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TG Ceremony


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Oh, I am going to rub it in as much as I can... I know how lucky I am.


Of course, remember that it is with all due respect when I hand you some bruises in interesting places next time we spar... *winks*


Well now that you mention it, that is certainly an idea.  I believe that is one of the reqs for Perivar to advance.  Perhaps you can knock some sense into him. 8)

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*bites Kynwric* no! no! No!


I am sure the MoT could care less what happens to your head Perivar, but Kabria might be happy to see him boxed around after the way he is mooning over Loraine ;)*giggles*

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But now don't we need 1 more Aes Sedai? To lay the cloak on their shoulders? because Kabria will speak for Perivar, so I guess Loraine could speak for the other two if it went in the right order. :)

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With the Wilderness thread, I claimed it once Thera had said we passed the course, and just marked that it was ongoing character development.



Same here, the survival portion is over so the rest is just icing on the cake or character development if you wish.

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Ok as long as everyone agrees we will post as follows:


Part 1 will be from your preparations to the point where we arrive


Part 2 will be from the beginning of the ceremony until the Aes Sedai speak for the trainees


Part 3 will conclude the ceremony allowing the newly raised TG's to have a moment to reflect with each other or their significant others.  I know they are supposed to remain alone and reflect but I am not sure if others can remain. 


Part 1 posting order:


Mistress Thera - she will post her reflections of the 3 trainees who are about to be raised as well as her gathering them up and escorting them to the Glade.


Next the 3 trainees to be raised can post, the order is not important


Finally all of the honored guests can post their thought and their involvement.




Part 2 posting order (work in progress)



Part 3 posting order (work in progress)




Important stuff to keep in mind:


Time frame - The TG ceremony will take place approximately one month after they returned from their little trip so that certain events between Jasine and Thera could play out. 


In terms of Perivar and Kabria,  Kabria is a newly raised Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah.  Since Perivar's return he has not seen her and has no knowledge that she is now an Aes Sedai.  When he approaches the Glade he is in a fog, in one of his moods not noticing who is at the stone.  He is not aware of her presence until she speaks for him.


Who will speak for who regarding the Aes Sedai and giving of the dagger


Jasine - Loraine Sedai, Mistress Thera will give him the dagger


Melenis - Loraine Sedai, Mistress Thera will give her the dagger


Perivar - Kabria Sedai, Master Kynwric will give him the dagger



Questions / Concerns -


One question came up about regarding the presence of weapons.  Melenis would like to include her grandfather's Ashandarei(sp?) in the ceremony somehow.  We realize that we have to come unarmed to the Glade though perhaps when she is given the dagger she can also be handed the Ashandarei.  Is that acceptable to the powers to be.



This is a work in progress so please post any questions, concerns, or comments.  I will update it and post it in the original post in the thread for reference.


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All of it looks great.


I had already started a talk with Melenis about her Ashandari and talked it over with the staff. While I understand the desire, I am not sure that Thera or Mia (commander) would allow the breach of Tradition. Things happen the way they do in the Glade for a reason. I would be more apt to say yes if she were participating in the raising alone, but with so many I just don't see it working.


A few suggestions we came up with.... Thera could speak with Melenis just after they are raised, perhaps meeting her as she exits. Or during the ceremony when she is handed the Dagger her grandfather could be mentioned. Something whispered to her perhaps? I am open to other ideas if anyone has any.

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Alright it doesn't happen often but I think I have a good idea.


Let Arath be the narrarator


What you couldn't read that?  Alright here it is folks.  I was wondering how we were going to post the ceremony outline (ie:  Commander says this, Aes Sedai say that, etc...)  and then have everyone post their involvement.  So what I was thinking was have Talavin be the third party Narrator.  Starting with part two he would do the Commanders spoke in a loud crisp voice "Who..." So and so said this....He would do it for the entire part 2 then the TG's would post their feelings and whatnot followed by those who took part in that portion of the ceremony.  Finally any esteemed guests who did not have a part in the particular section can then post their point of view if they wish.


I hope that makes sense.  If not ask away and I will try to explain it in english if I can. 

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I... think that complicates things unnecessarily. :/  Talavin would have to post between each of our sections, or we couldn't go on.  Having the stuff narrated just as our characters hearing it works nicely.


Melenis wanted Thera because of the moment in the Wilderness Survival thread, it meant a lot to her.  Arath can be Jasine's Tower Guard and it can be part of the stipulation Kynwric set as our punishment that they can't have Thera speak for Jasine because she's biased by looooove. 


As far as posting the outline, it would go something like this.

Commander: "We welcome you to the Tower Guard, you that were known once as Jasine Al'Thorin of Andor." -As this occurs, Loraine steps forward with the crimson cloak of the Tower Guard in hand and places it on him, fixing the clasp.-

"We welcome you as Jasine Al'Thorin of the Tower Guard, our brother in arms. Rise and stand as one among many." -As Jasine rises, Thera steps forward and presents him with a long dagger-


Jasine listened intently as Commander Mia spoke, reveling in the words he had so been looking forward to hearing.  "We welcome you to the Tower Guard, you that were known once as Jasine Al'Thorin of Andor." His awed smile turned to Loraine Sedai as the woman came over to him, the red cloak of the Tower Guard draped over one arm and in her other hand, the heart shaped pin Thera had given him.  Giving that pin to Loraine Sedai three days ago had been one of the hardest things he'd ever done, and even he was a little surprised at the weight of relief he felt as she put the cloak on his shoulders and the little pin that Thera's father had given to her settled into place where it belonged, with him.


"We welcome you as Jasine Al'Thorin of the Tower Guard, our brother in arms. Rise and stand as one among many." He got to his feet with the smooth efficiency of movement that was becoming a mark of his everyday stride and his gaze turned from the Commander as she finished speaking, to his love.  His eyes shone as Thera presented the dagger to him and he had to struggle to keep from letting the tears escape.  So much was tied into this moment, into this ceremony.  It was not just his acceptance into the Guard, and it was not just his graduation from being a lowly trainee.  It marked the beginning of the new life he wanted so dearly.


Obviously, that last little bit will have to be adjusted if we have Talavin be one of the TGs.  It still seems a little weird to me to have someone who has only been a TG a very short time himself stand for someone else.  Anyway, the script is just an outline for when things happen, they should be incorporated into the posts itself, like a story.


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