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Standing outside of the archery range with his old bow that he had spent the last night cleaning up and adding a new string to, and some arrows that he had picked up shortly before arriving Burgandy waited for Lt. Rurak, who had offered to re-train him in the use of the bow. This is going to be interesting, with his hands all bundled up as they are. No demonstrations for me, but that should be ok, since I used to be good with these things once.


Bored, as Burgandy had arrived a bit early to make sure that he didn’t miss the Lieutenant, he leaned against a fence post and started examining the arrows to see which ones were good or bad. He figured that he may not be much of a shot anymore, but at the very least he should hopefully be able to tell which arrows were worth shooting.


Saira arrived at the practice field with the bow she had had with her since the first time she had recieved archery training. It wasn't a very large one, looking like a boy could have drawn it, but considering her build it wouldn't even be that far off. After looking around for a minute to see who would all be attending this lesson, she noticed Burgundy leaning against a fence post a bit further off, and walked towards him.


- "Hi, did you come for archery training? Rurak told me to be here as well, to help him show stuff since i've had this class before. I'm a bit nervous though, it feels like a test of sorts for me. He isn't here yet?"


Looking around again for Rurak, she noticed that he hadn't yet arrived since the last time she had looked... twenty seconds ago. Overly fidgeting, and suddenly stopping every time she noticed herself fidget, it wasn't hard to see that she was feeling a bit on edge for being evaluated, but chances were she was ready for it. If not, why would Rurak have called her out here? Right?


- "So umm... You ever shot a bow before? Heh."




Exam stress


He saw Saira walk over to him looking kind of nervous, though she quickly explained why before he had a chance to open his mouth.


"Hi, did you come for archery training? Rurak told me to be here as well, to help him show stuff since i've had this class before. I'm a bit nervous though, it feels like a test of sorts for me. He isn't here yet?"


Smiling a little he wondered what the story was behind the young woman, for her to end up in the Band, and to be so nervous around Rurak, he didn’t think it was entirely the archery testing that was doing it.


“Yes, I did come for the archery training with the Lieutenant actually,” Burgandy responded, keeping his tone light in hopes to sooth her a bit, “I haven’t seen him yet, as I’m sure you’ve noticed already. “


"So umm... You ever shot a bow before? Heh." Jehaine asked, clearly still nervous.


“I have actually, many a times… long years ago though. I’m so badly out of practice that I probably couldn’t hit the side of the citadel if it sat still for me.”



rurak strode back onto the old archery range. He'd been avoiding this place, but for some strange reason burgundy had wanted to take more training from him even though he couldn't shoot. Well at least the man had said he'd already had some experience with the bow. Hopefully all he'd have to do is correct stances and give some tips, then train him some in group archery.


As he came up to the grounds, he found saira and burgundy standing there talking. Good, she'd gotten the message to meet here. He figured it was time to build some confidence for saira, and what better way to do that than to teach someone else something? They seemed to be chatting amiably, but then Rurak noticed that Saira was acting a bit odd around burgundy. A little jumpy it seemed, more so than normal since saira hadn't seemed to have much confidence to begin with. Come to think of it she'd been pretty strange around them when they were doing hand to hand sparring practice the other day. Maybe burgundy was moving a little too fast for someone so new to the band, making unwanted advances towards her. He'd have to watch for that.


"Private Burgundy, glad to see you made it"

Rurak said with a little extra bark to it. Well...maybe he should have dialed his tone back, looks like he'd gotten a little protective of saira. Maybe that's what had made him dive in front of that fireball.

"You seem to be eying those arrows like you know how to use those, so let's see you put that bow of yours to use. Let's just start you out firing a few rounds down the range and see how you do it."


Saira still seemed a little jittery so he softened his tone a bit for her.

"Alright saira, basically I'm just going to observe here. You remember everything I taught you last time? You been practicing?" He got a silent nod out of that. Did he intimidate her that much? "Well, I want you to look over burgundy's form and correct any mistakes that you see, if you miss anything I'll be here to correct things as needed. You'll also be my 'demonstrator' since I still can't handle a bow as of yet, now go on, grab your bow and show him up."

Rurak, reading things the wrong way  :)


Saira nodded hesitantly before taking the bow off her back, and putting a fresh drawstring on it. Given that Burgundy had mentioned having shot a bow on previous occasions, she figured she could assume he would already know how to take care of one. Just to be on the safe side though, she made sure he could see what she was doing.


Looking at the target, she nocked an arrow and raised her bow according to the distance between her and it. She released, and the arrow sailed towards the target nicely, landing almost in the center. She had been practising quite a bit, it would seem, as there was a gap in skill that almost seemed like day and night between her last lesson and today. She still said little though, simply nodding at Burgundy to have him shoot an arrow and repeat her feat.


She'd tell him what his mistakes were after he'd seen the results for himself, it was always easier to point out errors if the person you were pointing them out to was aware that he was doing it wrong.




Are you doing it wrong?

  • 2 months later...

Standing a little to the side to give Saira room, Burgandy watched as she drew back her bow and loosed, the arrow almost hitting dead center. Mildly impressed at her skill, Burgandy stepped up to take his shot after the girl nodded to him. Nocking the bow he got into the appropriate stance, and aiming, Burgandy realised that he was having trouble judging the distance. It had clearly been far too long since he’d fired a bow. Drawing it back he felt his arm tremble, indicating a lack of strength, that surprised him, he obviously needed to focus on strengthening up his arms a bit.


The tremble obviously was going to be a problem with both drawing the bow and aiming the arrow. He lined up the shot and loosed, and watched as the arrow sailed wide and too high. Not even close to the target, this was going to be long.  Looking to Saira and Rurak, he waited in silence for them to critique him.


  • 3 weeks later...

Rurak quirked an eyebrow at Burgandy. "You call that shooting? Light, I can train just about any recruit to shoot better than that, but I think you already know that. Alright, saira, get back up to the line and take a few more shots. Burgundy, I want you to watch more closely every part of her movements and tell me what you see. Whatever you miss she can explain in more detail, then if she misses anything I'll cover the last."

Saira nodded and headed up to the line, nervously Rurak thought. Well, it was a bit of pressure but he was confident, after all, he had taught Saira himself and if he did say so himself he was one of the best shots in the band. Rurak could tell from the first draw that she still remembered everything, bow held low and drawn up as the back hand drew the string so that you didn't waste any of the strength. Fist held right behind the jaw, nose to the string. Breathing pattern good, hold right before the loose. Feet in the right position. Hmm...bow raised a bit over an inch and a half. Must have misjudged the distance on that one. Pause to make sure everything is steady and...loose. The arrow landed high but that was to be expected. She'd had trouble with that one for a while. Only way to fix that was to have pre-measured distances set up so that you could know exactly how far away things were to be able to judge better. He'd spent a while having her gauge distances. He still every now and then asked her how far away things were to make sure she could judge things right. She seemed embarassed, probably because she had misjudged, and this time her bow was at the proper 1 inch for a target at 100 yards and the next three arrows landed in a tight grouping about an 1/8 inch across. Good.


"Well, what did you see from that Burgundy?"


OOC: Okay, go ahead and have Burgundy post a few things that he sees, then saira can cover whatever else he doesn't see. Feel free to roleplay my character for anything if you have to.

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