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Introducing your latest Trainee! (Hopefully)


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Well, as the topic said, I'm joining in the Warder Train! :D


I just sent in my Bio and while waiting to get approved I thought I should say his and make myself known.


Anyways, hey everybody! Looking forward to knowing you all, :)


Get ready to meet the newest Trainee which I'm pretty sure you'll all learn to hate :P (but don't hate me!)

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*watches in dismay as he sees the cookies dissapear*  :(


On a happier note, my Bio's approved! And CCed! Thanks for the quick approval Talavin, and nice to meet you all! It seemed I have gotten myself into a lively place.


Now that I managed to tear my eyes off of CNN, I think I'll write my fun first RP in the Warder Yards! :D



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