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Not forever though.  I just bombed another Chem test and can't afford to keep doing this bad.  So I will still be on MSN, but it looks like I'm gonna have to leave DM till I can get school under control.  Sorry all.  If you really need me you can try e-mailing, but most all RPs are not needed ones I'm involved in.


Sorry all.

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Looks like we are all horrible with Chemistry, must be a DM thing.  In High School I walked out of Chemistry class on the first day.  We took way too many notes opn that first day and I didn't need it as I had already satisfied my science requirements for graduation by the end of my sophmore year.


College was better, I passed but I don't remember a damned thing about it.  I haven't used it since college and that was many years ago.


Sorry that you need to take a break, Good luck!

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Well duh, blowing up stuff is AS territory, silly Warder ;D


Kidding aside though, i hope you manage to get your grades up again. Didn't have Chem myself (different school system) but i had some classes i was really bad at myself so i know where you're coming from ^^;

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thanks all.  We'll see how it goes.  I think I'm going to be cutting most everyone off though.  I've already turned my cell off for a week and during that time probably wont go on MSN or check e-mail.  Hoorah life.  One day I'll come back up for air.

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