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Moridin = Rand?


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I dont see Rand being healed in such a normal way after so long emphassising the unhealable nature of his wounds.

Unhealable to third agers thus far, yes. But we have been told that, in the AoL, people rarely died of injuries or disease because most things could be cured. Stilling and gentling were emphasized as being unhealable as well, but we now know that to be untrue.


We have no indication that Rand has as yet to make the realisation that the TP has negative physical effects.

That's possible...I didn't think of that. If I were Rand, anything that comes from the DO would set off alarm bells in my head, but Rand has missed potential danger signs before. In any case, I also can't see Rand making this switch on purpose. Not unless he learns something in AMoL that would give him a new perspective on Min's viewing, in any case.


The DO (or Moridin, if being Nae'blis gives him special abilities) is the only one I can see with any motive to make the switch (to cause chaos, make the Light think Rand had betrayed them, whatever). However, I don't think it's a very solid reason, because he could have done something similar at any time if he really wanted to, and it seems like it would have a good chance of failing, even without the fact that four women are bonded to Rand (and thus would realize something was wrong if they suddenly felt Rand "move" somewhere else while his body stands in front of them). So...my biggest problem with this theory now is motive. I do finally agree that it is possible :P


A somewhat related question: is the ability to channel the One Power tied to the soul, to the body, or a some combination? Do we know? That is, if Rand and Moridin switched, would Rand still be able to channel saidin as strongly? The reason I'm wondering about this at all is because Cyndane is weaker in the power than Lanfear was, despite being the same soul. I'm likely making things too simplistic, though, since we know it doesn't take much to sever someone from the source completely. I'd still be interested in knowing why Cyndane is weaker than Lanfear, but the other new Forsaken haven't mentioned being weaker than their former selves.


Am i missing something here? Rand is adamant about retaining His own self. He has been fighting LTT,for what seems ages now, for control of his identity. The 1 who has to die for 2 to be 1 would be LTT. Alivia will help with that.

A new body? He needs a new mindset. The loss of a hand is another step on his path, forcing him to lose the sword which has been a crutch, holding him in a time past its day. Lanfear told him as much but he couldn't hear it

All his scars, physical and mental, make him Rand Al'thor. He neither needs nor does he want another body.

My apoligies if i'm too brusque. This is my first post. Please, forgive an old pirate.


While I'm still not 100% convinced of this theory, I do have to disagree with you here, Auld. Physical scars don't make you who you are. Rand will still be Rand if he gets a new body, and he will still carry all the old emotional scars that he had. Those emotional scars are what have a lasting effect on his personality, not his physical scars.


I don't think the sword was a crutch anymore by this point. It really hasn't been since FoH. Rand needs to be able to fight without the power, because channeling is sometimes not possible or not convenient. And what about his eyesight? Suppose for a minute that the injury is not like Mat's in EotW (the light sensitivity because of Rand's lightening, which eventually went away), and is not going to go away on its own. Can he even see well enough to channel? That may need to be healed (or Rand given a new body) for Rand to have any hope of victory.


Rand has been fighting LTT because he is a threat to Rand's identity. They may share a soul, but they have completely different personalities. Allowing a different personality to take over his soul is a loss of identity. Getting a new body though, or having some of his wounds cured? Not a threat to his identity. The events that caused his injuries made an effect on his personality, and those effects will always remain in some form, whether the physical wounds are still there or not. Thus, better for him if they're not still there, because at least he won't be in constant physical pain anymore.


We don't know that Rand doesn't want another body. He doesn't mourn his injuries anymore because the only emotion he has left is love, and for only a few people at that (and not including himself). However, his chief concern lately is winning Tarmon Gaidon. He may not have mentioned wanting another body because he doesn't know the option is available to him, but that doesn't mean he'd necessarily reject one, especially if it helps him win Tarmon Gaidon.


You're right that he needs a new mindset, but I think he will get that anyway. This theory does not exclude that possibility.


I do still think that Rand and Lews Therin need to be "merged" somehow; sort of the way the personalities of someone with real-world multiple personality disorder are integrated, perhaps. Else Rand will be fighting for his identity for the rest of his life. However, LTT's appearance seemed to coincide with when Rand first started supressing his emotions. I believe that when Rand allows himself to feel again, LTT will no longer have a purpose and will therefore stop appearing.

That's possible...I didn't think of that. If I were Rand, anything that comes from the DO would set off alarm bells in my head, but Rand has missed potential danger signs before. In any case, I also can't see Rand making this switch on purpose. Not unless he learns something in AMoL that would give him a new perspective on Min's viewing, in any case.


I agree, which is why i dont see Rand intentionally doing this himself. I think he'll either do it inaccident, or in order to save someones life--probably Elaynes. That whole prophecy about her safety drives me insane.


So...my biggest problem with this theory now is motive. I do finally agree that it is possible


Yeah... i dont think there will be a motive. Even if Rand knew for sure that in Moridin he would be utterly himself, and be cool and happy and all that, i doubt he would do it anyway. I think it will be something that happens before he has a chance to think about it.


A somewhat related question: is the ability to channel the One Power tied to the soul, to the body, or a some combination? Do we know? That is, if Rand and Moridin switched, would Rand still be able to channel saidin as strongly? The reason I'm wondering about this at all is because Cyndane is weaker in the power than Lanfear was, despite being the same soul. I'm likely making things too simplistic, though, since we know it doesn't take much to sever someone from the source completely. I'd still be interested in knowing why Cyndane is weaker than Lanfear, but the other new Forsaken haven't mentioned being weaker than their former selves.


Channeling does seem to be a function of the soul, though one that is impacted by the aptness of the body to channel. Concider aran'gar... if it were not the soul that controls the ability to channel, then she would not be able to channel at all. Cyndanes weakness derives, in my opinion, from being burned out in Cairhein when she was fighting Moiraine--there is some evidence for this; Lans bond being snapped, of which the only way we have seen happen is through death or stilling (no, the intentional release of a bond by the Aes Sedai doesn't count... it doesn't cause the death-feelings Lan experienced), the fact that the only way we've seen to date of having strength decreased is being severed and healed, the fact that the Finns could hold Lanfear and Moiraine in any way--which we know they did--despite the Finns having no ability to channel or oppose channel--which we know from Rand.


But meh.


Personally I buy the idea of the both of them being burned out when they passed through the doorway. It even seems logical when you consider that Lanfear either pushed the Finns far enough that they killed her, or she just did it herself knowing that her boss would pick up the peaces. There is always the possibility the Moiraine kicked the @%##@ out of her once they were equals. But the fact that Moiraine hasn't popped up fits her personality. She has the patience to wait events out. And has probably learned a lot of valuable information regarding both Lanfear and the shadow, and what ever else she has managed to squeeze from the Finns. It would be stupid if she came back either unable to Channel, unwilling to be healed, or healed by Nyneave. Her Character deserves fame and recognition for what she has endured. And I'm pretty sure Thom could live with the fact that she can channel. As we've seen, that doesn't mean she doesn't need a good man around.


Her return is probably the plot line within the story I look forward to the most. I wonder if Jordan really intended to bring her back when he killed her off. Or if he missed her as much as we all do....

  • 1 month later...

The thing that really convinces me that Rand and Moridin will merge/switch bodies is the fact that in KoD when he sees Moridins face (without the dizzyness now) Rand thinks to himself that "if either move a hairswidth they will touch" this being a strange feeling he gets when he sees Moridins face. Now, I think that somehow they will either be able to communicate with each other or be able to strike at each other through this link. I think that would be cool as well, if Rand and Moridin fighting over a long distance. It would show us exactly how powerful they both are I think


Hmmm, long distance fighting, an interesting concept. But it couldnt mean weaves of the power, they can only work at a certain distance... Maybe like Rands struggle with againor over the pure Saidin at the eye of the world? or his battle against Asmodean in rhuiden when they both claw at the access ter'angreal, except maybe instead of amounts of saidin they battle for, its life itself? crazy theory feel free to pick it apart and spit on its ashes...

  • 2 months later...

Well I cant say I really believe in this theory but I am open minded toward it. There had to be a reason RJ had these visions in the story and not because of some far gone event. I believe that if it is possible to switch IshDin will do so for the chodean thaul (SP?) and callandor. With that kind of power and him being Nae'blis it would certainly assist the shadow greatly. Ishy being mad of course may pursue this tactic without realizing that Rands entourage will know its not him and strike him down with fury, hence "Rand" dying. Though I seriously doubt this will do anything concerning LTT. He and Rand share a soul and so would switch with IshDin too. Thats my take.


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