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Wanting to play with the Warders....


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Hey there!  *waves*


I never got bonded with my ancient Brown, Claire...and I have always regretted it.  Now I have two brand spanking new Aes Sedai and want to maybe get to know some TG's with them! Here are my girls:


Gianna su Riatin, Blue Aes Sedai, Cairhienin, 53 years old in the main plotline.  She's a deep one, and has a slightly tragic background that she is doing her best to overcome.  She also has a serious vendetta against her uncle Toram that needs to be resolved in a violent manner. ^^  Her bio is here: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,39033.0.html'>http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,39033.0.html


Cetaile din Lenaara, Grey Aes Sedai, Sea Folk, 45 years old in the main plotline.  She is gruff and very secretive about her heritage, which will probably be thrust into the open soon during the Bowl of Winds RP which she is going to be in.  Her bio is here: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,39033.0.html


Anyways, I am hopeful that maybe some TGs or Trainees would like to RP with either one of them!  ^^





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I would be up for a RP with Sandre though I am not sure I am looking to bond him. However if they are Tower Guards or Trainees he has interacted with before he could certainly help your AS decide if they  would be compatible... he was kind of popular with the new guys in the yards lol.

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