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What would have happened?


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in the sixth chapter of the great hunt, Liandrian finds Rand rubbing off some of Fain's message and she attacks him.  He suddenly assumes the void with no thought about it, and feels like he is reaching towards the light to save him from being killed.  The light is clearly saiden, but what would happened if moraine didnt appear and cause her to stop? 

My guess is that she would have died or at least stilled, then how would an obvious attack of the Power be explained?

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The Black Ajah would find itself a member short, yet Rand would be tried and executed for killing an Aes Sedai. Given how they're almost worshipped in the Borderlands i assume the penalties for crimes aainst them are pretty steep, likely death. The Wheel would have prevented that by having him escape, etcetera etcetera.


Hindsight truly is a marvelous thing, wouldn't you agree? :)

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