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Hello there!

All Theory Is Gray

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Welcome Alison from New York, glad to see you've finally managed to make it here. So, you've got a number of options in these parts. You can take part of the WoT discussions, join the community of randomness, roleplay up some characters down in the RP section, follow me around these boards as a stalker... ok maybe not that last so much. But y'know. I'm sexy and stuff. Well, if you've got questions, ask here or fire me a PM, I'm always happy to answer.



Sexy... 'n stuff

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What's up Alison, welcome to Dragonmount. I just joined a little while ago and am still a noob to this site. So don't be afraid to ask questions, even if they sound dumb. You should check out the Orgs (groups you can join depending on your interests) or just hang around and discuss WoT. In any case, welcome! :)

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