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A sorrowful return~ Atten: any and all who want to join


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"I am doing the best I can considering." Elyssa didn't know what else to say. She hadn't been back in the tower for so long it was hard for her to see what had become of her ajah. There was hardly anyone in the halls and the First Selector looked as though she hadn't slept in months. " How are things going with the ajah?"


OOC: Sorry it's so short and it's been so long things got a little hectic around here but they are quieting down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It didn’t take an Aes Sedai to see the turbulence boiling underneath the surface of Corinne’s usually impeccable calm.  Light, how badly had the Ajah been hit politically? Estel had expected some slipping in the Blue Ajah’s influence with a Red on the Amyrlin Seat, technically a former Red, but if Corinne was cracking...  A proper Aes Sedai wouldn’t have felt smug to hear of her Ajah Head’s plummeting political career; however, Corinne had been one of her loudest antagonists and the political standing of her Ajah barely affected Estel who had as much chance at affecting any decisions by the Sitters while across the Aryth Ocean as she did in Tar Valon. 


In such a politically oriented Ajah, a lack of communication and influence with the Amyrlin and Hall majority meant one thing: a change in Sitters and Ajah leadership.  It took a great deal of effort not to cackle or blurt out the hundred snide comments poised to leap off the tip of her tongue but Maegan’s voice was yelling loud enough to induce a headache.  Estel hadn’t even discovered the new Amyrlin until a few hours ago, though she could imagine the scene in the Hall – no doubt Corinne had been the last to stand.  The woman’s refusal to stand, pointlessly delaying proceedings because of her stupid pride, probably sucked out any remaining pity leftover from the affair with Lanfir and Nastascia.  This left the Blue Ajah with absolutely no allies; Corinne wasn’t known to keep friends for any other sake than politics.  If there was a single thing Estel had agreed upon with the woman, it was a hatred of the Red Ajah.  Ironically, now the Domani probably had more friends in the rival Ajah than any other Blue: Maegan, Carise, Telcia was another former Red Sister.


“Spoken with Shevara lately?”  She couldn’t help herself; at least it was more subtle than the hundreds of other quips she’d stifled.


Corinne glared, followed by a surprising silence.  The woman had no answer?  Again, Estel was wondering how badly the Ajah was suffering, when the Taraboner finally spoke.  “I assume you’ve heard of the new Red Amyrlin.”  Elyssa nodded.  “The Hall has been in heated discussion about how to address the topic of the Black Tower.  Shevara is pushing for further negotiations towards an alliance despite the lack of accounts from members of the Watchers mission.” Corinne sent a meaningful look in Estel’s direction, no doubt warning of an impending interrogation session.  Damn the woman, she’d sooner recount the unfortunate story to the Red Amyrlin than the bitter woman.



Estel bloody Liones

She of the Unlikely Political Potential


Corinne'dei Susten

Not Playing Nicely with the Reds

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  • 5 weeks later...


The travel bags dropped heavily to the dusty floor of her room. Glancing around with a scowl, there was at least a little relief that in her absence there had been no misadventures to her quarters. It was the least of her concerns, and there was far much more that she needed to do before getting herself too settled into her quarters. Walking in, lightly kicking her bags to the side with her foot, Nastasia headed to her room and undressed as she went. Opening her large closet filled with dressed still Kept in the same condition as she had left them, she picked out a simple white blouse with light blue beading and sets of dark blue skirts. Smoothing out the rich layers of her silk skirt, she pulled a brush through her long dark mahogany hair and braided it up into a loose bun. Pinning it with simple diamond and sapphire jewels for a more polished look. The last leg of her journey was not nearly so tiring and she could afford herself a bath later since she did not smell of horse despite the 2 hours of her travel today. Checking her appearance in the mirror, she noted with approval that she looked refreshed. That was all she required.


Stepping outside her quarters, she ordered a nearby novice to see to the dreadful dust in her quarters and to be quick about it. Heading to Corrine's quarters, she could hear the voices with in bickering with its usual momentum. Inwardly the Blue sighed. There were some thing that time never changed. Pushing open the door, Nastasia clucked her tongue in a tsk and looked at the company that Corinne kept. A returning Blue and one that would never leave. It was no wonder there was arguing. "Will you two never stop?" She could see the surprise in their eyes with her enterence. Well, there was one good thing that came of her return. It had been a while since she surprised anyone. She was still wearing the banded dress if she recalled.


"Now, will someone care to enlighten me why we have an Amyrlin raised from the red Ajah, and Estel getting one up on our First Selector. And I do count that as a point for Estel. If she can ruffle your feathers that way, Corinne, then something is not the way that it should be." Turning a head towards the other returned Sister. "It seems we picked a grand time to return, have we not, Elyssa? Light favors us in such strange ways."




Nastasia Romanovni

Blue Aes Sedai



Sorry for the late jump in. I seem to be on a roll! :)

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Speak of the devil.  Estel briefly entertained the notion of having subconsciously Compelled the woman into the room, a childish fantasy she was far too old for – if she had the ability to control people’s mind, Nastascia Romanovni would not be the woman she called to her aid.  While Corinne had certainly been her main antagonist in the Ajah, the appositely nicknamed Nasty had been little kinder.  Therefore, the roundabout compliment came as a shock.  No doubt the new arrival hadn’t meant it as such; nevertheless, it buoyed Estel’s ever low self-esteem.


“We can’t stop, Nastascia, I’m sure the shock would kill half the Ajah and we can’t afford that, now more than ever.  As for Shevara... I have to hand it to the hall for their sense of humour – a Red on the seat after the disaster of Watchers?  Here I was thinking we were a group of bitter old ladies while the Hall hands out forgiveness like the Children pass around Mantelar’s book...”  Light mocking turned mush darker.


Estel ignored icy glares from Corinne until the woman cut her off.  “None of you were in the Tower following Annais’ death, how can you say I should have handled it differently?  Do you have witness accounts of my poor judgement?  Don’t tell me how to run this Ajah when you had all abandoned her.” 


While she was painfully familiar with the rough side of Corinne’s tongue, Estel had never seen the woman so flustered.  Lectures had always been delivered in perfect monotone and cold enough to frost the windows.  Now, the First Selector snapped each word, the pitch of her voice rising and falling in waves.



Estel Liones

Unsuspecting Sitter-to-be


Corinne'dei Susten

Feeling the end of her reign approach

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Moving around and taking a seat in one of the soft blue cushioned chairs, Nastasia wove Saidar around an extra cup not far from their setting and set into her hands. Pouring a cup, her face was left unmoving with a rather quick tongue towards Corinne. "Perhaps it would have been better if you did as well."  It was unforgiving, harsh and exactly the words that gave her the reputation she had. "It would not take witnessing the event to see that the results were less than acceptable.  I, for one, am disappointed."  Pouring herself a cup of tea, Nastasia sipped it dark and without sweetener.



The immediate shift of control the moment Nastascia had walked in the room would have been apparent to a blind and deaf person – one might argue Estel was a figurative fit for both categories.  Rather than antagonise the situation, she sat uncharacteristically quiet; her influence in the matter was minimal at best.  It was strange how many nuances she found herself picking up on when she shut her mouth and observed like Corinne’s white knuckles or Nastacia’s eyes, carefully watching the Taraboner.


“You dare...  Your own failure is far more prominent than mine, Nasty.”  That Corinne would use a nickname while discussing what was turning into a very official matter attested to the grip that was quickly slipping on the reign of Ajah leadership.



She sipped her tea, "My only failure, Corinne, was assuming that Lanfir had at least some decency in seeing reason.  I shall not make the same mistake twice."  Her eyes glared coldly at the other Blue. "Which begs the question if you can at all."



“You’re questioning my decency?  I’m your Ajah Head, not vice versa.  If you plan to continue questioning my authority, call the meeting and I’ll defend my decisions to the Sister that were here to witness my actions, not to three Sisters halfway to nowhere when all this happened.”



Nastascia paused, her tea halfway to her lips when she set it back down. "Estel, go round up the Sisters. I think it is time that we show our First Selector the appropriate side of reason. Elyssa, go see that the Sapphire Chambers are prepared. Summon any that you need." Shaking her head, it was sad to see how far gone the woman was. She waited for the women to leave before she turned to Corinne in a softer voice. "I am sorry for this, but if you are getting so defensive over your position it begs the question if you can handle it when under the pressures of the Hall and just the sisters of your own Ajah. You have done great things for us, but perhaps it is time to allow someone stronger to lead the way."



Even with the Order disbanded, Estel found herself the lackey of those in power.  Resentfully, she followed Nastascia’s orders.  On her way out the door, she turned around for one last glimpse of the crumbling ice statue.  At this moment, Corinne’dei Susten seemed almost pathetic as she took a long sip of tea, likely wishing it was some form of alcohol.


The Domani shut the door behind herself without a drop of pity and began knocking on doors.



Nastascia Romanovni



Corinne'dei Susten



Estel Liones


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Elyssa sat stunned through all of the conversation. It was shocking to her how far the Ajah had fallen since she had been gone. It hurt her when the First Selector said that she had abandoned the Ajah. What else was she supposed to do when her Warder disappeared. Was she supposed to just sit and wait for him to return. If she had done that she never would have been able to live with herself.


Stunned she walked out of the room and headed straight for the Sapphire Chamber and began preparing for what she believed would be a difficult day for all in the Ajah. It would be one of joy for one woman and sorrow for another. When she was satisfied that the room was up to par she returned to her room and changed her gown and put her shawl around her neck then returned straight to the Sapphire Chambers and waited.



OOC: Sorry guys I've been busy I'm here now. Thanks for the poke

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