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Resolution: 2009


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It's south of Chicago Sam..southern Illinois.  You know the thing is..the trucks are made to live in!  And he has a refrigerator, food, and his bed..i mean a sleeping bag, plus a comforter and a really heavy afaghan i made just for the truck..and the sheets..*grins*  and those heaters work really well.  Even staying at a hotel...he would have had to leave the truck running...


THe other point is that he was parked for an delivery!  At Walmart.  At 4am.  And walmart sucks!!  They won't let the driver's park in thier lots..but they insist a driver must check in at least 15 minutes before thier appointment time.  And if they are late..they cannot deliver until the next day!  So he was parked off the road where the trucks line up..that way they are right there for the appointment.


*shakes head*  If I was going to make a resolution it would be to stop crabbing about truck driving stupid stuff!!!  Except I would never keep it! ::)


and no I havn't done a thing on my list yet.. :P

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Sorry my resolutions are a little late!


1) Exercise more. This means working out at least once a week.


2) Eating better.


3) Volunteering more.


4) Studying more for my classes so that I can pass them with high grades.


5) Work on more craft projects when I have the time.


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OK checking in!!  *grins*


It is the end of January..and BIll and I have done our devotions every day!!  Even having some really great discussions and no arguements!!  LOL we tend to sometimes get argumentative about points of theology!


AND..this is a big one...I have started to clean out and organize my crafty crap!! WHOO HOO!!  LOL  you all have NO idea how much stuff there really is..part of the problem is finding a good storage solution!  And I guess part of my last goal is working into this as well...some of this stuff I have looked at and I know I will NEVER do it or use and have put it in the box to give to the church for thier crafts.....

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I'm still going to the gym...missed a day last week, but have family in town.  Haven't gotten any good projects going(same reason).  :D


Twinnie dear, have you ever given thought to taking some of your completed craft stuff down to a local fair/flea market.  Can be a great source of supplemental income.  ;)

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Good job Sam!!  I'm impressed that you are going WITH family in town!! LOL  that would be an excuse for me to not go...

*smiles*  actually I have thought of it..in fact thought about getting a stall at the local "craft mall"  which is like a permanent craft show!!  However, the cost of the stall rental is outrageous..and there just isn't enough traffic through it to even pay the rent!! 


I generally do anywhere from three to six craft shows in the Fall.  Latley though, with being sick I havn't done that even!!  I only made it to one this year!!  But, I do have business cards and have some folks that call me when they need something special..like a baby afaghan!!


*laughs*  My biggest problem though..is I tend to give stuff away!  *grins*  It really isn't a problem...just what I do! My Bill laughs at me though...when I find something cool, that I like and know will do well most likely...he said I become a production line in and of myself!!


Many of the things I am getting rid of were a lot of my mom's things!  I couldn't let them go when she died..but they aren't things I would normally even consider doing!  There are some sewing projects and embroidery things..and the felt/sequin things...*smiles*  I can hear her now asking why in the world did you keep that?!? 

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Ok!  *grins*  actually i have a lovely yarn that is soft pastels of all colors blended...that I thought of too since the "knowing" is still a state secret....*grins*  The base color is white..its called "confetti".  Think Tammy would like that?  Would you like that?

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  • 2 months later...

*grabs thread and drags it back to the "active" board, and shakes it out*


*grins*!  Ok folks..we have let this one slide a bit!  How are y'all doing with your goals and hopes, dreams and resolutions for this glorious 2009?


*twaps Manny*  Hush now!  Remember folks..this isn't just a record keeping thread of those things..but the place to help our fellow Kinster's work at keeping them!  Celebrate with them..and if ya need to give them a push or tug!!  And of course for all of us to yell YIPPEE!! and moan and groan when the going gets tough!  Soo..how are we doing?  Any new things to add, or have you found that maybe one of the things you thought about doing needs to go on a back burner for awhile?


As for me...LOL  I have come to understand in a very Zen way...that there will never be a time I have all my craft projects finished!  LOL  there is always one that is ongoing..and another one I can't wait to start so there is another!  I have however been finishing up several I had started!


I also joined the quilling guild and have gotten some fun new quilling tools and materials!!



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Okay, we'll try this again.


1- Weight loss.  I say it this way, because fitness-wise I am not bad.  I can run 1 1/2 miles under 13 minutes, and weightlifting is flying right along.  I just still weigh 260 lbs(And at 6ft my BMI rates me as Morbidly Obese).


2- Make more time for projects, both solo(building/fixing things) and Family type(This one should be easier since I am no longer on mandatory overtime).


3- Everything else in my life runs fairly smooth, so I guess I'll leave this one open.


Well no progress on Number one, but who can lose weight with a pregnant wife in the house?  ;)


And number two should take off in April. 

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Is April too late to post resolutions?  This way I can pick things that I know I've been doing. >.>


1.  Keep up with the Laundry.  When my mom visited in January after my gallbladder surgery (bleh!) she and I did a million loads of laundry and emptied my laundry room out. 


2. Be kinder to my husband, he needs someone in his life who makes him feel good about things.


3.  Do more things with the kids that they like to do.


4. Keep up with my online things better.




1. I've been doing okay with this one, currently there's less than a load of laundry in there, so woo!


2.  Give and take, I've stopped nagging about the unimportant things, been more relaxed about him needing his own time, and tried to work through my issues with him on my own before bringing them up - he doesn't respond well to my usual tactic of immediately throwing a fit and then getting over it.


3.  Going good!  I'm playing Pokemon with Shaun (although he gets upset that I'm better at games than he is, it's apparently not cool to have your mom beat you at video games), worked with Trent on Reading and Math (which he likes) and decided to let writing (which he doesn't) sit until he starts school.  I also play Rescue Heroes with him sometimes.  With Kat, she's easy.  She likes to do whatever I'm doing, so I just try to tell her to go play less often.


4.  As you can imagine, I'm failing horribly at this one.  If I keep up with my org side stuff, I neglect my rp side stuff, and I neglect my other online activities entirely.  This one we'll call a work in progress.



My original goals of quitting smoking and losing weight have kind of both been postponed due to stress.  I think I've discovered that I can't do both at the same time - if I diet, I smoke more, and if I quit smoking, I eat constantly.  Maybe someday, in the magical stress-free world of make believe. :)

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*hugs quis*


it is never to late to make a choice to better yourself love!!  and wow..those are some really good things!!  even more..WELL DONE..at sticking to them!!


I so get the husband one!!  It is better for me to mention something I'm upset or wanting to nag about...let him think on it..then when he brings it up..and he does...*grins*  we have a talk instead of a yell!!!


I knew you had a LOA back around the end of the year..didn't know it was for surgery!  Hope all is well!!


Now be sure to keep us updated...*giggles and pokes*  be assured we will be assisting you on the last one...We missed you!

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All is well from the surgery.  I got a cold in early Dec and by late Dec, knew that it was a lot more than a cold.  I'd been throwing up (mostly bile and then blood from my poor throat) for about a week when I went to the Dr.  They did an ultrasound, my gallbladder was full of stones, and I spent Christmas on painkillers and anti-nausea medicine.  Ended up going to the ER the following Sunday night, they admitted me and had my pesky gallbladder out bu noon on Tuesday.  I was released on Wednesday, and my mom came down to spend two weeks with me. Recovery was painful but not too bad.  About on par with my c-section recoveries, only without the joy of getting a new baby out of it.


I'd been struggling with fatigue for months before the gallbladder and I think it was part of why.  I've had more energy since then, but it comes and goes.  My moods have been a little wacky, but that's probably got more to do with general stress than my actual health.  I didn't say much to anyone about the surgery when it happened - Raeyn knew and after I got back, a few others here and there as it came up in conversation, but I hate being fussed over when I don't feel good, so I never made any announcement or thread dedicated to it.  After the surgery, I could *not* sit in my computer chair for more than 10 minutes without feeling really awful, so I just didn't use the computer much.  I was LoA from early Dec until mid Feb, with only checking in here and there in between.  I'd gotten the Div Leadership of the Freelanders days before I got sick, too, so when I got back there was SO much to catch up on, and everything else just kind of slid off the radar and I didn't get back around to my other activities here (or elsewhere on the net) very much.


But... it's spring now and I've been poking my head into the Kin and Illuminators a little more, trying to pick my RP back up and my KoL (Kingdom of Loathing, the game where I met Raeyn) this month.


Whew!  There you go. :)  In all that somewhere is Jay's work announcing the new office in Arizona and all the lovely stress that goes with figuring out whether or not we're relocating (still don't know, and it'll happen in June.  Agggh.  For such a procrastinator, I really hate other people making me deal with things at the last minute). 


Oh, and Pokemon.  I got a Nintendo DS (like a Gameboy, but cooler) for my birthday in January and I've been playing Pokemon along with my 8 year old son.  I spent most of my pregnancy with him playing pokemon because I was on bedrest and we didn't have a TV in our bedroom. :)  It's pretty awesome that we play together now.

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1- Say thank you more often. I vow that every postage stamp used on me will be returned.


2- Get caught up and stay up on birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and exchanges. Yes, this means if I owe you one, I will get it in the mail. That's been my problem: Making it to the post office. *sighs* I'll do it, by God.


3- Get back to my normal self. I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of doing mostly catching up when I get time to mess with my computer. I resolve that keeping up will be my primary goal. That means at work, too. I've turned more things in late in the last three months than I have EVER turned in. That's just NOT ME!



Hmmm... I'm getting better at number 1. Not completely there, yet, but I've been making a lot of efforts to actually say "thank you" when people do things for me. I'm not quite to writing notes, but I hope I'm heading that way.


Number 2... *eyes the stack of stuff waiting for the mail* not there, yet... *sighs*


Number 3... I'm not any better at this, honestly. I used to have a big calendar in here with this stuff on it. Maybe I need to get another one and get it up here... *sighs*


I guess that means I'm not making any progress. *laughs* Alright, redoubling efforts time...



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