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Welcome!!, all new ppl please read....


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Welcome to the Black Tower!


The Black Tower was set up by Rand in direct contrast to the White, and its sole purpose was to gather men who could channel and who would help him fight the Shadow.


The Black Tower is therefore a place where everyone is a potential madman, as we each struggle to fight the taint that comes with the use of the One Power.


So if you see anything crazy going on on our boards, it's the taint and must therefore be tolerated *nods*




For more information about us, please visit our website at: http://www.black-tower.org/


There you can find links to our private boards, chat and various other things of interest.


Becoming a Member


If you intend on becoming a member, all your information will be stored at the site above. This information includes your rank and elemental levels.


The Black Tower is, unlike what most people think, is not just a place where only men can join. It is a place that can be home to both sexes! Just like you have males joining WT to become Aes Sedai, so can females join BT to become Asha'man!


Anyone that joins Black Tower will start with the rank of "Civilian" and the ranks that follow will be:


Ranks and Elements


The Ranks are as follows:


Civilian -> Soldier -> Dedicated -> Asha'man ->Attack Leader -> Storm Leader -> M'hael


At Black Tower you do not get promoted based on how many points you acquired but how strong you are in the One Power. One Power consists of 5 elements:


Earth - Fire - Water - Air - Spirit


Each element has a powerscale from 1 to 20. A new member will start with these stats:


Earth: 0

Fire: 0

Water: 0

Air: 0

Spirit: 0


How do you increase the power of those elements you ask? Why, quite simply, each elemental level costs a certain amount of points (the cost table is on the webpage under FAQ, the higher the element level, the higher its cost), so you'll tap into your point pool and, well, buy it! This is how you spend the points from your pool and when you reach certain levels in all the required elements, you will get promoted, it's that simple!


How to earn Points


1. Find and submit a Shockwave game when you see the thread asking for it is up (you'll usually have 1 week to do so). If your game wins, it get's 20 pts! If it's 2nd, it get's 10! Games win based on popular vote, so, if you vote, you not only help in selecting the best game for that month, but also receive 3 pts for your effort, also 5pts for a game submission!


2. Hot Threads, earn points for populare topics, if a topic reach a certain length, members receive certain points for them.


3. OP battles, go here and if you completed the appropriate classes, you can join in the mayhem! Watch it though, it can get dangerous.


4. You can write Book reviews for our Library


5. You can write Game reviews for the Arcades


6. You can write Movie reviews for the Cinema


7. There may be some additional ways to earn points from time to time, but these are the basic and most reliable ones far as BT boards on DM are concerned. If you have any ideas please raise them with any member of staff, which are basically anyone who is an Attack Leader or above.




Have fun, but remember, this is a military ORG, so, no monkey business... unless you can blame it on the taint

  • Replies 76
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Guest TheDemigod

im not sure if that'll earn you points =)

Guest TheDemigod

well thats just too bad...*humph*

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest TheDemigod

we could just hang around here

Guest TheDemigod

then what would you prefer? :P

Guest TheDemigod

i say we do it right now


ok so how do i join the BT from here...cuz i would rather be an Asha'man then an Aes Sedai. Pm me pls with a short easy to understand version of the rules :wink:

Guest TheDemigod

we dont have mentors, but if you wonder feel free to ask, and (at least some :P ) people will answer


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