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Fantasy Football Week 2 Recap.

Justen Diablos

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Because Empy is a busy man, I actually won this week, and my team may suck rocks next week so I might as well re-iterate that while I'm not going to win the championship this year at least I'm still better looking than every other participant save Karana (She's got a damn nice smile as well).


So here's the recap.


WhiteCloak Warriors(1-1) vs.  Hax's Hussies(0-2) 


Andre Johnson didn't play for Hax due to Hurricane which may have hurt a bit but the fact is a couple of my guys just manned up.  With Santana Moss, Philip Rivers, Julius Jones, and a Green Bay Defense that scored two touchdowns I rolled up Hax 131 to 99.


Kynwrics Ghosts (2-0) vs.  Yard Chiefs (0-2)


The Yard Chiefs may not win a single game this year.  To use an entire team as your fantasy football line-up is a bad idea (maybe last years Patriots would have been okay) to use the entire Chiefs team is suicidal.  Kyn's starting quarterback (Aaron Rodgers of all people) actually outscored the entire Chiefs team.  Ghosts win 114 to 29


JD's Sucker Punchers (2-0) vs.  ibleedorange (0-2)


Empy's brother stole my name, and it upsets me.  Unfortunatly every single player on ibleedorange underperformed...really underperformed.  The Sucker Punchers had good performances from most of the team and easily dismissed Ocho Cinco and company 103 to 41.


Seggie's SithLords (2-0) vs. Corki's No Hopers (0-2)


Seggie's team is amazing.  With TO, Boldin, and Romo already putting up huge numbers it's almost unfair for McFadden to have a break-out year as well.  The Sith Lords may be the team to beat this year.  Corki's No Hopers lived up to their name and lost badly 163 to 85.


Boyo's Soy Bombers (2-0) vs.  Paityr's Pickles (1-1)


Paityr does have a decent team.  But since he has no internet connection (notice how I'll put up excuses for my buddy) he left in a line-up that was at best questionable.  He fought gamely but eventually lost to Boyo's recieving corps (dropped near fifty) and the almost dead but not quite Kurt Warner (who hit up a 35 point performance).  The pickles lose this one 131 to 106.


Game of the week


Emperor's egomaniacs(2-0) vs.  Karana's Crusaders (1-1)


It was a rough loss for Karana, who on paper should have been able to take the egomaniac's down a peg.  Continuing problems at QB (David Gerrard) and a big 0 posted up by TE dallas Clark stopped the lovely Karana's momentum cold.  Empy rode through with a huge game from Brian Westbrook and better than average games from the rest of his starting line-up.  Allowing him win the game of the week two weeks running.  this time 123 to 117.   


I think it's becoming obvious that there's a cream of the crop in our league and then just a wicked group of bottom dwellers.  My only hope is that I can maintain some sort of middle status, as I fear unless a couple of players really have stand out years I'll be amongst the bottom folk.


I'll let Empy handi-cap the next week's games, because he enjoys that kind of thing.  But I will give a couple predictions and/or thoughts on next week.


My Whitecloaks need a good week against ibleedorange to prepare for the shellacking we'll take in week four against Soy's Bombers when half my starting line-up has a bye week.  I don't think it should be too much of a problem though for my eclectic group of half stars to find at least one person who has a big game, and provided Ocho Cinco doesn't go crazy ibleedorange is going down.


Hax's Hussies should have a win this week against the Yard Chiefs.  I in fact can't imagine a scenario in which the hussies didn't take care of business.  I suppose if the Chiefs supplanted their entire lineup it'd be possible.  Hussies definately stop the bleeding this week.


While both teams will probably be unimpressive this week Paityr's pickles v. Corki's No Hopes may be the game of the week.  Just because I think it's the toughest game to call.  I originally picked the No Hopes, but Pait may actually come through and pull out a victory here.  Interesting game at least. I'll stay with the No Hopes, yeah, that's my pick I guess.


Despite having two 2-0 teams facing off I don't think the game between Empy's egomaniacs and Kyn's Ghosts will be all that close.  Riding Aaron Rodgers to victory will eventually find it's own set of downfalls and LT is still not 100 percent.  Empy should win this game fairly easily and coast to 3-0.


Two more 2-0 teams square off when Boyo's Soy Bombers line up against JD's Sucker Puncher's.  This will probably be the game of the week.  But for some reason I just think the Bombers will win easily.  Boyo's just got a very well spread out offense, whereas JD (not JD like I'm JD) relies on just three guys really.  If one of the backs or Drew Brees has a bad day the Sucker punchers will probably get TKO'd in the first round.  If you didn't follow that analogy I've got the Bombers. 


The last game features the two teams I think are the best in the league.  Seggie's Sithlords and Karana's Crusaders.  The only problem with Karana's squad is a QB,  She needs one.  Maybe she can ditch Dwayne Bowe to the Yard Chiefs for a QB and a reciever.  Who knows.  The Sithlords should win this one, but I still think this match is by far the one most worth watching. 


Anyway that's my take on it,  Empy I've done all the dirty work now you can just come through and provide some analysis and color commentary as I know you're dying to do.  You're welcome mi amigo.



Starring in Fantacies for nigh on a decade.

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You know, I was writing this up yesterday and had everything almost finished... I was going over next week's match ups... and for some reason my computer backspaced and I lost everything.  I was so dismayed that I couldn't bare writing it all again.  I am very thankful JD took care of business.  Actually you about said everything I did anyway. 


Sham - the chief suck yo... if you had the intention of not being a doormat this year it is time to.. well not make trades... but go to the free agency.


Horn - You ride the Bengals every year.  It is noble.  How many times have you won the championship?  Oh right... none.  It may be time for a new strategy


Seggie - Ok... you have a few cowboys... but this year you didn't go overboard and just got the good players. 


Karana - We are turning into the OSU vs. Michigan rivally.  Unfortunately Michigan sucks this year kind of like your team.  Ok your team doesn't suck Sham style... but I hope you enjoy losing to me.


I look forward to being your champion once again this year.

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I blame the auto-draft, and the fact that I was 'away' and couldn't even properly tweak my draft board.  I had pulled out like 20 players but I'd planned on setting up an entire draft board before I got taken off to the place where bad people are taken off to.  Anyway I'm generally very competitive, and if next year we can have a real draft I promise to do you all dirty (in unpleasant ways)




Although if Julius Jones continues to start and Willis McGahee actually performs up to his potential now that he's back, and provided young Rivers continues to play well I have faith in my recieving corps.  So don't write me off just yet...


though my team is definately not all that good.



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I must thank you for taking Palmer off my hands btw... He's gonna suck it up this year... and I have a feeling Garrard is going to be turning it on soon enough... hopefully around the time Warner starts playing like he usually does, which is to say crappy.

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