but hard considered painless. There were a few cuts and bruises on her own arms, and the most serious injury on their side seems to be a but of bruised pride for a wrong move, a twisted ankle and possibly a dislocated shoulder, although most weren't talking about their injuries. They were all pretty silent as they surveyed the night floor and the bodies around them. Trollocs had that horrible unwashed smell, and when mixed with blood -was that the smell of singed hair from the fire??- the night was growing restlessly warm and uncomfortable. At least they could take pride that they won. Walk with the pride as the battle was done.


Stepping over a body, carefully of the spikes protruding from its shoulder, Cairma looked over them for a moment before speaking. "Well, that was unexpected. Well done, all of you." The praise rare but well deserved. "We won't be staying the night as clearly our position has ben... made known." There was a snicker somewhere. Cairma didn't bother to pinpoint who. "Take a moment to study these. I hope you will never have to come close to a Trolloc again, but I want you to be at least knowledgable to describe them and their various types. What makes them different from other Trollocs. What is the name of a group of Trollocs this size. Study what you can and I will question you once we get to our destination. There is no reason to linger longer than we have to."




Cairma Vishnu


Ooc: Study the Trollocs. First to post decides what 'type' they are. Write us arriving at the Tower and then Cairma asking her questions. After that we can head home! Whee!


Wonderful job, all of you!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: I am, but i'm kind of reluctant to post returning to the Tower in case anyone wanted to spend more time here so i was waiting on the first other person to do so, then 'mirror' my post accordingly.


Guess we all had the same idea...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lyssa protected the Aes Sedai with her life and soon they had dispatched the Trollocs. They lay in pieces around their campfire, their blood soaking into the ground and turning it Black with it's stink. She stood panting and looked around, making sure that everyone was accounted for, though she could see Cairma doing the same near her. Checking her body she noticed a few cuts and feared the a bone in her foot was broken from kicking a Trolloc away from her legs. She turned to the Aes Sedai and started as the woman reached out and gently touched her forehead with both hands. A cold rushed over her and she felt her cuts knitting together. It had to be one of the strangest feelings she had ever felt and no matter how many times it happened you never got used to it. She thanked the woman and turned as Cairma began to speak, "Well, that was unexpected. Well done, all of you. We won't be staying the night as clearly our position has ben... made known." Someone snickered at Cairma's words and Lyssa didn't bother looking around to see who had done it, not she would have known. Tower Trainees learned early not to reveal themselves when they had done something the Commander wouldn't like.


"Take a moment to study these. I hope you will never have to come close to a Trolloc again, but I want you to be at least knowledgable to describe them and their various types. What makes them different from other Trollocs. What is the name of a group of Trollocs this size. Study what you can and I will question you once we get to our destination. There is no reason to linger longer than we have to." Lyssa approached the Trollocs and began to look them over, right away she noticed that they all had a pile of human skulls somewhere on their person. Either a belt buckle, on their spear handle, or on their shirts. That alone identified them as members of the Ghar'ghael Band. They all seemed to have beaks of some kind on their face but there were a few that had pigs snouts or human faces with no animal features. She turned back to Cairma and spoke, "They are Ghar'ghael Band I believe Cairma." She looked back down at the Trolloc at her feet and than moved off to begin packing for the return trip, not that she had taken much out."


Lyssa Simeone

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