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One Power Fights Intro


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Unique to the Black Tower is our One Power fight games, a considerable amount of time and effort has gone into developing and maintaining rollers that allow us to fight. We are after all are being trained as weapons to be used in the last battle


Therefore constant training and developing our skills in each of the elements is essential


The Fights/Games


Dore Saidin


A basic game used mostly for training as weaves being formed are enough to damage your opponent but not enough to kill them.


Instructions can be found here: http://www.black-tower.org/boards/viewtopic.php?t=1625


Dore Mordero


The elite game and should not be thought of lightly, people will die in this game and thus it is should only be fought by those of dedicated rank and up. This game consists of weaves of great power and in some cases people may use angreal's or sa'angreals they may get by spending points


Instructions can be found here:



One Power Requirements


By now you should have noticed at the BT homepage, there is a ranks page there and on it is the list of members and their current levels in each of the 5 elements. Elements play an important part in these games, as your strength in each element determines how strong your attacks will be.


In the beginning you will only be able to wield small attacks like fireballs, but in time your power will grow and even you may be able to create weaves of awesome power and possibly even create Tarmon Gaidon by yourself....


Now to grow in each of these elements you should have all learnt that you require points, got for doing various tasks and activities. Once you have earned enough points you may spend them on elemental changes and thus make yourself stronger

  • 1 month later...

No we changed it Roka


See there was no point starting lesson on the boards, if we had only one or two members willing to take part, so we got more attention over pm's so ive been doing it that way at the offsite baords


Well, in any case, I PM'ed you the first killing ground results... I actually did pretty well! Anyways, didn't know if you wanted me to post that or not... so I just PM'ed you... twice. One was the defense and the other the attack. Anywayz, I wait with bated breath for your reply... and my points. Lol.



Dovan Panrael

Guest TheDemigod

I suggest you wait for your pants as well *nods*




My pants? Where the hell are my pants?!


*runs and finds some pants*


All right. Pants: $55. Waiting: $10/month. Wondering why a half naked man was telling me to hold my pants: priceless.

Guest TheDemigod



that last part actually made me laugh quite alot

Guest TheDemigod

how much you say? >> <<

Guest TheDemigod



*runs off crying*


*clears throat*


So... um... I'm not one to be pushy (as far as you people know), but I am known for my steel patience... and that is being stretched to its limits right now. So I guess I'll say this as nonevasively as possible....




Whose leg do you have to hump around here to get my well deserved points and a rank and for someone to stop stealing my effing pants?


This, as I recall, was my beef with the BT before the many changes and the "home away from home" website. It took too long to get anything worthy of merit done. I just want to RP and get my points, and I believe the man to do that is Tayol. Now, unless he's been incapacitated (and if that's the case I apologize profusely), I don't see a reason for me not to be able advance as I deserve or be told why I have not yet advanced or been given points. It makes no sense to me and I'm confused and getting resentful, so please for my sake someone tell my why this hasn't happened yet besides telling me to wait another few weeks for someone to respond to something that might have been lost or ignored.


Just trying to get things done,

Dovan Panrael, kick-ass potential




em a few things


1) This is the org forums not the RP boards, to RP go to the forums further down, we have nothing in common, in fact we are very different


2) If it is the org you wanna join, then I sent you lesson 3, you havent replied


In that case, I apologize for my rant and would like to know why I have no new messages in my inbox on at www.black-tower.org I'm confusd! Was there a glitch in teh matrix? In any case, the PMs aren't making it to my inbox.



Dovan Panrael

Guest TheDemigod

they might be at your inbox right here *nods*


*shakes head* tried that. Is anyone else having problems with their PM's not getting through? Maybe I've stumbled onto a secretly widespread problem! If that's the case, can they name the problem after me? Like the Strider Bug! Or something... (Strider's my last name). That'd be cool.

Guest TheDemigod

hmm, weird


wait a bit and it might pop up, if not let tay know :p


Define a bit... Is two weeks a bit? Cause that's how long I've been waiting for them. But I'm trying to let him know via this post. Redundency is hated by computers and men alike. So are spelling errors, but I don't have spell check... and even if I do, I don't care to use it. *laughs at the silly program*


Eye spill gud!

Guest TheDemigod

in that case let him know right away *nods*


right il send it to you here, my sentbox says I sent you lesson 1 on the 10th may, but you must not have got it, if you have and need lesson 2 and 3, then pm me back. Otherwise I have sent you lesson 1 here


Im still confused Tayol.

Could you help me out some more.


I dont understand how to have a power fight.

I did what you told me but i seem to be doing somthing wrong.


Anyone else want to help the newbie.

Other wise you could just balefire me right now to end all the misserey.

^_^_^ :cry: :oops: :P


You need to find someone to play with, you find people on this board:




Once you found a victim, you can begin a thread and then take turns attacking/defending. For either, you use the appropriate calc, which is located on the webpage at www.black-tower.org under Fight Rollers link.



*balefires him for the fun of it*





*headbutts Panrael for thinking he has the right to complain at civilian level, pffft!*

Guest TheDemigod

civilians these days


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