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A Recruiting We Will Go! (Open Band RP)


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Kedyn sighed softly at Carnhains words, the bitterness towards Miria evident in them. But at the same time there was a sense of agratitude for his friend, that he had saved Miria whom at the expense of his own safety for his sake. Kedyn spoke truly when he had called Carnhain his brother, as close to family as he could be with him. He nodded towards him, gratitude in his eyes and he gave Miria's hand a brief squeeze.


Kedyn turned back to Miria as the three of them prepared to move out. He leaned foreward, pressing his lips to hers in another all to breif kiss. Resting his forehead against hers he said his breif goodbye, every fiber in his being wishing that he could go with her, not wanting to let her out of his sight. "I will see you soon. Stay near Carnhian and Toth. I love you." She responded in kind before Kedyn reluctantly let her go. Watching longingly as his heart pulled at his chest trying to follow Miria out the door.


As the door clicked behind him Kedyn waited a full count of a hundred, watching the door as his plan began to unfold. Kiarma had remained in her seat and remained silent as he counted. "Time to test you acting skills." Kedyn pushed open the door and moved to the unconcious gaurds and began to revive the two. Miria may have been out of danger but Kedyn and maybe even Kiarma were hanging on how well they could act this out.




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Miria stared ahead silently as they rode out of Caemlyn in the early morning light. Saying goodbye to Kedyn earlier had been so hard, she had wanted to stay with him, to stay in his arms, not leaving him in danger while she left for safety with a man who made it clear she was no friend of his. Well, that was not surprising, she had hated Carnhain for what he did, for almost taking Kedyn from her. Yet he had helped free her, though he did it for Kedyn's sake.


Burn him, it wasn't like Miria had ever tried to kill Kedyn! What right did Carnhain have to hate her? True, she had given him one hell of a tongue lashing, not to mention a nice bruise, but he had deserved it. It was confusing though, why try to kill someone, then go out of their way to help rescue their love? Miria didn't think she'd ever understand Carnhain. Nor did she particularly want to, he was too dangerous.


Light she hoped Kedyn and Kiarma were ok, that the guards had bought their story. She didn't know what she'd do if the plan didn't work. How could she trade her life for that of Kedyn's and Kiarma's? There was little to be done about it now, but she knew she could not relax until they both returned, safe and sound. Life without Kedyn did not bear thought, it would be like never seeing the sun again. No, she had to be positive. Everything would be alright.


Miria did not speak to either of her companions as they neared the arranged meeting place, some ways out of the city. Partly because she was worried for Kedyn, but largely due to her own shame. It was her fault they were in this predicament in the first place, and likely Carnhain and Toth were thinking the very same thing.


Dismounting smoothly, Miria loosely tied the reins to a tree before sitting on a large rock that faced the road, giving her the first view of anyone that should come from the city. She didn't care how long she had to sit, she could not rest til she again set eyes on Kedyn.



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  • 3 weeks later...

It was just as well she wasn’t taken to bouts of feminine hysteria or fainting, thought Kiarma, as Kedyn moved to rouse the guards he had rendered unconscious. She had never really tried her hand at acting, though the challenge set before her made her determined to do her best. After all, she didn’t want to appear weak, or let everyone down after successfully releasing Miria. Not to mention the fondness she had for her own hide, she had no plans to take the silly girl’s place at the gallows. Still, the whole charade of being a weak, simpering woman chafed terribly. Kiarma sighed. There was little to be done about it now, and the sooner this ruse was complete, the sooner she could get out of these blasted skirts.


Kedyn moved outside to rouse those guards and Kiarma went to the lecher on the floor, doing her best to remove her scowl before lightly shaking his shoulder. Filthy animal, leering at her, as though she was supposed to enjoy being treated like an inferior species. Kedyn should have given him a few knocks to the head for luck while he was at it.


Schooling her features into a worried expression, Kiarma shook the man again, sitting back on her heels as he opened his eyes, doing well not to stand on her hem as she did so. Skirts really weren't practical. "Can you hear me?" She asked the guard, the perfect picture of a distraught female. Disgraceful! "Mister? Are you ok?" Kiarma stood and stepped back as the guard sat up then slowly stood, slowly regaining more animation.


"What's going on?" Kiarma could very almost feel sorry for the man, if he hadn't at that moment settled his gaze on her bosom. Insufferable wool-brained..."You don't remember?" Her voice was sugary sweet, so much so that she disgusted herself, though there was barely veiled steel in her gaze.


"You don't recall the man that hit you?" Kiarma watched him very carefully, if he recalled the attack hers and Kedyn's task would be much more difficult. Slowly he shook his head. "I was talking to you, then...nothing."Kiarma relaxed slightly. This meant they were more likely to be able to fabricate their story.


"A man hit you from behind...I didn't get a close look as I was so terrfied I instantly hid down behind the chair, but I saw him drag a screaming blonde woman with him." Would he buy it? Kiarma drew her brows together in a worried manner, wringing her hands. The guard swore and dashed back to the cells as Kiarma silently congratulated herself on her new found acting ability.


"They're both bloody gone!"Kiarma heard the yell before the guard reappeared, fury and confusion clear on his face. Kedyn burst into the room, two dazed looking soldiers behind him. Giving him the slightest nod, she waited for him to play his part of the devastated lover.



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  • 3 weeks later...

"They're both bloody gone!"


Kedyn took a moment too change his facial features, putting on a face of utter confusion, despair and rage. His affinity for acting had allowed him to do many things and he wasn't bad, both Miria and Lavena had joked that he should have become an actor instead of soldier. Perhaps they were right, but then again his ability helped him be a scout.


"You...LOST HER!" He turned on the gaurd that only a few minutes ago he had nearly choked to death, raising himself up to his full height so that if he didn't actually tower over the man it certainly looked like it. "You TOOK that only woman that I loved and sentenced her to HANG! And then you lose her to some monster and condemn her to an ever WORSE FATE!" He trailed off in a serious of opening and closing his mouth, falling into a near chair.


"I...how...." He replaced the note in his voice with only despair, trying to force tears into his eyes with a moderate amount of success, a single one falling down his cheek. He shook his shoulder, trying to make everything seem like he was just a man, crushed by one loss after another and left only to grief. He shook more and more as he forced a tear down his cheek, shaking off a hand placed on his shoulder. "I need too...just..." Kedyn rose and turned to Kiarma, olding out a hand. "Miss, if you would like I would escort you back to your inn. Perhaps it will help distract me from this hole in my chest." For all purposes, it seemed their ruse had worked.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Kiarma had to silently applaud Kedyn's acting ability. He gave quite a convincing performance, though she had to hide her smile at the thought of condemning Miria to a worse fate - himself. The change was astounding, he even managed a tear, a tear of all things! The show was quite remarkeable, but even so, Kiarma watched with a concerned expression, outwardly for the man that appeared to have lost his love, inwardly for the success of their ruse.


"Miss, if you would like I would escort you back to your inn. Perhaps it will help distract me from this hole in my chest."An escort? Kiarma needed no such...oh right, the act. Fixing the guard with a scornful glare, nose in the air, Kiarma nodded and took the arm Kedyn offered. "Why thankyou sir, it's obvious the city guard can afford me little protection, losing a prisoner!" She sniffed and turned her back on the flabbergasted guard as he blushed crimson. So he bloody well should, lecherous oaf. "I am sorry for your loss sir." said Kiarma soothingly as they headed outside.


Kiarma could make out grumbles and muffled shouting as they left, no doubt the guards berating one another. Light hope none of them worked out what had really happened in a hurry. Letting out a breath she hadn't realised she held, Kiarma let a grin cross her features as they picked up their pace, making their way to where their horses and belongings were prepared and waiting for their departure.


"That was bloody brilliant!" Kiarma withdrew her arm and gave Kedyn a friendly pat on the back. "You played the part very convincingly!" She chuckled with excitement. How on earth had they managed to pull it off? Swinging up into her saddle she grimaced as her skirts rode up her calves. "So you know, you owe me big time...not for helping so much as enduring with these bloody skirts." Tugging them down as best she could, she soon resigned herself to flashing a good deal of ankle as she turned her mount to follow Kedyn out of the city as the first light of dawn streaked the sky.



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  • 1 month later...

Kedyn let out a long breath as he dropped Kiarma’s arm, the two of them walking through he night to flee form where they had broken Miria out of prison. It had worked, their ruse had worked against all kinds of odds. He wouldn’t lose another woman he loved, not this time. He felt like shouting, jumping for joy for the joy of life.


"So you know, you owe me big time...not for helping so much as enduring with these bloody skirts." Swinging onto Arrow, Kedyn couldn’t wipe the grin off his face nor the overwhelming sense of gratitude he felt for the three who had helped him, Kiarma who had sacrificed her dignity for a small while, Carnhain and Toth putting their safety in jeopardy as the distraction they needed. “Kiarma, anything you ask I will do everything I can to give it to you now.”


Putting their heels to the pair of horses, Kedyn and Kiarma sped their way to the city gates. His mind was set on one thing, getting to Miria as fast as he possibly could. He could have left Kiarma behind without realizing what he was doing and not have cared. The only reason he had not was he was trying to keep Arrow safe, it would be a cruel sense of irony that he killed himself falling from his horse after he sprung someone from jail.


Soon enough he was being nodded through the gate, Kedyn breathed slowly as he and Kiarma walked away from the gate guards standing watch. He hunched his shoulders to try and make himself appear smaller. But it seemed they didn’t have any suspicion on them, they were not stopped and as soon as they were outside Kedyn put his heels to Arrow towards where they were supposed to meet the rest of the party.


Kedyn nearly jumped off Arrow before the horse had stopped when the three others came into sight, though to Kedyn only Miria was standing there. Running towards each other Kedyn took Miria into his arms, hugging her tightly against him. She was alive, free. “They bought it, looks like we’re free to go. I suggest we head back to the Citadel.”




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  • 3 weeks later...

Miria was a bundle of nerves as she sat and waited, her eyes never leaving the horizon from where Kedyn would ride. He, along with the others, had risked their necks to set her free. She would never be able to forgive herself if something had happened to Kiarma or Kedyn.


It seemed like an eternity as she waited. Carnhain and Toth left her to her solitude for which she was thankful, she was not in the mood to make small talk or pretend she liked Carnhain. Instead she waited. Surely they wouldn't have been this far behind, would they? Worry gnawed at Miria's insides, and she silently prayed to the light for their safe return, making all sorts of promises she didn't know if she could keep. So long as they were safe, so long as Kedyn was returned to her, all would be well.


Miria blinked. Was that something, way off in the distance? It was too far to tell, but her heart leapt into her throat and she stood, squinting to try and make out the shapes. Was she imagining it because she wanted to see it so badly, or were there two figured on horseback approaching quickly?


A moment of panic gripped Miria. What if they were guards? What if Kedyn and Kiarma had been found out, and now they were looking for the rest of them? Light, they could all be punished now, because of her. Skirts...one of them was definitely in skirts, Miria could make out the way they were flapping against the breeze. Kiarma. Her eyes flicked to the tall figure in the saddle next to her, and relief flooded through her. He was alright. He was coming back to her.


Miria took a few steps forward, only barely containing the urge to run towards him, her soft squeal of delight obviously alerting Toth and Carnhain of their arrival. But she barely noticed, all she saw was the wonderful image of her lover, alive and well, free. Her arms were already open in welcome as Kedyn vaulted from his mount, rushing forward to collect her in his embrace.


For the longest time Miria said nothing, just clinging to Kedyn, letting all the worry slip away. He was ok, they all were. And she was free. It was such a huge relief, but they weren't out of the woods completely. Kedyn was right, they should head home rather than linger. "Thankyou." She whispered, hugging him tightly once more before reluctantly letting go. Unshed tears glistened in her eyes, but she smiled up at Kedyn. She didn't need to say anymore, he could read the love and gratitude in her clear blue eyes.


At last she managed to get to her horse and mount, though there was absolutely no chance she was letting Kedyn out of her sight, staying close by his side as they turned to head away from the city. She had come close enough to losing him, she was not about to let anything like that happen again.




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