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Welcome Home Child (Attn: MoN)


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Aramina smiled slightly as she led Zaire through the halls of the White Tower. Dusty and travel stained as she was, she just wanted to get a bath and come clean clothes, but she had brought Zaire all this way from home. The least she could do is she her to the Mistress of Novice's office.


"She will have you signed into her book in no time and you'll be shown to a room. If you have a roommate, use her knowledge of the Tower to your advantage and make friends well. It is that connection that will help you through your first wweeks here." Aramina confided in the young woman.


Novices she didn't know ran by and Aramina ignored the curtseys and whispered "Aes Sedais" that followed in her wake. Aramina hoped that Zaire was noticing their behavior and was prepared to mimic it.


They stopped outside a door and Aramina looked Zaire in the eyes. "This is the Mistress of Novice. She'll take care of you and make sure you learn what you must to move forward. Remember, if you need anything, you can find me in the Green Quarters." She said, then knocked on the door. She heard the Mistress of Novices reply to enter. Aramina smiled then. "It's your turn now. I'll leave you in her hands."


Aramina didn't wait for a response, but turned and walked away. It was better this way really. She was in the White Tower now and it was better for Zaire to learn to speak for herself rather than hoe Aramina would help her out here.



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Zaire felt that Aramina shouldn't have left her, but she realized she had to become accustomed to the Tower sooner or later. She opened the door slowly and walked in. She curtsied deeper than she ever had before, seeing as this was an important woman. "Mistress, I am Zaire Sharimaei, here to become a Novice."


She kept her eyes on the floor and her feet until she heard the Aes Sedai speak. She didn't know all of the customs here but she didn't want to blow it on the first try.

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Countless times Faerzyne Grigory had glanced at the sun already, and before the day had ended, countless more times would be added to that. She sighed softly, and inclined her head a little, causing the little bells attached to her braids to tingle softly. Yet even the bells sounded a bit weary, as if they too suffered from a lack of sleep. The Mistress of Novices stifled a yawn, and turned her attention on the book of Novices again. Everything was recorded in there, after all. Everything that mattered at least. Last night another Accepted had ventured into the rings, and passed through them free of everything she had been before she became who she was now. In her fine handwriting Faerzyne made a note of the raising in the book of Novices. Today the girl would choose her Ajah, and her fate would become truly entwined with that of the Tower. Her choice was no secret to Faerzyne, the way very little that happened among the novices and accepted of the White Tower was a secret to her.


She closed the big book after she was done. The book looked a little old, but the preservation wards that were set on it worked well. It seemed as though it would never get full. Faerzyne had once paged through it, and found her own name, as well as that of the Mistress of Novices before her. It was interesting to learn how long some of her sisters had been here, and how long they had taken to get themselves raised. Wistfully Faerzyne peered at the sun again, only to find that it hadn’t moved a bit. The day was still young, and she would be tired and aching by the time it was done. Not that the work of the Mistress of Novices ever truly ended. There were wards on the door to the office that told her people were waiting in front of it. The wards would wake her, even if someone tried to sneak in when the night was at it’s darkest.


Just as she thought of the wards, a tingling sensation crept over her skin, telling her that someone was about to knock on her door. Soon enough the sound of knocking followed. The sound of a knock often told her a lot about who wished to enter. This was the hesitant knock of someome who came to her with a request. Faerzyne took a moment to school her expression into something a little less depressing than the look of fatigue she had had. “Enter.†She said, her voice calm and low as usual. The door opened as she channelled a thread of air to it. To whomever entered it might seem as magic. The young woman was dressed in clothing that suggested she was not of the Tower. Yet. Things might change soon. “My name is Faerzyne Sedai. I am the Mistress of Novices at the White Tower. How may I help you?â€


Faerzyne listened to the timid reply, tilting her head to the side, causing the bells in her hair to tinkle faintly. "A novice you say?" Faerzyne gestured to one of the chairs in front of her desk. They were uncomfortable, but that was for a purpose. After all, those who spent too much time in them would deserve the discomfort. Those who did not were merely reminded of the fact that they should not misbehave, in order to avoid the discomfort that came with the chairs. The young woman, who had identified herself as Zaire sat down. Faerzyne folded her hands in front of her on the desk, and studied the girl intently for a moment. Not that she could judge if the girl would be worth anything just yet, but at least she would be able to see how nervous the girl was. Those who were most nervous often were the ones who wanted it most.


"Tell me child, have you been tested?"


~Faerzyne, MoN

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Boy is this chair uncomfortable!Hopefully this will be the only time I have to sit in it! Zaire shifted uncomfortably in her chair while Faerzyne said some things and asked her if she'd been tested.


"Oh, yes ma'm. Aramina Sedai tested me at my home in Caemlyn." Zaire wondered if this woman would test her again, for her own desire and what else she would be asking. Epona shifted again, her bottom started to hurt. Light, this bloody chair!

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So the girl had already been tested. This meant she had to know, somewhere deep down inside of herself that she would be accepted within the White Tower. That she would learn to channel, to the best of her abilities. Still the girl shifted in her seat, as if she couldn’t quite believe that she would be asked to stay. Faerzyne decided to relieve her from the tension that was building. She opened the book of Novices which was still in front of her. “So you’ve been tested already. How fortunate.†She picked up her pen, and prepared to write. “Let’s see about making your stay here a bit more permanent then, shall we?â€


She didn’t have to look at the young woman to see that there was a change in the tension that had kept her in it’s thrall. “Can you tell me your full name again?†As the girl replied, she wrote it down in the book. Another life sealed to the Tower, for better and for worse. “And your place of birth and raising?†again she wrote, making Zaire‘s stay more certain with every letter, every curved or straight line. “And finally your age.†She finished with a dot behind the age, which felt as heavy and important as any signature from any high lord or lady. “Welcome to the White Tower.â€



~Faerzyne, MoN


Ooc: rp your char’s reaction to being written down in the novice book.

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OOC: Sorry took me a little bit longer to reply...your mentor Serena should be joining us shortly, then you two can go from there and RP. :)




Finally the book was closed again. Faerzyne took a moment to write down the name of the girl’s mentor on a piece of parchment, as well as a summons. The mentor she had selected would be with them soon enough. After she handed the note to a servant that passed in the hallway joined with her office, she returned to the new Novice. With a smile she walked over to one of the many cabinets. She pulled two novice dresses from the cabinet, and handed them to the girl. “These are yours to wear during the years you are a novice. You must tend to them well, mend them when they’re torn, wash them when they’re dirty. For the next years, you will not be allowed to wear anything apart from these dresses.â€


She settled behind her desk again, telling the young woman in front of her a little about the rules novices lived by. She went from the curfew to the restriction on venturing into Tar Valon, to the repercussions that would follow if she chose to venture into the yards without a good reason. “But you look like a sensible young woman, so I’m sure I won’t see too much of you here.†A knock on her door told her that the mentor of the girl had arrived. “Enter.†The mentor revealed herself to Faerzyne and Zaire. “I trust that you’ll tell her all she needs to know.†Faerzyne said. Her tone was dismissive. She glanced at the sun, and notice that it had shifted slightly. A while had passed since the young woman had entered her office. A while, but there was still a lot of time left. As the new mentor and mentee pair left her office she sighed, wondering if this day would end any time soon.


~Faerzyne, MoN

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Thanking the novice and sending the child off on a new task, Serena turned the piece of parchment over in her hand. A letter from the Mistress of Novices could mean one of a hundred different things. However, Serena was sure she hadn't done anything to recieve a penance at this stage in the game. It wasn't highly unlikely that Sisters were given penances still. One might think that after recieving the shawl they would stop having to take orders from the Mistress of Novices. Quite the contrary, really, but hopefully the innitiate had learned her lessons as a youth and would not have to make those same mistakes now.


Wrapping her long, tight-fitted, blue coat around her and doing up the few buttons at her chest, Serena briefly channeled to tighten the Wards at the threshhold of her rooms. They would go off and indicate to her if they were broken by anyone. It was a sad state of affairs when a Sister could not even trust the women within her own Ajah. These days, you never really knew who might go rifling through your things.


The diminutive Saldaean Blue, crept quietly down the corridors towards the offices of Faerzyne Sedai. Her soft black leather boots hardly made a sound on the stone floors. Tilted emerald eyes set off by short pixie-like raven hair, Serena was not the typical looking Aes Sedai, but that was the point, wasn't it? A Blue Sister delved deeply into the Game of Houses, not that others didn't, they just did it more so than most. The fiery Saldaean woman had given up the regular dresses of the other Aes Sedai in the Tower, and had loved her breeches and blouse. At certain times, the Hall or her Ajah called for more formal dress, and Serena would don the proper garments with dignity.


Pushing the large wooden door open, Serena nodded to the Mistress of Novices and glanced at the fresh innitiate before her. At one time, Serena had been ashamed of her height, especially when going to pick up new Mentee's. The Blue Sister was only 5'2, and was dwarfed by many other women in the Tower, even the novices and Accepted. The new novice looked relieved to be in the offices of the Mistress of Novices.


"Greetings, Child. I am Serena Sedai of the Blue Ajah. I will be your Mentor." The two exchanged greetings and were sent on their way. As the door closed behind them, Serena turned to Zaire and asked, "Would you like a small tour of the White Tower first? Or would you rather get right to your rooms? I'm sure the Aes Sedai that brought you here was tremendously helpful,however if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me." Arriving at the tower was always an intrigueing and sometimes fearfull event. It would not be wrong for a girl to want to go straight to her rooms.


Serena Morrigan

Blue Ajah

Bonded to Thera Trakelyn



OOC: nice to finally RP with you! Have fun!

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Zaire was relieved to be out of that Light-forsaken chair. Her bottom still hurt. But as she left the room with her mentor, she couldn't help but mentally giggle. It wasn't right, to laugh at someone shorter than her who would help her out in nearly any way possible, but she still did, and it made her feel guilty. She studied the short woman, with her dark, and short!, hair and her slanted green eyes. She could tell right off the bat that she was Saldaen. She had learned all about the World, growing up.


She followed her mentor out into the hallway and the woman turned around, straight away, and asked, "Would you like a small tour of the White Tower first? Or would you rather get right to your rooms? I'm sure the Aes Sedai that brought you here was tremendously helpful,however if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me."


Zaire would have admitted to anyone that she was tired through to her bones. "Well, I am rather tired and wouldn't mind being shown to my room," Serena Sedai started to lead Zaire down the hallway, "But I would really enjoy a tour. I feel so lost and I've been here less than an hour. Aes Sedai." She added that last title so quickly she thought she might faint. She almost forgot this woman was Aes Sedai because of her height. Oh would you get over it, girl! You fool...thinking about an Aes Sedai's height.

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Serena was sure that Zaire would want to go straight to her rooms, when the new novice began to say as much, she headed in that direction. To her surprise, the young woman wanted to take a little trip around the White Tower, despite her state of fatigue. With a silent nod, the Blue Sister turned down a seperate corridor and they were off towards the library.


"I will take you to the Library, first. After that you can make any request you like. There are, most likely, places you have never heard of that exist within the White Tower and just outside on the Grounds. All places are good and well for you to learn and memorize their location; however, I feel it necessary to take you where you will spend most of your time as a novice and Accepted." As she turned to speak to her Mentee, Serena was sure she caught a funny look in the girls' eyes. Was that glee? It was definately amusement. Perhaps, she will get used to learning from someone much shorter than her. If not, well...that will just make things a little bit more interesting.Serena loved a good challenge, in fact, she revelled in it.


The Blue Sister seemed to glide down the corridor, as she did so, she produced a small dagger from her coat sleeve and began to twirl it between her fingers as they walked. The silver blade flashed as it reflected the light from the standlamps, and the small sapphire set into the hilt seemed to glow. Recently, Serena had taken all of her blades, five in total, to have a few small roses engraved onto the blade. No one knew the significance of the additions, except Serena and a select few.


As they reached the library, the Aes Sedai lead Zaire through the novice entrance. "This is the door you will be using to enter and exit the Library, atleast until you are Accepted." The hinges screeched as she pushed open the door. Turning around to face them, Serena frowned at the rusted things and made a comment about them needing to be properly oiled.


The expanse of the Library, one of the Greatest in the world, lay before them. Brown Sisters hustled and bustled about, along with busy Accepted studying up on their Research. With a gesture, Serena outstretched her hand. "This is where you will be spending alot of time. If you need help looking for something, a specific subject, perhaps, you'll want to ask one of the Brown Sisters that work here. I do study quite a bit, but there are things that a Brown Sister will know that many of the rest of us wont. There are tomes here that will help you with almost anything and everything you ever wanted to know." Tilted emerald eyes fixed on Zaire's with a matter-of-fact look. "There are different floors here, and even some classrooms located on the second floor and above."


A novice holding what seemed like a tower of books practically ran into Serena and Zaire. As the girl noticed Serena, she came to a complete stop and dropped half the books with a squeal. Bending down to pick up one of the large books, the Blue smiled at the girl, then glared at her. "Be careful, Child. Try to watch where you're going because next time this happens I'll have you off to Joaquin Sedai with a note saying how you've been treating her books." The novice jumped again, curtsied, thanked Serena and was off on her way. Turning back to Zaire, the Blue asked, "Do you have any questions about the Library? If not, we'll head to the Kitchens. That will be the other place you will spend most of your time." As she waited for Zaire to answer, the Saldaean Sister's eyes shone with mischief.



Serena Morrigan

Blue Ajah

Bonded to Thera Trakelyn

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Zaire tried so hard to keep her feelings from showing on her face. She was shocked, disgusted, and intrigued at the same time. How the woman could speak to a girl like that, and how the girl just yelped and thanked her!? I must have been mad to come here. But at the same time, she was intrigued, that an Aes Sedai really did have so much power. The thing that made her snap out of her thoughts was when Serena Sedai said the kitchens. She better mean I'll be eating there frequently.


"Thank you Serena Sedai. I do not think I have any questions, but if I do, I will be sure to ask a Brown Sister." The words "Brown Sister" felt strange in her mouth. Or so it seemed, because they sounded so normal in Serena's. As Zaire spoke to the woman she swore she saw a child in Serena's eyes. The way they shone with mishief. Still, it wasn't something you questioned an Aes Sedai about. So, Zaire continued, "If you could show me the kitchens now, Serena Sedai. If you say I will spend most of my time there, I would like to get very aquainted with the area." Why not play around with her while she still had the chance. Zaire's eyes flashed with defiance and she grew a slow smile. Still, she managed to remain an innocent position.


Serena eyed her for a moment and then turned on her heel and led Zaire out of the library, down a dark corridor and down some stairs. As they walked, the short Aes Sedai in front, of course, Zaire studied the walls. Most of the time there was nothing to look at, just smooth, or creviced, wall. In some hallways there were tapestries, which she found rather interesting in that, she had never seen much like them. The pictures were strange, nothing like she'd ever seen on a tapestry before. She shrugged and continued studying the passing walls, seeing as there was nothing else much to look at.

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Serena nodded as the novices spoke, and turned quickly on her heel to lead the way to the kitchens. Obviously, Zaire had no idea why she would be spending so much time in the kitchens.Well, she would soon find out. Down the dark corridors, there was really not much to see at this point. The way always seemed a little dark and dreary, perhaps it was because of the memories one had of the area, or it simply was that way.


Shrugging off her thoughts, Serena lifted her chin as she thought she could smell fresh honeycakes wafting down the hallway. It would be good to finally get something to eat. As the two entered, the Mistress of the Kitchens immediately set eyes on them. With a wooden spoon in one hand, the plump woman waddled over to the Aes Sedai and novice.

"Is this one here for some...direction? Faerzyne Sedai mentioned nothing to me of a penance." Mistress Laras eyed Zaire and whirled her wooden spoon around in the air as if she might strike the girls bottom.


Serena gently touched Zaire's arm and smiled at Laras. "No, not this one. I am merely taking her about the Tower, so she will feel more comfortable once her training really begins." The Blue cast her eyes about the Kitchens, several novices in their pale white dresses, and Accepted in their rainbow hems, were already elbow deep in soapy water, or soot. "This," Serena gestured as she turned to Zaire. "is where you will be spending alot of your time. Hopefully, you wont be spending TOO much time here, but that all depends on how well you behave." Levelly, she met Zaire's eyes.


"Many penances are served here, chores are done quite often, and Mistress Laras will need all the help she can get." As she finished, Serena grabbed a couple honey cakes, and ordered some tea. Pulling up a chair for Zaire and herself, she asked. "Would you like one, Child? You must be starving after your journey."


As another novice brought some tea, the two sat down to munch on a honeycake and sip their warm drinks. "Now, the Dining Halls are where you will be eating. If you like I can show them to you, however, is there something here that you would like to see? There are plenty of Gardens, some woods, and ponds, as well. I can take you the Blue's Quarters, because that is where I will have you meet me some of the time." Sipping on her tea, she watched Zaire over the rim of the cup. What kind of Aes Sedai would this girl make?



Serena Morrigan

Blue Ajah

Bonded to Thera Trakelyn

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Zaire studied the kitchens with her cup in hand. She circled the rim with her finger, watching all those girls work about. If I behave, indeed. I have a feeling I'll be here anyways.


"Now, the Dining Halls are where you will be eating. If you like I can show them to you, however, is there something here that you would like to see? There are plenty of Gardens, some woods, and ponds, as well. I can take you to the Blue's Quarters, because that is where I will have you meet me some of the time."


She took a quick sip and said, "Oh, well I suppose I'd like to know where the, Blue's Quarters, are if I will need to go there. The Gardens sound nice, I bet they are extraordinary." She doubted she would be able to see much of them as a Novice if Serena Sedai said she would be spending most of her time here. She looked around the kitchens again and noticed a novice eyeing her with distaste. She brought her cup down from her mouth, slowly eyeing the girl back.


Back at home she never remembered stepping foot in her kitchens, seeing as her brothers nor her father did. When her mother would ask her to let Gretch, her cook, teach her how to make food, Zaire ran away and claimed it was a place for girls. Well, no use escaping it now. The thought of being elbow-deep in fluids used for cooking made her sick, so she stopped thinking about it. She wasn't about to show everyone the delicious food she had just eaten, and wasn't willing to give it up either.

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Serena nodded as she finished the last bite of her honeycake. "They are nice, Child." The Blue had spent many hours in some of the secret Gardens located about the White Tower. The Blue Ajah had its own secret Garden called, The Sapphire Gardens. Sometimes, she even taught her mentee's there just to get out of the norm. Gray and white walls could get pretty boring after a few years.


"Well," the small Aes Sedai said as she pushed the chair out from under her. "we should probably head up there, then. I'll take you to the Quarters of my Ajah, then maybe to a select few of the Gardens." Embracing the True Source easily, Serena channeled a few threads of Air, picking up their cups and saucers and placing them in the sink. The novice with her elbows drenched in dirty soap water huffed and muttered. There was no need for Serena to scold the girl, Mistress Laras was on her right away.


Mentor and Mentee exited the Kitchens and headed for the corridors, once again. Up ramps and stairs they went, until finally they came to a hallway that was tiled a seperate colour from the rest. An archway opened into the halls of the Blue Ajah. Tapestries of fine art, fringed in blue, rippled with the cool draft that entered the tower through small cracks in the stone. Painted scenes of famous legendary Blues scattered the walls, along with small tables with stone carvings and sea folk porcelain. The floor tiles alternated between blue and white.


Turning around to face Zaire, Serena grinned with great pride. "This is my home in the White Tower." Sisters wrapped in blue shawls passed the two of them, some of them stopping to give Serena a nod or a smile. Accepted decorated the halls, as well. Most of them aspiring to the Blue Ajah.


Gliding to her rooms, Serena embraced the Source again and unraveled the Wards she had set on her threshold. Pushing open the heavy door, the smell of sweet Two Rivers tabac filled the air, helping the true feeling of home that the Aes Sedai felt every time she stepped over the threshold.


On the far side of the room, a window with a small balcony, let the warm sun hit her desk that was piled with papers. To the right, a fireplace stood unlit with a sofa and a few comfortable chairs facing towards it. To her left was her sleeping quarters, there was no need to show the novice that, just yet. She had just met the girl, for the Creators' sake.


Motioning for the girl to sit down on either the couch or a chair, Serena took her own seat and folded her legs up under her. "Do you think you could find your way here?" Smirking, Serena waited for an answer and any questions the girl might have.



Serena Sedai

Blue Ajah

Bonded to Thera Trakelyn

Devoted Member to the Order of the Rose



OOC: Just so you know, I posted the beginning to your first lesson here: http://whitetowerdiv.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=47400#47400

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Seeing all of the Blue-Shawled Aes Sedai in the hallway made Zaire a bit nervous. Seeing all of the decoration of the entrance to the Blue's Quarters made her think back, too. The rest of the Tower wasn't this decorated. Well, of the part that she saw at least. Either this was nothing, or the Blue Ajah held quite a bit of authority, or wealth, here.


Zaire was in awe when she stepped into the Aes Sedai's room. The rest of the Tower looked like a giant piece of stone compared to this. And it wasn't even that much. To see comfortable chairs was enough for her. When the air hit her face, she breathed in the smell of Two Rivers tabac. It reminded her of home because her father always smelled of it. Serena Sedai gestured for her to take a seat and she aprehensively but greatfully took a seat on the very comfortable couch. "Do you think you could find your way here," the woman asked. Zaire studied the room as she thought of how they came here. "Well, I only know by the way we just came, but I am rather good with direction. If I get lost I will be sure to ask someone," she said as she smiled and nodded her head.

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Guest Estel

ooc: per Serena's request I'm gonna drop in and cause some trouble...and for reference sake, this is the morning after swearing to Sira and after Matthias' death




She stood at her door, simply staring at the polished wood. Her hand was halfway to the doorknob, suspended there as if she had suddenly been frozen in place in the act of opening it. The only thing that betrayed movement were the slow tears running down her cheeks.


The stupid things people do when they're desperate for comfort. She had reached desperately out to Sirayn, hoping for something to ease her aching heart. Light how had she been so stupid? She didn't deserve the shawl looped over her shoulders, no Aes Sedai should have been manipulated so easily- especially a Blue. Blood and Ashes! Blues were supposed to be behind the greatest schemes in the Tower, and here she found herself caught in a web. Of a Green, no less!


For the second time since deciding to tell someone she was leaving the Tower again, she sunk to the floor, a wreck as sobs wracked her body. She didn't dare leave her room until she had herself firmly under control and Matthias' death- the ripping of the Bond, of that part of her mind that had made her whole- still sent agonizing pain through her entire phycological being. Her pregnancy, only known to herself, the two Reds who accompanied her back to the Tower- burn their souls, Reds!- and now Sirayn too, was not at all helping her condition.


For long minutes she sat, curled in a ball on the floor, displaying the pitiful wreck she was. She ripped the Shawl from her shoulders, how could she claim that!


Finally she rose to her feet again, rubbing tears from her eyes. More time passed as she let all sign of her tears leave her face. She had to hold onto some sense of propriety still, her stubborn nature wouldn't allow her anything else. When all else failed her, she was simply stubborn. Stubborn and stupid.


With a deep breath she opened the door. Immediately seeing Serena not far down the corridor with a young girl in whites, Estel went to the older woman. One Sister was much like another in this case, the whole Ajah would know soon enough, at least she was closer to Serena than most of the rest of her Ajah. Since her Raising- actually before, really since Orion's blinding- she had become distant and had not been herself and spending much of her time outside the Tower, she barely knew most of her Ajah Sisters. Arranging her dress- unusually loose for her- to best hide her slowly swelling belly, she made her way towards Serena's rooms.


Swallowing, she knocked lightly on the door.

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"Well, I only know by the way we just came, but I am rather good with direction. If I get lost I will be sure to ask someone," Zaire's head bobbed with a nod and the girl seemed to smile genuinely, at last. Returning a smile, that Serena let touch her eyes, she said. "Good, Zaire. That skill will work well for you in your training now, and in the future."


Just as she was about to lean back in her chair and pull out her pipe and tabac, a soft and sort-of weak knock came at the door. Puzzled, but positive the destraction was made with good intentions, Serena called for the knocker to enter.


To her suprise, in walked Estel Sedai. The Saldaean Blue arched a dark eyebrow in confusion, slightly irritated that the young Domani Sister had felt it necessary to interrupt a discussion, such as this. It was always interesting to get to know a new Mentee, and try to figure out which direction they might be headed in. Gesturing to a seat, she ushered Estel in.


The younger Blue's eyes were slightly red around the outsides, and still a little puffy. Looking into her eyes, Serena could almost feel the pain that wrought Estel's very soul. There were very few things that could make an Aes Sedai feel pain and despair, and Serena had felt one of them in her life before. Tilting her head to the side, as she was known to do, in curiosity, Serena spoke gently, but firmly. "Estel Sedai, please meet Zaire Sharimaei. She is new to the White Tower and hails from Andor." Waiting for the two to get through their introductions, the weak sound that emanated from Estel's voice seemed strange and horribly 'off', for the young woman.


Narrowing her tilted eyes, she studied the Domani, and pursed her lips. "What is it that brings you to my rooms, Sister? Perhaps, you would like to speak to the Child of your experience in the Tower, or as a Blue?" All in all, Serena had no clue why Estel was there. Still, quite preturbed but never cold to her Ajah Sisters, the older Blue had a warmth in her heart for Estel. Expectantly, she fixed her eyes on the other woman and waited for an answer.



Serena Morrigan

Blue Ajah

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Guest Estel

Warily, she stepped in the door. She eyed the young girl with caution before hurridly whispering why she had come. "I'm leaving the Tower again, tonight. Probably for longer than last time." her last trip had been cut short by Matthias death. "I'll be in Bander Eban."


She studied the older Aes Sedai's face, trying to find some hint of Serena's thoughts on the matter. After all, this was only her second day in the Tower since returning, her Warder buried in the far North.


When the silence suddenly became oppressive- Estel's nerves were so frayed, even the smallest of things could push her to the breaking point- she jerked her head towards the girl "Who's the girl?" In her rush to tell Serena' of her departure, she had forgotten that the woman had already answered her question.

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Zaire's eyes flashed with contempt and she was about to grit her teeth when she bit her tongue instead. She held herself, and her anger, for the such disrespectful way this new Aes Sedai presented herself to Zaire, in. She didn't want to know what would happen if she retorted an Aes Sedai, and this one looked a mess. She straightened her face and looked away; Out the window she saw a bird perched on a tree. She came back to the two Aes Sedai immediately after Serena started to speak again.

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OOC: Don't worry, I havent forgotten about you. School suddenly picked up and I have been slammed with work.


IC: Shaking her head, Serena's eyes seemed to glow with ferocity. "Estel!" It wasn't quite a yell, but her voice was firm. How dare the Aes Sedai act like such a fool infront of a novice! Grasping the Domani Blue's arm, she gripped it hard. "Is it really necessary to run all the time? Pull yourself together Estel Liones...Your wits must have washed off with your tears, or have you forgotten that you are Aes Sedai?" The small Saldaean Blue's voice seemed to rise as she questioned Estel.


Glancing over at Zaire, Serena knew this was not the time or the place to scold the insane Blue. "And, 'the girl', for the third time, is Zaire Sharimaei. Zaire is new to the White Tower, and my Mentee." Pursing her lips, but maintaining her calm exterior, Serena cursed Estel in her mind.


"Estel, why don't you tell Zaire about what Tower life is like. Please, leave out the portion of where you lost your mind." In any other case, Serena would never have spoken to another Sister in such a manner, infront of a novice. However, Estel had earned the right to be taken down a few notches. Public humiliation would do wonders.



Serena Sedai

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Guest Estel

Stunned Estel simply stood and blinked for a moment. When the shock was gone, the anger returned. Anger was so much easier to feel than shame. Without anger she would collapse under the weight of the shame she had brought upon herself. Burn her! Could nothing go right!


Anger surged forward, fueling her words. “I’m not running. Blood and ashes! I was told to leave! And since when has it been your business what I do!†Spinning, she faced the girl. To anyone else the scene might have appeared hilarious. Eyes red, cheeks flushed, her smile forced Estel welcomed Zaire to the Tower.


“Hello Zaire, I’m Estel Sedai. Here, in the Tower, more than anywhere else is where you will truly be tested and find who you really are. In this place you will be stripped of what you thought you were and shown what’s really at the core of your being.†By the end of her small speech, she had sobered up. Her voice was sad, reflective. Those words were too close to her heart.


With a sigh, she turned for the door and went back to her rooms to brood.


Ooc: hmm..Estel’s gonna owe Serena an apology when she gets back...

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