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Open RP ((Open to all, Come spar for the fun of it))


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((OOC: Open to all.  Come spar with Perivar.  This thread will remain open for 2 weeks though it will all take place in the course of one day.  Beat him or lose to him the choice is yours.  For reference, he is a Warder now learning the path of Daisho and is at this point WS 12.  Come spar and have some fun!))


Perivar stood in the middle of the Warder Yard with his practice weapons in hand.  He had his practice sword and a practice version of his singuata which was a regular buckler with bundled lathes in place of the sharp blades that usually extended from it in two places.  On the outskirts of the trampled ground was a barrel full of practice weapons in every style so that any could join him.


The Yards were just starting to stir as he called to any passerby to come spar with him.  He was learning the path of Daisho from Master Corwin and decided that this was a perfect way to build his endurance.  He would stand here all day challenging any who passed to best him in a spar.  A few stopped to hear him out.  He saw several of them eyeing the barrel full of practice weapons.



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((OOC: Melenis is WS 11, but will be 12 once she finishes ntermediate hand to hand in another thread. She also has Corwin as a sparring partner for that, so she's used to fighting people better than she is. Should be close ^^ ))




As she walked over the practise range, Melenis noticed Perivar standing near a couple of barrels of training weapons, his manner stating an open challenge to anyone that walked by. She mentally checked her schedule, but wouldn't be up for Guard duty until late in the evening, which left plenty of time to recover from an unplanned sparring match now. If she rescheduled her laps to later in the evening, she could move that training Corwin had told her to do to right now.


Walking closer, she nodded at the fellow Tower Guard -- did Kabria Bond him yet? -- before forming the Void. When Perivar, noticing her, shifted into a battle stance with his weapon and... buckler, she moved over to the barrels to pick out a weapon. She knew about the ashandarei on her back, was aware that Perivar would likely expect her to use it, but instead took out a pair of training gauntlets for unarmed combat. She had spent a large amount of her time sparing with Corwin, and felt it was time to find out how she'd fare against someone that was Raised around the time she had been.


Slipping into a battle stance of her own, she waited for him to atack first. Were it not for the Void, she would have smirked at the irony of her doing the same thing Corwin generally started his lessons with.




Ready and waiting

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Perivar nodded respectfully as Melenis approached.  He offered her a smile as well.  She was always an able combatant.  He frowned when she put on a pair of training gauntlets instead of picking up the practice ashandarei.  It was not that he was worried about hand to hand it was that Master Corwin ordered him to fight with both weapons.  He was practiced in hand to hand as well and honor said that he should fight her in the same manner though she had picked the form knowing how he was armed.  This would be interesting.  Melenis took her own stance and waited for him to begin.  Perivar wielded the practice sword in his left hand and took up the singuata with his right.  Master Corwin made him practice both ways. 


"Please forgive me, I would like to fight you hand to hand but I have been ordered to only fight with this form.  The first one to land five solid blows will be the victor, agreed."  He waited for her assent then continued.


Perivar saluted her with his sword then took on the form Lion on the Hill while assuming the void.  Melenis seemed intent to let him begin.  He advanced though he did not strike watching as she deftly stepped out of range.  He was trying to feel her out.  She was going to have the advantage of speed and close combat.  He would have the advantage at range though he would not be as quick.


Perivar flowed through the forms as Melenis danced in and out of range trying her own strike.  He tried a simultaneous thrust with each weapon which she side-stepped then came inside landing a punch on his exposed side.  He was surprised by the power of her strike.  He nodded to her that was one point for her.


They continued sparring circling, dancing in and out.  Once he landed Parting the Silk with his practice sword and another time it was The Kingfisher takes a Silverback with the practice singuata.  Each of them landed partial or glances blows though those did not count.  He was surprised by the amount of times she got in close to him or dodged a blow that should have landed.  Luckily he had a hard head for her next strike caught him squarely.  He nodded to her and smiled, she was doing much better unarmed than he thought.  Knowing her though he should not be surprised by her skill, she had always trained hard.


((2-2, Go ahead and take it to the end.  Feel free to take the win or flip a coin to decide it, however you want to do it is fine by me.))     

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OOC: 1 is Sieve 2 is Melenis FIGHT!! (1d2=2, 1d2=2, 1d2=2, 1d2=1, 1d2=1). Sorry, looks like a 5-2 win according to the dice o.O




The spar was going pretty well, all things considered. She had dodged a couple of attacks that she believed would be coming in faster, though with only Corwin as a referrence it could be she was overestimating Perivar's abilities. Then again, given that until then she had always fought with her ashandarei there was a possibility he was holding back. It was certainly possible, given that he was fighting with weapons where he had wanted to face her on equal footing.


Testing out her theory, she went on the offensive. It felt... odd to not have the advantage of range she had gotten used to having, but as Jasine had learned how to dodge her attacks, she had ended up learning from him as well, and used his tactics of weaving into her attacks against Perivar now. Ducking under Tower of Morning, she followed the attack with an uppercut of her own, only barely deflected by Perivar's buckler. With both his arms high however, his abdomen was unprotected from her free hand. Not a hard blow, but it counted as a hit either way.


Time to test his defenses. If he was holding back, she would learn soon enough. Attacks came at a rapid pace now, and she was trying to push Perivar into giving his all. She deflected his sword with a slap of her gauntlet, and blocked the buckler by holding a gauntleted hand between it and her body. However, she wasn't about to let him off the hook that easy, and as he backed away again she managed to trip him, landing a haymaker as she advanced, knocking him against the ground before he managed to regain his balance.


Helping him up, she was ready for te next round. She was leading four to two, one more hit on her behalf would decide the match in her favor. That attack landed a bit faster than she had counted on however, maybe Perivar was still a bit effected by the hard blow she had landed just a minute earlier? Either way, that made five for her, and she took off the gauntlets to check on him. Though Warders understood the need to spar, she doubted Kabria would be all too happy with her if she would send her beloved Warder on a trip to the infirmary.




Wins by TKO

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((OOC: Haha that is perfect actually, a sound beating is what he needed. Thanks!!!))


Perivar bowed his head to Melenis with a smile.  He was disappointed in himself, his performance was subpar.  Melenis was good and he needed to be in peak form though today he was not.  "Thank you Melenis, I appreciate you taking the time to spar with me.  That was very well done." 


Melenis had beaten him soundly.  He was not surprised in the least for she was very good.  A pummeling such as this would fuel him to train harder so that he was equally as good with a sword in either hand.  She was definately much faster than he was and more agile, she had always been.  He would need to find a way to increase his speed or find a way to oppose faster combatants.  Another thing he needed to do was work on his footwork.  He failed to move as he should to keep her out of range.  He needed to practice as hard as he could and there was no better trainer than experience, no better motivator than a sound beating.


As she walked away he called for another to spar with him. 


((Looking for more participants join in.  All are welcome!))

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Melenis walked away for a couple of paces before looking over her shoulder, noticing that Perivar was still intent on challenging anyone that happened across the area where he stood. Pondering the options, she knew there were a number of Trainees that could still use some training, and she had an advanced technique she had wanted to try her luck on. Mulling it over for a bit, she decided she'd just have to give it a try. Perivar had, and though her training was quite different from his that still didn't change the fact that she wouldn't be getting any better at it without practise. And, more importantly, someone to practise it on.


Walking over to the barrel again, she exchanged gauntlets for the practise ashandarei, and took up a position near Perivar, only this time standing next to him. A nod from him told her he agreed to have her join in on this training of his, and together they would wait on whomever would cross their path next.


((OOC: Come on people, two teachers present! Get your WS here! ;D))

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Kynwric wanderd out into the yards and watched Sieve and Melenis sparring, it was hard fought and close with Melenis coming out on top this time. He knew that it would be the other way around next time. He noted they were using practice lathes and he disappeared back inside to gather his shield and lathe.


A few moments later he walked back out, striding straight towards the pair of them with intent in his eyes. When he got there he cocked his head and looked at them both. "So you feel up to a challenge?"

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Perivar bowed his head respectfully.  "Always up for a challenge Master Kynwric, thank you for joining us.  The first to land five blows is the victor."  He looked around seeing if any others were coming to join the fun.  If not then he would ask Master Kynwric for another round after he sparred with Melenis.  Perivar switched his practice sword to his right hand and the practice singuata with his left.  He would alternate them with each new participant to make sure he was training equally with each.  He tried to forget the fact that Master Kynwric was a Blademaster.  A fact that would be readily apparent once the spar began.  Perivar would consider it a victory if he was able to land one blow. 

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Melenis opted not to join in this time, remaining at the side to take the role of spectator. Additionally, if anyone wanted to take her up for a similar challenge in the meantime she would be more than ready to, eager to keep the current flow of sparring matches going. After the battle she could always spar Kynwric herself, of course, though she doubted the outcome to be very different from what she expected Perivar's spar to end up at. She knew Perivar to be around her level of skill, and Blademasters like Kynwric were on a whole other level. Though she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be awarded herons, she shook the thought off. No use dreaming where being awake might do her more good.




Herons, eh?

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Kynwric bowed his head shortly as he assumed his guard position, shield out in front of him and sword back for both defense and offense. He was patient and slowly moved from his right to left, watching Perivar as they circled watching for any opening to present itself. Perivars skill had improved greatly since the first time they had met, it had improved since he had been promoted to Tower Guard but the most marked change had been since the trip to Shienar. There was a confidence in his movements that had not been present before. Kyn was waiting on Perivar to make the first move, it was nothing unusual as his style was built on a firm, strong defense.


OOC: BTW, Kyn is WS 16 verging on 17....

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Perivar circled with Master Kynwric looking for any opening.  Occasionally he tested that defense but it seemed impenetrable.  The slightest movement of sword or shield was all Master Kynwric made to deflect his blows.  Perivar was cautious not to overextend himself or leave himself open to an obvious attack yet still the Blademaster found openings in his defense.  Perivar flowed through the forms as best he could trying feints and blows on either side to force an opening.  No matter how much he tried none of his strikes landed.  Perivar even tried charging him pushing with the buckler portion of the singuata though Master Kynwric either dodged the attack or met him with his shield.  Perivar was large but the man was like a rock when he chose to stand his ground.


When Master Kynwric struck him for the fifth time he bowed acknowledging the other man's victory.  He shook his head and smiled at Master Kynwric.  "Perhaps when you have finished sparring with Melenis you can return and tell me what I could have done differently if anything.  I did not expect to touch you but I did not even come close, not once."  Light he had tried all manner of feints and attacks from both directions at once yet nothing worked.  He probably shouldn't be upset with himself, the man was a Blademaster yet somehow he expected more of himself.  He was training harder than ever and seemed to be making no visible progress.  If Master Corwin saw his pathetic attempts today he would probably refuse to train him further in the ways of Daisho.  He had to be better, for Kabria.  That was his primary concern.  One way or another he had to do it.

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Kynwric nodded. "Of course I will, just as soon as Melenis and I are finished. Perhaps she learned from your experience." He glanced at Melenis and nodded to her. "Come on lass, let's see what you have learned since the last time I saw you spar." Settling back into his defense as she approached.

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Melenis nodded, taking the practise ashandarei and holding the tip up to Kynwric. Though Tower Guards could spar just as well with real weapons, she felt more comfortable with the wooden variant, just in case something went wrong. Though she wasn't a big fan of the welts it left on her body, the times she had gotten hit, it was definitely several times better than having to be carted off to the Infirmary with a weapon wound. She formed the Void for that little bit of extra sensory awareness it added, and scanned Kynwric's stance for weaknesses before attacking.


Moving into some of her faster forms, she atempted a tactic she had used only a handful of times, back when she was still a Trainee. Focusing on fast, versatile attacks, she tried to make Kynwric tire himself out long enough for him to slow down, then strike. Though outside the Void, she doubted she could actually defeat the Blademaster, she was still curious as to how long she could last herself. Key was of course forcing her opponent to keep his distance and be unable to reach her with his sword, but she had been a Trainee last time she tried to outlast an opponent. It worked last time, but would it work now? Against Kynwric?




Recaling a victory

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Kynwric had settled into <i>Lion on a Hill</i> and had compressed his awareness into the Spring, he had rocked forward onto the balls of his feet and was setting himself to again fight from behind his shield. He moved in small controlled movements to collect the blows Melenis was sending his way, watching and trying to decipher what she tactic she had settled on. On the occasion he needed to he gave ground as she continued the long range assault with her lathe, waiting to pick the time he would close the gap... it was during one of the retreats he thought he figured out her gambit and he wondered if she knew what she was in for.

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So far so good. By keeping her blade always moving in a series of quick thrusts and jabs she had managed to keep Kynwric at a distance, keeping him from mounting an attack of his own. Though she knew perfectly well that that would change the minute he figured out what she was trying to do, she had made her preparations. By now, it was obvious that she wouldn't outlast the Blademaster, not at the efficient way he was blocking her attacks. But this was a part of her tactic as well, knowing her light build didn't make her very good against strongly armored opponents.


A brief pause in the blade had Kynwric move in, batting the tip of her weapon aside while he moved in with his sword. Wasting little time in jumping to the side, she performed Tower of Morning in midair before timing her landing with The Courtier Taps his Fan. If the second attack would be parried by Kynwric's sword, she'd flow into The Kingfisher Takes a Silverback. Kynwric's defenses were simply too strong to overcome if she attacked him head-on, so she had devised a tactic that would provoke him into attacking her, then trying to land a counterattack on his flank or back -- though the latter seemed almost impossible to manage.




Trying to land a blow

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Bringing his shield up with her blade as Melenis began with <i>Tower of Morning</i> Kynwric rode his shield along the haft of her Ashendarai as she moved sideways, continuing to close the gap between them. As she was landing he let the shield and sword take the brunt of <i>The Courtier Taps his Fan</i>. He noticed her trying to adjust into <i>Kingfisher Takes a Silverback</i> and rolled his sword over her haft and pushed the blade past his body. Another half-step put him entirely inside her guard, with a quick hook of his leg behind hers he took her to the ground and straddling her chest he put the edge of his shield to her throat. "Yield?"

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Melenis saw what was going on even as she went through the forms, but knew there was little she could do about it. Though her reflexes were fast, it would take a jump similar to that of a cornered alleycat if she could even hope to dodge the attack she knew would come, with Kynwric as far within her guard as he was. As she lost her balance, feeling her leg get pulled out from under her, she felt more than noticed him sitting on her chest.




Kynwric, she decided, was heavy. It was hard to breathe with his weight pushing down on her lungs, so instead of saying the words she just nodded, tapping the ground twice to signal she was yielding. As the Blademaster stood up again, it took a couple of coughs from her to get her breathing back to normal again. Favoring speed -- and skill, and stamina, and pretty much everything else for that matter -- over strength, it meant she didn't have a large amount of muscles that could potentially slow her down. Kynwric had, and with the equipment he carried added in this meant her ribs weren't all too happy with her at the moment.


Coughing a couple of times again before getting up, she took a couple of deep breaths to ensure herself that she hadn't bruised any ribs, and took up a position next to Perivar again to see who else would take their challenge, though it should be mentioned her attention was still at least half on Kynwric, wondering if there would be some kind of evaluation from him after he had sparred the both of them. She wasn't expecting one, but it would be a nice bonus if there was.




Wondering how she did

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"So, now you want a recap I would suppose?" He loked at them both with a bemused smile, giving his head a shake leaned set his sheild down point into the ground and used it as a chair. "First Melenis, your tactics were probably correct for fighting someone in heavier armor or less used to fighting. Trying to tire them out is a good practice in almost any physical contest, of you have the endurance to pull it off. However, I would have tried to conserve more energy than you did by using simple attacks to keep me at bay until I had expended more energy before trying for the coup de grace. As for the last bit, it was fancy, showy and probably looked spectacular. However you gave up solid footing to someone with a shield to hide behind and that you may want to think about." He looked at her and smiled. "It was a good fight though, no mistakes just less experience." He then turned to Perivar. "Your thoughts on our fight before I give mine?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Perivar was not expecting the question yet he had already thought on the spar so his answer came with little time for thought.  "Well, my intent was to try to create an opening by attacking as many places at once.  I used every feint and trick that I know but I never found an opening.  It seemed as though your sword or shield were always there to block my blows even when I thought they might sneak through."  He shrugged, he really had no idea what else he could have done.  Master Kynwric was just too skilled for Perivar to stand a chance.  He liked to believe that there was always a chance of victory no matter the difference in skill level but in this case it seemed the gap seemed insurmountable.

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"Aye, that you did do. However, mostly your attacks were either to one side and then the other or they were in line with each other. There was very little that I had to do to block all you were sending my way, other than pay attention. I also settled on the same strategy with you Iused on Melenis, play defense and let you work your way into an opening I could exploit. Both of you allowed me to work my strengths while working also to your strengths. Against any opponent not a good idea, and against a superior opponent it is not the path to victory." He paused seeing the look of acknowledgment on their faces and continued. "I would try to bring your opponent out of his comfort zone, make him move away from his strengths while still playing to your own. Against inferior opponents it will end fights quickly and brutally, against superior ones it gives you a path that may lead you to success."

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Melenis nodded when Kynwric was giving her advice. Though she hadn't intended to give up her footing in order to show off, but rather had intended to keep Kynwric from closing the distance before she got a chance to properly flank him, she was nevertheless a bit ashamed at having given off the impression despite his reassurance at the end of it.


The fact was, she didn't really know how to properly handle strongly armored opponents. Slashing attacks wouldn't be particularly effective against metal armor, especially shields which were meant for such abuse, leaving only piercing attacks, but they required her opponent to be kept at range. Additionally, she kept from using them herself in a spar since in the back of her mind she was always trying to be careful not to injure her opponent. A bit hesitantly, she spoke up.


- "Umm... Kynwric? I know this sounds like i'm trying to cheat, but how exactly do we fight against someone holding his ground in heavy armor and a shield, when waiting him out isn't an option?"




Might as well ask...

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"Umm... Kynwric? I know this sounds like i'm trying to cheat, but how exactly do we fight against someone holding his ground in heavy armor and a shield, when waiting him out isn't an option?"


Kynwric smiled. "Re-evaluate your needs. Do you have to fight him? Can you simply go around? Does he have to fight you? Does he have to prevent you from getting past? Will he chase you if you go past him? All the swordplay is a wonderful thing, but what seperates us from soldiers is the ability to know when to fight and when not to. So, what could you do to eliminate the threat without resorting to blooding?" He had learned many of these lessons the hard way, by killing and still coming up short. Better to teach students now, than have them repeating already learnt from mistakes.

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Melenis nodded as Kynwric explained that there were other options available in a fight. She knew there were. The weight of his armor and the lack of hers would give her the advantage of mobility and speed, and unless Kynwric was really good he wouldn't be able to keep up with her, not while keeping his guard up for a quick attack. Still, it wasn't quite what she was aiming for though.


- "I know i can outrun people in heavy armor, i'm fairly light and don't wear much armor so i'm safe unless they break out a bow. What i meant was what i would need to do when forced to fight, like we train for by doing sparring matches. I'm fast and accurate, but when it comes to raw strength i don't have the power to break through heavy plate."




Going into specifics

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"If forced to fight then you need to move in and out, strike for gaps in the armor and make your opponent chase you. Those are your best options, sometimes there are simply no good options available. If we were of equal skill and you needed to get by me in a hurry it would cause you trouble because I am trained to stand a strong defense and let my opponent crash against it. I am built to take the beating and stay effective. If I were forced to chase you down, it would be to my detriment. Sometimes you have to improvise..."

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