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About 11 years ago, my friend Matt introduced me to the world of Rj and the Wheel of Time.  Over that time, I read up to The Shadow Rising.  My obsession is to get to Knife of Dreams. 


It feels like I have tried every fantsy author on the shelves.  I would list them but it would be ridiculous.  I keep thinking that I might find another set of characters that would top RJ's.


Of course, this same subject has been a constant source of controversy between my small fantasy reading group of friends. 


The Wheel of Time is more than a series to me.  I get very upset when I have to defend it.  Over the past 15 years, I've started hundreds of story ideas.  (I began two just last night at work.)  I'm fine with being an inadequate writer.  These ideas are merely fanciful daydreams.  When I read some paragraphs of RJ's, they take my breath away as a writer.  I'm glad that dragonmount is still kicking here in cyberspace.  My hopes of reading this series again have been dashed by a lack of extra money. 


To ask anyone here, if they had extra reading copies of the first seven books has been floating through my head.  But I feel foolish and mostly embaressed.  Things are just pretty bad.  But then again, they are worse for others.  So, for all this overwhelming darkness I keep the stuff I learned from RJ close to my heart and my mind.   


I met Robert Jordan on a wintery November in 2000, in the coolest bookstore that no longer exists, in Evanston Illinois.  I'd be overwhelmed if anyone who attended that one said hello.  He was the most direct, honest writer I ever met in person. 


So, tomorrow I hope to sell my 131 Superman comics for $$.  In hopes that I can get the Eye of the World and Great Hunt. 


Sorry, if I have babbled on, it's 3 am and I feel so sad that he's gone.  I remember last year, the day before he passed away.  My wife and daughter and I were driving through the country just enjoying the weather.  One of those days you remember years later.  A melancholy kind of day.  I kept seeing all of thee cranes.  I kept calling them herons.  Didn't know that he had died...  I know how it must have been like for people when Elvis and Lennon died. 


Anyone who wants to chat or anything please feel free to PM or e-mail me.


My name is Heath. 







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That's a mighty long and depressing intro there Heath.  I'm going to have to ask that you become just a tad more upbeat if you want to come and kick it with the legendary JD and the Seanchan.  You could always join the Illuminator's guild, they're the official writer's guild at DM, and if I'm not mistaken somewhere in that there intro you mentioned writing.  Not only could they help you out with some writing concepts and ideas they'd be great for bouncing your own ideas off of.  Also artists are generally pretty moody, so you're 'bring a dark cloud everywhere I go' kind of writing would be well recieved over there.


Now, did you ever think with your grasp of the written language and seeming intelligence you could use the power of word for good instead of evil.  I mean make some people giggle for goodness sake.  Smile and the World smiles with you and all that.


Anyway welcome to the Circus.



Crowned Prince of Silly

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