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Wheel of Time re-read Project


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Hey there guys, I am starting to re-read through the Wheel of Time series (or at least tEotW right now), and was wondering if anyone else would be interested in reading through it in a "re-read" project of sorts. What inspired me was finding an OLD re-read of The Wheel of Time on another WoT forum, but it never made it past the first few chapters.

Also, I was inspired by seing how they had done one for A Song of Ice and Fire's new book, A Feast for Crows, at http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?showforum=15


If anyone would be interested, I would start over at the beginning of the book and go through it again from the start.


Also, if anyone would be interested in being a lead guy for it, that would be great.... but I could do it if no one else wished to.


I would like to start ASAP, but anyone could come in whenever they wanted to.... I guess we could just have a set time to read through a chapter... like a chapter to discuss every day or 2 or 3 or something.


I figured a re-read would keep people interested in the series or help people get interested AGAIN in the series untill the new book comes out!


Anywho, just reply here if interested!


As I am going to start a re-read myself sometime soon, I'll be happy to read along with you!


This re-read I will write down all the characters and important things they do and say, their allegiance and such... a record of sorts. I know there are many great such lists out there - but I want my own! :lol: I've already started with New Spring.


Maybe 1-2 chapters a week would be a possible "speed-limit" for me, as I have two small children to look after :wink: .


Do you think it's possible to get our own forum for this? Or should we post it here?


This idea intreagues me!


I am game. Can we limit it to one chapter a week? I dont have a ton of reading time right now.


I have been meaning to go through the books again with a fine-toothed comb... I want a list of every local coloquialism (sp) and swear word in the books... RJ has so many unique epithets :)


I'm game as I was planning a re-read myself so I could make a list of things. I can't devote enough time to read more than a chapter or two a week though.


One (or maybe two) chapters a week souds fine to me :)


Anyone who knows how many chapters there are in all the books? Thinking about how long time it would take to get through them... it would be nice to get to the end before aMoL comes out...


I'm ready to start just about anytime. But maybe we should wait to se if we get our own forum?


OH I dont think we have that many weeks :)


Even if its 3 years before the last book (GOD I HOPE NOT!!!) thats not enough time if we do 1 chapter a week :) Probably not even if we do 2 chapters a week... Not having all of the books in front of me, my guess would be that on average each book has 30+ chapters...52 weeks in a year...


I thought so... :?


Still, it would be nice to get through all the books before next comes out. I certainly intend to finish them all before reading aMoL... and I will not let that book wait on a shelf just because I haven't gotten through my re-reading...


Maybe we should count the chapters and see what timeline would be nice for... say... two years starting July 1?


Oh MY .....



Well I did it.


Counted the chapters... and prologue and epilogue if there are any. Guess what? The 11 books has




515 chapters.


No way I'm going to read one chapter a week. That would take us 10 years to get through them all! :shock:


If we are aiming to finish in two years, we need to read about 5 chapters a week... better start NOW!

Guest Majsju

Mod here, just saw it. Great idea. Tell you what, once you get started, I'll sticky the thread for you, that way it won't get drowned.


Alright then!


I'll post a new topic for re-reading and your thoughts for the PROLOGUE and CHAPTER 1... and I guess I will set the span for those first sections to the end of the weekend since (hopefully) people would be able to read a little more on the weekend:)


the topics should stay through the duration, so if you don't start at the same time as the rest of us, you can still come along later and add your views and information to it, that way you don't HAVE to stay kept up necessarily.


Also, if you don't have time to read the whole chapter, then go to the http://www.encyclopaedia-wot.org/ and read over the overview of the chapter.. you won't pick up fine details, but you can get a little reminder;)


Well I guess what we need to consider here is the purpose of this particular re-read...


Are we re-reading them solely to be all refreshed when MOL comes out?


If so, pft, I'll just start reading them again, I'm sure I could get through them 3 times at least by the end of this year lol...


However, if we are doing it so that we can have a 'readers club' sort of conversation about each chapter that is a completely different, and infinitely worth goal, which can be kept along side anyone else personal goals, can it not?


Why dont we set a 'group goal' of 1 chapter a week (which could of course be edited if we find that it is too slow) but allow that anyone who wants to 'read ahead' is free to do so, so long as they are able to hold their own in the conversation about a given chapter when it is that chapters turn...


Does that make sense?


Llewin actually has a very valid point, its not just to keep interest going for aMoL, its also for a discussion group for discussion and ejoyment of the stories and the World Jordan has created, pacing them too fast would detract from that. Good idea.

Why dont we set a 'group goal' of 1 chapter a week (which could of course be edited if we find that it is too slow) but allow that anyone who wants to 'read ahead' is free to do so, so long as they are able to hold their own in the conversation about a given chapter when it is that chapters turn...


I agree completly.


So, we read prologue and chapter 1 of EotW and start discussing it next Sunday... or do we start discussions right away as soon as we find something interesting?


I like Llewin's idea...I'd love to join in, but as I'm already personally on Lord of Chaos in my reread, I think having a 1-5 chapter a week in-depth discussion as a group wouldn't be a bad idea :)


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