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Rand posing as a noble?


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Hi there!


I am currently re-reading/re-aquainting myself to WOT to prepare for AMoL. And while doing so I constantly get pictures in my head of Rand posing as a noble in one of the big cities, I think Caemlyn, but I can't for the life of me remember which book it is from. I loved that part and I would love to read it again.


It was fairly early in the series I believe. Remember him going to parties as a noble and Thom acting as his servant.


Can anyone help me?


It is in TGH, Rand, Loial and Hurin (and Lanfear) reaches Cairhien after having recovered the Horn, and that is where Rand ends up posing as a lord, and also meets Thom again.


Yeah the whole time he is freaking out thinking he is gonna be caught and skinned alive or something. It's basically Hurin's and Lanfears fault, Hurin kept caling him My Lord and he played the role in the other world to keep Hurin's spirits up. Then when Lanfear showed up he continued to do it to impress....Rand was being a typical male, hot chick shows up and he pretends to be what he isn't. :D





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lol i think that scene has special signifagance


it shows just how reluctant he is to have power at that point and just how young he is, i mean when all the women crowd around him and start asking him to come to their estates and such, he is so taken aback because he is really nothing likeone of the nobles


I got annoyed at how Mat got angry at him even earlier for dressing like a lord without meaning to, which reminds me of this.


But anyway, in Cairhien, in the GH, he is basically forced to play at being a lord.


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