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I am looking for some RP's I need a few willing playmates for Thera :) Accept at your own risk.


Also since we do have some new trainee's floating about I am more than willing to teach some classes just let me know  :)

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*grins* I thought Perivar liked vicious women with sharp teeth? He bonded Kabria after all.


*suddenly it dawns that she is insulting her own charcter* Uh oh..here come the voices again! *hides*

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I am looking for some RP's I need a few willing playmates for Thera :) Accept at your own risk.


Also since we do have some new trainee's floating about I am more than willing to teach some classes just let me know  :)


Ma'am, I am more than willing. Never understood why "Playboy" was named that when it's all about girls.




How am I faring in the intro? Too poetic?


I enjoy writing too much. :D

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I think you are have your minds in the gutter. *nods*


I need to get some reqs done for Thera. She seems a bit stuck at WS 17 and I would like to have her at 20 sometime soon.


DhaiMon- Your intro is going great :-)



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The 3 I was looking at doing for Thera were....


1.Create your Own - Anything goes as long as it involves two other players (must be other people). Min 10 posts. RP must be approved by Staff


2.Going Above and Beyond - In the RP you will have a simple task given to you by someone you will do the task but things were not as simple as expected. You will need to show that you are capable of doing what you must to complete your task even if it means doing more than what you were told to do. Min 7 pots.


3.Studying fighting styles- Student will travel to at least two different areas of randland and study the fighting styles of the different armies located in each. Student will be required to find another person with whom to rp with in at least one of the areas. This person can be a npc if no freelander or other group can be found to participate. Minimum 10 posts.


And the obviously the spar...


I am sure with what you have to do we can work something out. Did you put in for approval yet? Maybe with Mat?


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Nah, not for approval yet, some  of them have a little work to be done in them yet But I have the three I need all started except for the Spar, I don't think we can help each other with that.


And I don't think we can both use the same req for create your own, it is the one who starts the RP that gets the credit.


The last two I think are out as well, at least for Thera.


What I am looking for then is:


Scouting and defending - Student will be required to spend a significant amount of time with a group of people in the process of defending themselves against a greater force. During this time the student will study enemy movement and send reports on hostile activity back to the White Tower. Your character will have to interact with a WT character who will receive the reports and sent back instructions if they are required. Minimum 10 posts (RP outline must be approved by staff)


Blight reconnaissance – The student will travel to the borderlands to study trolloc habits and movement, study the borderland defences and the way the shadow battles in general. Minimum 10 posts, 3 pc characters involved. (must be 3 distinct players)


Know your enemies as well as your friends – The character studies both his/her friends and enemies, and discovers why friends are friends, and why enemies are enemies. How do the friendships and feuds affect the character? What connections matter most to the character? Minimum 5 posts.


Leadership- Warder or TG must break up a serious fight or argument between two younger TGs/Warders(Can be NPC, TPC, or PC characters). The Master must show his leadership by taking the two who are at odds aside and deciding how to solve the situation. Will their Discipline and Path choice affect that situation? Minimum 5 posts.


Training Trainees 2 – Help 2 trainees reach 1 WS or 1 trainee 2 WS


Helping Others - Helping two Tower Guards or Warders with one of the following requirements (to our satisfaction): Tower Guard Ceremony, Blade Master Ceremony, Grand Master Spar, or Bond Studies will fill a requirement of your choice (not in the mandatory option however only a choice slot)

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