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Is hoping she is not double posting!


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If you double post on me I will...I'll...well I'll just smile then laugh at you for replying to your own post.  ;D  :P


That's OK I am typing on my kids computer because mine took a dump and I don't feel like fixing it at the moment.  :)

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Your kids computer? Is is pink and covered in Winnie the Pooh? :-*


No goof ball, that is my youngest daughter's room that is pink and formerly covered with Winnie the Pooh.  :P  The computer is one of my old one's that the kids get to use, it is very manly.  :P  The kicker of the room is that my wife does not like the new color...she picked it out!!!!!    ::)

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*laughs* And situations like that (your wife not liking the new color) is why I have a job *grins*


So since the computer is not pink and Winnie the Pooh covered I can assume it is camo and covered in G.I.Joe! Manly!! ;)

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Alright, so I had this mental image of a deer antlers springing from the frame around the screen and a screen saver that says "trespassers will be shot on sight."


It's either that or a screen saver with dancing swords hacking up the icons...

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I love that! But I think the screen saver should be a huge target and when you move the mouse it pans out to show the target on a large male, as it pans back farther you see that the deer is the one with the gun.  ;D



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