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The Assault on Tar Valon (and Perrin's battle plan)

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when mins vision involved the falcon and hawk on each of perrins shoulders..it was pretty evident shortly there after the Faile (which means falcon) is the falcon and Berelain the Hawk as addressed by her coronet of a hawk in flight...now that was mins vision, but I tend to think that the themes between the visions and dreams of all the parties involved pretty much stay on the same lines. So I was just saying the raven is the sign of the seanchan and as far as the main character represented by the raven it would be Tuon to my way of thinking.

i never foresaw what tar valon would be worth when fighting for it. sure, it's pretty ogier handicraft but other than what is held in the stores below - any variations of angreal - is there anything about that particular piece of land that makes an aes sedai what she is? i don't think so and evidence of any women that channel around the "world" with no links to tar valon support this.

unless there is something truly powerful hidden, and worth killing thousands over, it is just a piece of real estate.


According to the BWB, before the White Tower the AS in Randland were not united. According to the BWB, AS who did not ally themselves with the Tower (just started being built) were hunted down and stilled for "claiming to be Aes Sedai." Before the Three Oaths the Tower is what kept the women in check. The Aes Sedai would have to answer to the WT if they abused their power. And after the 3 Oaths the AS still depended on the Tower for income, protection, and Authority.


In Seanchan, there was no White Tower like alliance. So the AS where in small groups fighting each other. The common people had a AM philosophy, they expected each day to be their last. Those women are why the Seanchan hate and fear the White Tower. They think the Randland AS are the same as the Seanchan were. But, because of the Tower, the People of Randland have some guaranteed rights when dealing with AS.

I do not think there will be a battle for Tar Valon with the Seanchan. Rand will not let them. Besides it is supposed to be the last book. To much will have to happen. such a campain will cover many chapters. No space for it...


The attack is already underway... we've seen various Seanchan planning it, visions from Egwene predicting it, and raken scouting Tar Valon.

Guest Harso

Someone up there mentioned a guide after calling the crystal throne a ter'angreal, maybe i'm new and dumb but . . . what guide?

Guest Harso

thanks. I had forgotten about that. I had heard of it before.

  • 3 weeks later...

has anyone else thought that dragonmount seems to be getting more active as the books go on?now that would be cool,dragonmount erupting, killing egwene and flattening tar valon.its obviously not going to happen, i know,but i really am hoping for a spectacular egwene death!


but yes,i think we're all bloodthirsty for a huge battle in tar valon,thats one of the reasons i hate egwene,she stopped gareth starting it:evil:


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