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Advancing your WS


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Yup... WS is not linked to specific ranks, they're just... an optional thing for channelers, given that they don't have the time ICly to get better at swords and train everyday and such due to their training schedules with saidin/saidar getting in the way of one another.


If that makes sense... ^^;

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well bt stand out as such, because in most channeling groups its abnormal to learn a weapon as such, while bt do, they focus on both type of figthing, but then again its really all they do, they train to be soldiers solemly, they dont medle in state afairs, they dont travel the land gathering knowledge, they dont advice, they dont offer healing services


while all other channeling organisations if they so can be called, have other causes as well beside learning channeling, the bt only have one cause to become a weapon, which means train in both usefull OP as well as weapons to some degree


so while you see other orgs having a wider arange of weaves, in general you see that ashies keep to one group of weaves, being those usefull in battle relations...which is pretty much 80-90% combat or something, and then a dash of 10-20 healing + a few other handy weaves to ease their day.


and they are the only one that is so distilled focused i'd say based on how i read the books


dreadlords coming probably in second togheter maybe with seanchan (though these also have other uses for the damane like mining, fireworks etc), while the rest like the kin, the AS and the aiel's channelers have more of a broad scope, and well there is limits to what a human can achive to not only learn but uphold of learning because the day only got 24 hours too it, of which you have to sleep sometime, so they generaly forfeit the battlescope somewhat to pursue other interests


and in the end this is mirrored throughout the divisions by bt having auto asignment up to 10 based on rank, cots have open posibility to earn up to 10, while wt have limited posibilities by aplication to earn as high up semi based on rank... while the rest is sort of by asking where posible and logical i belive

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