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Weapon Selection and Care (attn Visar)


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Jesse had been asked to teach another class but this time he only had one student and it was his late student from Basic Fitness.  Today Visar would be doing more chores for Jesse, but there was a purpose to this cleaning.  Jesse waited outside of the armory for Visar.  He knew the boy wouldn't be late today, that and it was after the noon bell so it was easy to remember to be on time.


Visar was on time and Jesse smiled.  "Come with me."  Jesse opened the door to the armory and started walking through the isles of weapons.  "Today you will learn about weapons and how to care for them."  Jesse lead Visar to the back of the room it was more impressive to look through all the weapons from the back.  He always thought anyway.  There really was no reason for it.  Jesse picked up a sword he stood next to and pulled a cleaning rag and some oil from the drawers behind him.  Jesse made sure that Visar was watching as he cleaned the blade he held.  Jesse worked slowly to show the boy the basics of cleaning a blade.


Jesse then moved over to a spear to clean the handle as it was different from the blades.  "You'll need to learn how to do both the blades and the woods in order to clean everything properly."  Jesse continued showing the lad how to clean the weapons.  When he was done he handed the rag and oil to Visar.  "Now I want you to clean one of every weapon and find one that you think feels right.  Not that you want to train with but feels right.  You'll know when one fits you."



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The noonday bell rang, and Visar found himself running to the armory so he wouldn't be late.  He sighed at relief when Master Jesse did not say anything about him being late.  He must have made it, then.


Visar followed Jesse inside the armory, and blinked at all the weapons lined up aisle after aisle as they walked to the back.  So many of them...easily hundreds!  He had been in here before, yet had not paused to look at everything beyond heading to the back door to the forge.


Jesse pulled out a clean rag and oil, and Visar watched closely as the man wiped the blade of a sword.  It didn't seem too hard, but there were fairly specific strokes made, and the man did not touch the blade with his fingers either, as that would leave prints.


Visar also glanced at the spear he cleaned.  The handle required some different attention, too, but the blade was similarly cleaned to the sword's blade, if a little less carefully.  A spearpoint was much, much cheaper than a sword blade, after all.


"You'll need to learn how to do both the blades and the woods in order to clean everything properly.  Now I want you to clean one of every weapon and find one that you think feels right.  Not that you want to train with but feels right.  You'll know when one fits you."


Visar nodded, and received some rags and oil for both steel and wood.  It was time to get to work, but this work did not seem particularly taxing.  He wondered about selecting one that 'felt right', however.  How would he know?  What if there was more than one he thought felt right? 


He started cleaning by the pole-weapon racks, glancing at all the different kinds.  There were spears and lances with plain design, next to some of the strangest weapons Visar had ever seen.  Vicious instruments with all sorts of blades, hooks, and spikes attached, only hinting at their cruel purpose.  He shuddered as he took one of those off the wall.  It felt cold and cruel to him, and he didn't think he had the strength to wield its complex death-traps very well.  He took it over to the table and cleaned the wooden shaft, then carefully, slowly, wiped the oil-rag over each little twisted part of the blade.  Eagerly, he set it back on the rack.  No, not that one.


He found a halberd of simpler design, with a medium length point, a small axe-like blade, and a formidable looking back spike.  He lifted it off the rack, and was surprised at how light and balanced it was.  He took it to the table, and cleaned it carefully.  Yet it still seemed a little too complicated to him, so he put it back. 


Visar went down the pole-weapons rack, selecting each different kind of weapon to clean, before one caught his eye.  It was a simple lance, sitting next to dozens of others just the same design as it. Yet this one had seen some use, with some dents in the haft, and even a small nick or two in the blade.  The lance was perhaps ten feet in length, almost twice as tall as Visar, and yet when he lifted it off the rack, it seemed a part of him.  The double-edged blade looked like it could thrust very well, and was wide enough to cut, too.  With the butt-spike on the bottom of the shaft, it was also well balanced.  This will do, he thought.  He set it on the table, cleaned it carefully, going over several areas twice.


"This seems simple and sturdy enough for my tastes," Visar said, explaining his choice after he had cleaned it.  "And it's been used before, I think, though maybe that was in practice."


A thought occurred to him.  "May I also clean some of the swords?  I think I need the practice, since there's more to clean than the spears, and I honestly haven't held many before.  Not many swords just laying around in Tear.  Most people couldn't afford them, or weren't allowed to wear one even if they could pay." he said as an excuse. In truth he found himself taking a liking to this place. He wanted to inspect ever little nook and cranny, even though some of these weapons truly gave him the creeps.

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Jesse nodded.  "You are allowed to pick up three weapons today.  Find the one that is right for you.  Try not to pick out ones that overly similar, as you will have plenty of time to master more weapons in your duration here in the Yards." 


Jesse watched and remembered his time picking out his additional weapons.  He already knew what weapon was his primary, it was what his father had taught him.  A two handed claymore.  But Jesse remembered going over the smaller swords, and none of them feeling overtly right about them.  He did decide on a short sword eventually, but it was not his primary or secondary choice by far.  But he could weild it well now among some of the other more obscure weapons he thought he would never touch.  Jesse second choice in weapons was a short mace.  He carried that at his side, while his claymore was on his back in traditional Shinaran fashion.  His short sword remained in his room where it stayed unless he was training with it.


Jesse's thoughts returned to his trainee, and watched as he went through the armory looking for more weapons.



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"You are allowed to pick up three weapons today.  Find the one that is right for you.  Try not to pick out ones that overly similar, as you will have plenty of time to master more weapons in your duration here in the Yards."


"Yes, sir."


Visar left the lance on the table, satisfied, and went around to where there were assortments of close weapons.  All manner of axes, maces, hammers, and the like hung on racks or hooks on the wall or were stacked neatly in rows in the aisles.  Visar picked a few here and there, cleaning them as best as he could with his oil and rags, but none of them seemed right. 


He moved on to a row of various types of shields.  There were tower shields, heater shields, kite shields, round shields, small shields, even strange shields that looked like they fit on the arms, and had spikes coming out.  Visar picked up a couple, and wiped them free of dust, but their weight was unfamiliar to him.  He thought that his arm would get rather tired if he held up one of those for long, but he wasn't quite sure of that.  When he picked up another kite-shaped shield, he saw another small one hiding behind it.  This looks out of place, he thought.  It was a steel, fist-gripped buckler, about the size of a plate.  It was plain, and didn't look very impressive, but when Visar picked it up by the handle, he considered its light heft.  It seemed like he would be able to move it around fast to block a strike, and even hit someone with it.  Nodding to himself, he went over to the table, cleaned it, and set it there.  It might not count as a weapon, but he had questions to its manner of use, since Visar had never seen someone use a buckler and another weapon combination before.


Next, he looked around at the vast collection of swords to try to find a compliment.  He picked up and cleaned almost a dozen single-handed swords, trying to find a fit for the buckler, but none of them particularly spoke to him.  He considered for a moment.  The sword he still had from Tear that was in his room might be a good fit, but he would have to go get it to be sure. He didn't have time to go to his room in the barracks, though.  And Jesse told him to select something that was here, not elsewhere. Shaking his head, he went back to the task at hand.  He picked up a sword much like the slim-bladed sword he 'owned', but it would not do either.  The blade was too slim, too long, and didn't look like it could cut very well from the thick cross section.  And the blade near the point was so thin Visar was afraid it would snap off if he whacked it against anything hard like armor or a shield.  He cleaned it, and put it back in its scabbard.


He checked the next aisle, which mostly had swords with grips long enough for two hands.  Some were just as short as the single-handed, and others were taller than Visar was! He picked up a slightly curved, single-edged sword, one like he had seen many trainees and warders practice with. But the hilt guard was so small, just a tiny ring, that he thought his fingers might be cut if the other blade slid down.  He saw a larger sword, two-edged, that stood all the way up to his shoulder.  While it proved to be lighter and better balanced than what he suspected before he picked it up, it was still something he didn't want to be swinging around all day.  No, this one's too tall.  He glanced back, and saw a long sword with a medium length blade.  While it wasn't featherweight, it felt alive in his hands when he picked it up. It was almost as if the sword screamed "Use Me!"  Visar smiled, and took it over to the table.  He took the blade out of the sheath, and marveled at the double fuller that went along a third of the sharply tapering blade. The edges didn't look particularly sharp, but the point certainly did.  Visar thought it would probably be easier to just use one weapon in both hands rather than one in each hand.  At least to start, he reasoned.


After cleaning the long sword, he left that on the table as his second choice, and went over to a couple cabinets.  Inside the drawers, were piles of small arms.  All sorts of knives, daggers, and even hatchets could be found inside.  Some even looked like they were meant to be thrown.  Visar sorted through them for a while, cleaning what he picked up, but quickly putting it back.  Finally, he found something to his liking.  It was a sturdy, double-edged dagger, the blade easily the length of his forearm.  The hilt and pommel were round disks.  It was longer than the dirk he wore under his clothes, but it was plainly made, and looked sharp enough to be useful.  Have to have a good dagger for close work.


Feeling fairly well about his choices, Visar put the knife on the table.  He then picked up the buckler, frowning.  He could only choose three, for now.  He sadly went back to the shield racks, and slowly slid the buckler back into its original hiding place.  I'll be back for you when I'm ready, he told it silently.


Going back to Master Jesse, Visar said,

"I'm sorry I took so long.  There are so many things to choose from!  Anyway, I've made my choices.  A long spear, a sword, and a dagger."

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Jesse nodded.  "Very good.  Now the most important part."  Jesse took the long spear and showed Visar how to hold it and how he could wear it with out hurting himself.  He did the same thing with the others.  "You do not have to wear all your weapons right now, but whichever of these weapons you will be required to wear for the rest of your trainee days, except when you are sparring with a practice weapon, going to the bathroom, and sleeping.  All other times you must wear it. 


"Do you have any questions?"


OOC;  The class is done, and this is about all I can teach you here.  You are of course free to ask questions but as far as what you need this is done.



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After Visar was shown how to carry everything, he nodded his partial understanding.  He was to wear the weapons that could be worn at most times (though the spear seemed like it had to be carried or rested against a shoulder), to get used to it, though he hoped he would never have to draw a sword for real defense for some time.  The dagger seemed right at home, though, in a matching sheath at his right hip, close to the one concealed under his clothes.  He made a mental note to make a sheath for his other one in another place, perhaps strapped to his forearm or leg.  He would have to get used to the long sword at his left hip, though, as its unfamiliar length and weight felt foreign to him. He did have several questions, however.


"Yes, Master Jesse.  How does this stand?  Are these weeapons lent to me only as a trainee, and if so at what time must I return it?  Or is there a possibility of purchasing equipment at such a time I receive pay as a guardsman?  And what of armor?  Would the armory also lend me available armor that might fit, till such a time as I might purchase my own?  I could ask the armorers right now, if that is alright with you, Master Jesse."


Visar considered for a moment, then hurriedly and nervously added,

"N-n-nothing much, just some s-s-sort of helm and p-padded jerkin, and perhaps something to go over that like mail or a breastplate.  I see most guardsman have at least that much armor, and I'd be a poor guardsman if I did not practice in it.  And again, I'd-I'd b-be more than willing to purchase it from the armory once I'm able."

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Jesse wasn't suprised by the question actually, it was rare that anyone asked about payment or how to obtain their own.  But there were a few.  He had not been one of them, he'd had his own claymore and only took the one he choose here for a few days then returned it for someone else to use.


"These three items are yours to keep, or return if you eventually get your own made.  So the choice is yours, but at this time you probably can't afford anything better, unless you came from money or had the weapon when you arrived."  Jesse wasn't sure about the armor though.  "I am not sure about the armor.  I would assume we would give you a set of whatever you wished for until you could purchase your own.  I do want you to know that while these are good sturdy weapons and armor they are not always of the best quality.  I know once I was able to afford my own I purchased them."


"excuse me one second while I confirm with Mistress Loari."  Jesse walked away and spoke quietly and quickly with her about the discussion.  He returned to Vasir.  "You can have anything that is premade here in the armory but don't be excessive.  Custom jobs can be ordered through the armory here, and you can pay for them in increments over your first years as Tower Guard and Trainee.  She even said you could work for your custom jobs while you were a trainee to help reduce the overall cost." 



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"You can have anything that is premade here in the armory but don't be excessive.  Custom jobs can be ordered through the armory here, and you can pay for them in increments over your first years as Tower Guard and Trainee.  She even said you could work for your custom jobs while you were a trainee to help reduce the overall cost."


The questions were well enough answered.  Visar nodded his understanding, eager to practice with his new borrowed equipment.  A real sword!  A real spear, and real armor!  Now I just have to learn how to use them, and I'll actually be a real warrior!  I never thought that would happen!


"Then, I will stay here for now, and try to find some armor that will fit me, before my chores in the forge start. Perhaps after that 'punishment' is over, I can request to work there further to decrease cost as Mistress Laori said. But I'll take nothing for granted, understood.  I shouldn't worry you, then.  I've never been wealthy enough to afford one sword, much less all you've lent me already.  I will not waste anything I'm given, and will return or pay back for what I've borrowed.  Thank you, Master Jesse!"


Visar grinned as he saluted whole-heartedly, and then, dismissed, went to find some armor.


After a few tries, he found a hauberk of mail that fit well enough under a thick padded jack, and a plain steel helm that would fit more snuggly once he wrapped some cloth padding on his head.  He briefly considered leg and arm protection, but decided that he had enough to pay back already.  He would need to learn how to protect those with skill, he decided.


After he deposited everything carefully in his room, making sure everything was clean and orderly, he went back to the armory to do his three hours at the forge.

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