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Dinner and a surprise? ((Attn: Kabria))


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Perivar left his quarters then went to the gardens before making his way to the Tower.  He waited impatiently in the main entry hall occasionally scanning the balconies for any hint of her.  He wore a charcoal grey high collared coat with buttons down the center with a pair of black trousers.  His black boots were brightly polished.  It felt odd being out of his armor.  He wore his sword strapped to his back.  Normally he would have gone out with just a belt knife though the recent events in the Tower had everyone on edge.


His left arm remained tucked behind his back.  Normally he could stand for hours on guard duty without moving though he paced nervously as he waited on her.  Perivar was barely aware of his rumbling stomach, he was hungry but he pushed it away as he watched for any hint of her arrival.  He caught the sight of the Accepted on duty rising from a curtsy and cursed as his eyes darted for the balcony.  It was too dimly lit to make out the retreating shape.  He caught movement at the top of the steps and his eyes were suddenly locked on her.  Light she was beautiful beyond compare.   

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Kabria took the stairs up to the Green Ajah Quarters two at a time. The few novices she passed leapt out of her way, but for the rest they took it as a matter of course.  Every time she returned from the Yards she always had a spring in her step, and moved with a purpose. Slowly over the last months her stalking walk had turned into something approaching a glide, and her quicksilver temper was beginning to fade. Though it was still remarked even among her fellow Ajah Sisters. 


There were a few hours before she had to meet Perivar, which meant there were a few things she needed to do before she could change. Sitting down at her desk she wrote a short note to Loraine, she was still trying to find the words to apologize for how she’d acted the last several months. She had laid the entire blame at Loraine’s feet, but now could see the error in her judgment. After tossing a few crumpled sheets aside Kabria decided to leave the note for later. As it was there would barely be time for her to change, which meant a bath was out of the question. Looking regrettable at the stack of paper she stoppered her ink jar and discarded her work out clothes.


Kabria longed to rebuild their friendship but every time she tried she always ended up sounding like a fool “Oh well” she said out loud. When the time was right the right words would come.


Padding around her room in only a short shift she brushed her hair and washed her face, still trying to decide what she would wear. She was growing accustom to the feel of her pants and tall boots, so much so that she rarely thought about how short the coats were. Since tonight was special she pulled out a dark maroon silk sewn with small roses around the hems and cuffs. The seamstress she’d hired had worked day and night to make sure all her dresses fit her like a second skin, without revealing more than she wanted everyone to see. As always, her only jewelry was Perivar’s family necklace and her great serpent ring. She longed to wear her shawl, but every time she tried Perivar became so formal she could hardly stand to be around him.  Instead she chose out one of thin, barely opaque silk that hung green fringe halfway down her back. Flipping her hair over her shoulders so that a few wavy locks fell into her face she left the Green Ajah Quarters the same way she’d came. Two stairs at a time, until she reached the main halls of the Tower.


Looking as stately as any Queen, if young, Novices and Accepted alike curtseyed and kept there eyes down as she passed. Her temper was becoming a thing talked about in all corners of the Tower. All because one time she’d singed a Novices hair that had been acting out of turn.


Seeing Perivar’s awe struck face at the bottom of the stairs she paused. It was still amazing to her that anyone could love her like he did and even more amazing the fact that she’d returned the feelings ten fold. “Good-evening my love” she murmured as she took his arm. There were butterfly’s dancing in her stomach, Kabria was unsure that he would accept her gift, and of what he would think of her own. Trying not to worry too much she decided to poke fun at the worshiping looks he’d been giving her. “You know, if you continue to drool I am going to have to have a bib made for you.”


“It wouldn’t do for you to show up to dinner with a stained coat. What would the other patrons say?”

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Perivar realized he had been thumbing the ring on his left hand as he watched her approaching.  The ring that she had given him, a circle of gold carved all the way around with roses.  It was so finely made that even the thorns were visible.  He desperately fought the urge to run to her.  He stood still as if in a trance, his eyes locked on her as she glided toward him. 


“Good-evening my love” She murmured to him with her musical voice as she took the arm he offered her.  He was nervous, like he was a child again.  He felt so unworthy of her, she looked like a Queen.  "You are breathtaking Kabria" he spoke for her ears only.


Even though her comments poked fun at him he laughed out loud as they exited the main entry hall onto the steps.  Kabria loved poking fun at him, sometimes it was frustrating as she always seemed to have the upper hand but most of the times he enjoyed her playful gests.  As soon as they reached the bottom of the steps he presented her with a rose.  A simple gesture though she always appreciated receiving a flower.  Kabria held his arm leading him through the streets of Tar Valon.  They passed the time with idle conversation as they reached their destination.  Perivar was happy that dinner came first, he was starving.



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Kabria’s face lit up when she saw the darkly glistening petals. Running them gently over her cheeks she in inhaled the intoxicating aroma. Somehow roses had become a symbol of their love, and every time she saw a bloom she could picture Perivar’s smiling face.


She had decided that it would be best if dinner came first. Some men did not handle pain as well so it would be better if he had eaten. With her arm linked with his and carrying the rose she felt a little like royalty, then again he always made her feel like a Queen. Using her status she had reserved them the private dining room at her favorite Inn. Making sure that the meal was exactly as she wanted  and that they wouldn’t be disturbed. Dinner was of course only part of the evening, but it was then that she would explain to him the surprise. “I hope that you are hungry. I had the Innkeeper prepare my favorite meal.” Allowing him to pull out her chair she smiled at him sweetly and as his hand slid across her shoulder she gave him a devilish wink. The combination was enough to make him blush. 


“You seem nervous tonight my heart? Is there anything I can do to put you more at ease?”


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Perivar followed Kabria into the private dining room, compliments of her status in Tar Valon.  Their getaway and private dining rooms were the few places where they could truly be alone.  There were servants popping in and out though they came and went as if they were not there.  Of course he was hungry, he was always hungry, she knew that so he didn't respond.  He pulled the chair out for her for which he received a sweet smile.  He brushed her shoulder, he longed to hold her, to truly be alone with her.  She gave him a wink that made him blush.  She had a way of making him blush.  Before meeting her he didn't think he could have blushed. 



"I seem nervous?" He asked and she nodded so he said"No, I am fine, just hungry."  He followed with a smile that said all was well.  Was he on edge, he had no idea what the surprise was but was he unsettled by it?  He didn't think so but who knew?  She seemed to know him better than he knew himself sometimes.  He did not comment on what she could do to put him at ease.  Every answer that came to mind would only land him in deep trouble if she did not take it the right way.  Time to change the subject.


"Your favorite meal?"  Frowning he searched the recesses of his mind trying to recall her mentioning a favorite meal.  He thumbed the ring she gave him while he searched for a clue as to what her favorite meal was, had she told him?  "What would that be?"

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She only watched him with a small, secretive smile as the servants bustled in and out bringing in covered dishes of food and several varieties of spiced wines and chesses. Her hands were folded and she rested her head on her knuckles, she was the very picture of a woman in love. “Your favorite meal. What would that be?” As if on que the young serving women began taking to tops off the covered dishes revealing a plate of roasted lamb with mustard sauce and thin rolls of cheese with peppers wrapped with even thinner sliced meats. There were several vegetables and fruits on a platter and at the very end of the table a small cake heaped with fruit and topped with a cinnamon glaze.  The room smelled heavenly, but even so every so often Kabria would pull the flower to her nose. “I hope this answers your question” She grinned at him and began dishing up her plate.


Keeping one eye on the serving girls she stood up after the last had left and pulled a small key from her pocket and locked the door. “So we are not disturbed” she explained when Perivar gave her a questioning look. She kept the conversation light through the meal, but by the time desert was on their plates she couldn’t contain her excitement any longer.


“I have been dying to let you know about your surprise all night!” Kabria fairly bubbled with excitement. “Close your eyes!” When he didn’t oblige right away she stood up and put her hands in front of her eyes. “Please Perivar..it is better this way.” When he finally closed him eyes there was a large smile on his face.


As quiet as a mouse Kabria reached up behind her back to undo the few button and let her dress fall to her waist. Glad the she had left on the short shift she let it slide down as well. With a flow of Saidar she broke the stem off the rose and tucked it behind her ear, pulling a few stands over hair over her shoulders. With an excited smile she turned her back to Perivar and then turned her head to look at him over her shoulder, the darkly beautiful rose complementing her eyes. Just above her right hip was a new addition to her tattoos, still tending from its making. It was the symbol of his house, and below in the old tongue were the words everlasting love. She still held some fear that he would not understand her gesture, but it was too late to turn back now. “You can open your eyes my love” she said softly, holding her carefully planned pose.


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Kabria had probably planned this whole thing knowing he would ask.  As if she had struck a gong, serving women padded into the room carrying trays of food.  He raised an eyebrow at her, Steam poured from the trays and the room suddenly filled with the scent of various kinds of food as the covers were taken off the tray.  He stared at the trays greedily, it all looked so delicious.  "I hope this answers your question” she said grinning at him as she began to put food on her plate.


Perivar shook his head smiling at her. "I believe it does my love"  he said as he starting putting food on his plate.  He eyed her, a look of consternation was plain on his face as she locked the door.  So they were not disturbed she said in answer to the question that was clear on his face.  The food was great and the conversation went back and forth on trivial things.  Not the deep conversations that they so often had.  Her excitement seemed to grow as the night went on, she seemed about to burst.  She was bubbling with excitement.  She told him to close his eyes though he didn't do it at first.  She stood and put her hands in front of his eyes pleading with him.  Her excitement was so infectious that he could not help but close his eyes.  A broad smile formed on his face as he tried to contain his excitement.


It seemed like a lifetime that he sat there with his eyes closed.  He heard a faint rustling though could not make it out.  He heard a soft snap and almost opened his eyes though he obediently kept them closed until she said he could open them. 


Finally he opened his eyes and his jaw dropped to the floor.  He saw the rose about her ear.  His eyes drank in every inch of her naked body.  Her body was beautiful, perfectly toned.  The smile on his face must have been ear to ear.  He was smiling so wide that he thought it should hurt.  The fire inside him came alive and blood pulsed through his veins.  It took him a moment to realize what was different.  Above her right hip on skin that was still tender was the symbol of his house.  He stood an walked to her.  His hand stretched out to touch it though it stopped short.  Her skin was still tender and he thought his touch could hurt her.  She had put his family's crest on her body.  There was little else one could do to show proof of their love. 


It was not as if he needed further proof of her love for him but this was special to him beyond words.  The look on his face said it all.  He gently traced a finger around the perimeter careful no to touch the tender skin. He couldn't find the proper words to express himself so he grabbed her and kissed her passionately.

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It was not the response she’d expected, but it was more than she could have dreamed. Forgetting propriety and modesty Kabria wrapped her arms around Perivar’s neck and melted into his kiss. She didn’t know how long the kiss went on and it didn’t matter, the love that she felt between them was greater and more powerful than anything else in the world. Giggling as he pulled back to trace his fingers along her back, Kabria held hard to the fact that they were in a public place. When his fingers slowed she pulled her shift back over her shoulders and asked for his help with the buttons on her dress. The regret was plain on his face as well as in the small noises he made as he fumbled with her buttons.


“I am glad you approve of the first part of your surprise, I hope you will enjoy the next even half as well.”


Sitting back down at the table she tried not to blush at the tingle that shot up her spine. There would be time enough for that later, once they were alone. “We you are done we can head over to the shop if you wish? I would like some time alone with you this evening” Her voice was sultry, but her cheeks still flushed with crimson. Kabria was growing more bold, but she still couldn’t speak of their love without flushing.


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Perivar's fingers gently traced along her body.  He could have explored her perfectly proportioned body all night had she let him.  His hand stopped as he stared at the tender area, the words in the old tongue jumped out at him, they meant everlasting love.  If ever he doubted her love for him there could be no question now.  She pulled her shift back over her shoulders, an indication that his time to stare at her body was over.  Sighing he regretfully helped her with her buttons.  Those bloody buttons could not be smaller in his large hands.  He could wield a sword with great skill but he had none when it came to these ridiculous buttons, there were dozens of them.


She spoke as he tried to finish up with the buttons.  He dared not talk while working on them or else it would have taken him even longer.  Her sultry voice made him fumble even more with the bloody little buttons, really could the seamstress have made them any smaller.


"I do approve." He smiled at her when she turned to face him.  A hint of crimson stained her cheeks.  Light had he done something to embarass her, had he been ogling over her like a lummox?  No greater fool had never been born, he was it.  "I can think of no greater sign of your love save a written proclamation read at every village from the borderlands to the Sea of Storms.  If I ever doubted that you loved me there can be no doubt now."  He caressed her cheek with his left hand.  "I am ready to go wherever you wish, whenever you wish.  For the rest of my life I want to go wherever you go.  To hear your musical voice, to gaze into your sparkling blue eyes, to catch a glimpse of you smiling at me, to touch you.  I would consider my life complete." 


He leaned in to kiss her again with one hand on her back.   His other hand behind her head with his fingers running through her hair.  When they were finished they walked arm in arm from the privat dining room and out in the street making their way to the shop.

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The evening air was slightly cool and Kabria pulled her shawl tighter around her shoulders. It was easy enough learning to ignore the heat and the cold, but the crisp night breezes always made her feel alive. Slipping her arm around Perivar’s waist she snuggled herself closer to him, trying to beat the butterflies’ that danced in her stomach. Just because he’d liked the tattoo on her did not mean he would consent to getting one of his own. She was unsure about how she would feel if he refused, right now all she could focus on was fear of rejection. The how she would take it would come later. Leading them confidently through the streets Kabria didn’t even bother to try and hide her relationship.


The sky was growing dark and besides at first glance they could appear just another happy couple out for a stroll. If you could ignore his almost deadly grace and her serene glide.


The shop was not denoted by any sign, but Kabria still was sure she was at the right place when she opened the front door. Smiling at the White haired old man who sat at the back of the shop she walked in with no fear. The shop was dark and cobwebs darkened many corners and the white haired old man was not as innocent as he sounded. His arms were covered with his own work and light scars crisscrossed his face and hands. He was a hard man, but always kind. Behind her Kabria could feel Perivar’s hesitation even without the bond, but she ignored his unease. “I have brought him at last, and not before time if I do say so myself.” She leaned down and gave the man a small hug slipping a few more gold coins into his pocket. His was not a lucrative profession, but Kabria felt like she owed him that much and more.


“Perivar, I brought you here so that you may…may get any tattoo you wish.” Now all she could do was wait and see if he would accept her gift.


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The evening air was a blessing, he loved the feel of the cool air on his face.  Some would call it chilly but he loved this weather.  As pleasureable as it was it was nothing compared to the feeling of her body pressed against his, the feel of her arm around his waist.  He was barely aware of where they were going and had no idea what kind of shop they were going to.  All he cared about at the moment was that he was with her.


At first he had no idea they had arrived save for her opening the door.  The shop they entered was nondescript, it lacked a sign or any symbols to give an indication of what it was.  Kabria walked confidently inside making her way to a white haired old man.  He was a hard man it seemed, scars decorated his face and hands while tattoos covered his arms.  He just barely caught her words “I have brought him at last, and not before time if I do say so myself.”  He nearly glared at the man.  Was this the man responsible for the artwork on her body.  The man had seen her unclothed, the thought made him uneasy. 


His thoughts were put on hold as she spoke “Perivar, I brought you here so that you may…may get any tattoo you wish.”   She wanted him to get a tattoo?  He loved looking at hers, loved tracing them with his fingers.  They truly were works of art.  Could he forget that this man had seen her unclothed, somehow he figured that a woman had been responsible for her tattoos.  Nontheless she obviously wanted him to get one and he would oblige.


Perivar smiled at her, he wanted to do this to prove his love to her.  He remembered his reaction at seeing hers.  "What do you suggest?  I think I would like something to remind me of you, proof of my love for you.  What do you think my love?  A rose or a portrait of you, or both somehow?  I want it to be something special, something significant."  He looked at her expectantly.  There were so many choices to be made and he was new to this.  "Where should I put it?"



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Not caring for old Albhets presence Kabria gave Perivar a seductive smile. It was hard to be coy in front of a man who’d seen you in only your skin. Suddenly the dangerous light in Perivar’s eyes took on a new meaning and she realized he may not like the idea of a nothing man touching her. Gliding across to him she laid and hand on his arm and whispered for his ear alone. “Calm my love, Albhet here only see’s women as another spot for his art.” Smiling reassuringly she dragged him across the shop to show him a few examples the man had drawn.


“Get whatever you want my heart, whatever is special to you. As to where you should put it.” She eyed him hungrily and took a possessive step closer to him, pressing her body against his arm. “That is also your choice, but I have always liked them on a man’s chest” She lay her fingers on his chest over his heart. “ and what better place for a declaration of  love?” She resisted the urge to tell him to tattoo her name on his hands so that everyone would know he was taken, but that was too crazy even for her.


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Perivar stood looking at the man's artwork lost in thought for a few minutes as ideas ran through his head.  He unbuttoned his charcoal grey coat and layed it on a chair then pulled his fine white linen shirt over his head dropping it on top of the coat.  He turned to the white haired man "Master Albhet, if you please I would like a rose complete with the stem and thorns here"  He pointed to his chest where Kabria had touched him and smiled at her.  She had purposely made sure the thorns were visible on his ring and it was symbolic.  While she was a rose, she was much much more, she was beautiful like a rose and strong willed like a lioness.  She was passionate, strong, beautiful, majestic, and so much more.


"With her name above it.  I would like a ribbon like this below the rose across the stem." he pointed to a piece of artwork "With the words in the old tongue like Kabria Sedai has."  The words in the old tongue, meaning everlasting love.  Perivar wrote out her first name and the words in the old tongue for the man not trusting that he knew either.  There was probably a good chance that the man could not read nor write.


Within a quarter of an hour he was laying on a table while the man began his work.  Perivar thought of forming the void but somehow it seemed like cheating so he just layed there soaking in the pain.  Perivar turned his head a moment to watch Kabria.  She was watching Master Albhet work with a smile on her face.  The pain was well worth seeing her happy.  He was wondering if she was feeling like he had.  With her name on his chest and the words in the old tongue there would be no doubt of his love for her.  Despite the pain he smiled at her, she glowed.

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Kabria smiled down at Perivar, she all too well the pain he was feeling. But to her the end result far out weighed the hours of pain that a piece of this size would take. “You are taking the pain well, I have seen men tougher than you whine and cry when under the needle.” Her jest made him smile, but this close she could see it was through gritted teeth.


Using Saidar Kabria pulled over a small stool, and after removing the dust took a seat. While she still held onto the source she swept up the rest of the dust and the cobwebs in the corner and sent them out the window and out into the night. She’d done the same every time she’d been here and always it was the same way when she came back. Every time she had gotten a tattoo she’d always been alone, except for her book, but she could imagine how wonderful it would be to have someone there to distract her.


“I am glad you like your gifts Perivar, I was unsure that you would. I know that you do not have the same attachment to..body art..that I do. I think they is way it makes me so happy that you would do this for men.” Resting her elbows on her knees she put her chin on her fists and watched Albhet’s hand move up and down, each down stroke putting more ink into his skin. Unconsciously she stroked the small compass on her hand with her thumb,  a habit that only came to the surface when Shenestsa was on her mind. Something that seemed to happen less and less of late, but between her studies with her new Sisters and her practice with the sword and then of course nights out with Perivar she was usually too exhausted to think. Covering her mouth with the back of her hand she yawned and tried to keep her eyes open. Kabria didn’t know why but the quiet of the shop and the soft sounds of Perivar’s breathing were putting her to sleep. Before she knew it she was slumped against the wall, with her head leaned back and her eyes closed; dreaming of tattoo’s and life on the sea.


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Perivar had watched Kabria nod off.  He watched her sitting there resting which brought a smile to his face.  She seemed at peace, oblivious to anything around her.  Meanwhile he was completely aware of the pain as the man worked on his chest.  He did not have the same love of body art that she did but he knew she would appreciate it.  He was happy to do it, for her he would do anything.  Perivar loved looking at her tattoos, they were truly works of art.


When Master Albhet was finished he thanked the man then went to stand in front of Kabria.  He caressed her face gently to wake her "What do you think my love?  Do you like it?" 

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Kabria’s eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw the completed tattoo, the image she’d just been dreaming of paled in comparison to the actual thing. Jumping up from the stool so quickly that it toppled she threw her arms around his neck, careless of the pain he may be in. “Oh Perivar” she murmured between kisses that she planted along his neck and shoulders.


Under her lips she felt him tense and pulled back with her cheeks flushed. “I am sorry, I didn’t…I was so..” Giving him a wry look she shut her mouth. It was rare that he made her stutter, but when he did she knew better than to try and recover. It always made things worse. Stepping back just far enough for him to pull his shirt over his head she thanked Albhet again, and made promises to return soon; she had other ideas she needed his help with.


Scarcely waiting for Perivar to tuck his shirt in and shrug into his coat she pulled him out of the shop and out into the streets.  “If I have to wait a moment longer I might just implode!” She arched an eyebrow at him with a playful smile. Pulling him along she smiled, not far short of giggling; Kabria felt free and happy and completely crazy head over heels in love and she didn’t care who knew it. All she wanted was to be alone with the man she loved.


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