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Hey folks, sorry for disappearing without notice (and for so long as well).


VERY quick summary of whats gone wrong so far.


1) House flooded from pipe upstairs. Lost bed, loung, computer, tv, surrounds system, the lot.

2) Grandmother admitted to hospital after a fall.

3) Grandmother nearly had her leg amputed because of bloodclot/swelling.

4) After No#3 was solved, bowel problem caused her stomach to swell like a 8-month pregnecy.

4) Still waiting on insurance to replace items damaged in flood 3 weeks after the fact.

5) Grandmother still not doing well

6) Add into all that work has been flat out and a bitch in general, its been kinda busy.



Apart from all that I'm back. :) I'll get working on that Jarron post ASAP as well. I know there are a few folks going off the walls waiting for the response. Sorry again guys! PM me if you need anything. :D


I'm so sorry to hear about this, Covai!  :( *huggles*


Glad to have you back, though.




'Ey Covai, beautiful post, and glad to have you back.


I think I'll refrain from hugging you though, less your into that sorta thing.  ;)


HAHA figured something was up, good to have you back...take as much time as you need.


Your absence simply forced us to dust off other chars and actually do something with them ;D

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*flops down and pull Covai close for a snuggle and some cookies* I am sorry about your grandma hun!! and the flooding!  :-\ *gives more cookies* I am glad you are back.

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