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All About Us in September!


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Ahhh…September!  I LOVE this month!!  LOL!!  To me, September has always been the beginning of the Holiday Season!  School started, Fall is in the air, the State Fair is here, the new season of TV shows begins… and the month starts with my BIRTHDAY!  Best of all…it meant that very soon it would be Halloween, then Thanksgiving and then Christmas!!  I love holidays!! 


September in the Kin is going to be about getting to know each other a bit better, catching up on some business type things we need to do, and wrapping up the Gleeman’s Tale!


The Gleeman’s Tale

Headmistress Loraine is missing from Kin University!  HORRORS!  Professor Holly Wasseling is attempting to keep the school functioning with the assistance of Professor’s Kynric, Kia and Vice Principal Mo.  Plans are in the works for a Halloween Ball to divert the students from worry about their beloved Headmistress!  A petition has also been circulated to replace Lorraine with Holly as the New Headmistress..the students mistaking her love of Holiday Magic as an “easy ride” to get through school!  Not all students have signed it either!  What will happen to Kin U?  Where is Lorraine?  Can Kynric find her in time?


The only way we’ll find out what happens is if YOU ALL tell us!!!  *grins*  Our Elegant Eldest has written the first four chapter’s of our tale..it is up to US to finish the story!!  You will find the Gleeman’s Tale at the Farm, as well as a link to the website that Lor has set up for us!  Please write your ending and pm it to her!  She will be adding them as she receives them from us!  At the end of the month we will vote on who has the best ending to our tale!!   Will Holly be our new Headmistress?  What HAS Lor been doing?  Is it possible that foul play is at work here?  *waggles eyebrows*  I can’t wait to find out…!!!



Business Type Things….

The Kin has grown this past year with several new members to our family!  WOOHOO!  And,  in the Knitting Circle, we do have a thread, Getting to Know You  that lets folks tell us a bit about themselves in a relaxed, conversational way!  The thing is..it is’t very  specific about anything!  LOL  Last month in our bookmark exchange, one of our new members asked me about an old member..her favorite color, animal etc. and to be honest..I sort of knew!   That got me to thinking that it would be great to have a thread where we told some specifics about ourselves!  Favorite colors, flavor, seasons, music etc so that in our exchanges, people could have a frame of reference and in general we get to know each other better!  SO!


~At the Farm there is a new stickied thread:  All About Me!  The first post is basically a form.  Please copy and paste it to a reply post and fill it in about yourself! *grins*  I will remind you if I don’t see you there!!!!


~The powers that be have asked all the Orgs at DM to update and keep updated our active member lists.  If a member has not posted in sixty days in the Kin, they will be deleted from our Member list.  Now, we don’t want to delete anyone!  So in the Knitting Circle there will be a stickied thread,  The Danger List.  This will be updated the first week of each month.  If a name is on the list, they will need to post in the monthly check in thread that month or risk being deleted from the Kin!  We will need everyone’s help on this!  If you see someone’s name on the list, let them know to post in the check in thread!  Thanks ahead of time for your help!


~Please make sure that your contact info is current!  Please have only one contact post in the contact thread!  If you have more than one address listed…please delete any that are out of date!  Also..if you do not want to post your address on the boards..you can send it to Twinnie to be included in any Kin Mailings, or to participate in any exchanges with your address only being given to your exchange buddy!


~We have a caboodle of raisings this month!  Three to green, a couple to Purple, some to Red and even some Golden Needlers!!  Check it out at the Knitting Circle!


~We are in the final quarter of  2008!  How are your Resolutions going?  Need some support? Cheerleading?  Celebrating?  *grins*  Check in on the resolutions thread and see who is doing awesome and who needs some pushing and encouragement!!!


Everyday Angels

One of the things I love about the Kin in the WoT books, is that they are involved in their community!  Even though they are not part of the Tower, and they must work in secret, they use their gift of the Power to help others!


In September, the Kin Org, focuses on how to be a part of Disaster Relief in their own communities, rather than have an exchange.  This year we will be talking about things we can do, that we are involved in and how, everyday, we can be involved and help each other!  Please join in the conversation in the Everyday Angels thread on our public boards!


LOL  Well, I know this is a long post and lots of info and chatter!  Thanks for bearing with me and reading!  Now hop to it!!  Check in!  Tell us all about you!  Brag on your resolutions!!  Are you going to Save the Headmistress or make Holly be in charge? Do you know any Everyday Angels?  Maybe you are an angel in disguise!



Peace! Joy! Love!



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LOL  actually we aren't really doing a lot I don't think!  I just wrote alot about it!! 


THe Gleeman's Tale,

September Checkin

All About Me

and the Everday angel discussion


and I try to resurrect the Resolutions thread every so often just to check in on everyone!!!




Thanks to Shendare, Jade, Jhea and me for filling ou tthe All About Me form already!!!  *grins*  I really didn't know most of that stuff...Kind of interesting how yellow and orange are kind of a universal Yuk at this point!!  LOL SHHHH!  Horn might be traumatized!!!!!!


So there are things going on...but no exchange this month..so you can post instead of running to the post office!  *nods and grins*

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