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On exercise


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I hate exercise. No, that's no correct. It's more of a love/hate relationship. I don't like being tired, sweaty or sore, which all seem to occur along with exercising. However, I love the other effects. I love that I'm FINALLY losing weight, after watching the scale creep up for years. I love the almost meditative state of mindfulness I get when I'm doing strength training. I love how focused I am over all when I've been regularly exercising (except of course right afterwards when I'm tired. The ADHD kicks into overdrive when I'm tired.) The only other activity that gives that state of mindfulness is cooking.


Why do I not exercise more? I have a hard time getting started. Starting anything is hard for me. Its an ADHD thing, but that's just me giving an excuse. I prefer to exercise in company. I like to talk to someone while I do cardio. I've tried watching TV or listening to music. It's not enough mental stimulation for me. I need a conversation.  A few months ago I'd go to the gum with a co worker and we'd both do the treadmill together and bitch about our students. That was great.  I like to take walks in the neighborhood after work right now, but the only person I have to do them with is my husband, and he doesn't want to do it.  I think he just likes arguing with me, but sometimes I'd rather not argue and just go for the damn walk.


I also hate wearing exercise clothes. I've never thought of myself as vain, but damn. Does everything have to be so unflattering? I mean, I already feel fat. Why do I have to wear clothes that make me feel unpretty?


A funny fact about exercising. When I'm feeling thin, I want to exercise more. When I'm feeling fat, I want to sit at home and eat cake. Mmm...cake... Nothing breeds success like success I suppose.


I too hate exercise. but I do quite like having "muscle tone".


Mum and I go to the gym together, which is so much more fun than if we went alone. we also do walks together. But then we go out for beer and cake afterwards.... hmmm....


I feel a bit fat at the moment, but no doubt it's more to do with the fact that I have been eating quite a lot of junk (chocolate mostly) than the lack of exercise thing. Then AGAIN, a lack of exercise would be fine if not coupled with a distinct NON-lack of eating *g*


I really hate cardio, that's the absolute worst for me. I always feel good once I've done it, not necessarily physically good but mentally satisfied. But I really hate that feeling where your heart's going to explode. (or your lungs...or both)


I hate trying to get back in shape after having a baby and losing 200 lbs. That is the hardest thing, cause I try and do what I was doing before and my body isn't ready yet. *sighs, then hangs up her Reds rule sign*


Kath a big thing to remember is that it takes muscle to burn off fat, so a good way to speed up the effectiveness of your cardio is to incorporate weight training as well.  You don't need to Bulk up, but the extra muscle allows you to burn more fat.  That is one of the reasons that Men can often burn fat faster than women, is more muscle mass.  Imagine fat is gasoline....Women burn it with a 4 or 6 cylinder engine, men burn it with a 6 or 8 cylinder one.  ;D




Yes, my brother's gf told me the same thing - that I could just sit there with my new muscle and burn fat while doing nothing :P I liked that idea.

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Yes, I know about strength training and building muscle. And I have done quite a bit of strength training in the last year. Nothing heavy, just light weights and yoga.  The problem I had, which is pretty common, was that I was building up muscle without losing the fat. So even though I had some of the benefits of exercise, I was still gaining inches and pounds.  I think I've finally reached the tipping point where I'm losing inches while still gaining muscle.


I don't know for sure, because we don't keep a scale in the house. But I'm currently wearing a pair of pants I couldn't wear at all this summer. Not only can I get them on and close them up, but they are actually pretty comfy.  So I think I'll continue with the light cardio as long as the weather holds and see about getting back into yoga or weight training again. Clearly, I'm doing something right.


On a sort of related matter, I had this pair of jeans that I actually wore in the early high school days, and in recent years I actually fit back into them again. But now I can't find them :( I miss my teenaged jeans!!!


Well, I think my wife would like to fit into her high school jeans.  She was just getting down to (what she considers) an aceptable weight...and viola...I get her pregnant again.  This one is number three.  ;D


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