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The joy of computers

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So, I'm generally speaking pretty good at computers.  I've found, however, that as Windows makes versions that are more "user friendly" I get less and less skilled at using them.  I'm currently using Windows Vista *pauses for the pointing and laughing* and I managed to set my entire user as hidden.  Which includes everything that's on my desktop and in my documents and all that.  Which, of course, includes all of my roleplaying posts that I keep saved.


So, on to the reason I'm sharing this with you... I couldn't find a temp-file folder because it was hidden and the way Vista handles permissions is really stupid.  I was logged in as the admin, but hidden stuff was still completely gone, not just half-transparent like it was in previous versions.  So I clicked on my user, went to properties, and tried to set it to show hidden files.  Instead, I set everything as hidden.    and then, because everything was hidden, I couldn't find the stupid folder to un-hide it.


I eventually got it all fixed and visible again, but it took about 2 hours of fighting with it.  The result of this was that I was so annoyed by my computer that I didn't do any roleplaying at all yesterday and very little the day before, so I'm behind on all gazillion of my current threads. 


So don't worry, I haven't changed my mind about taking the classes I'm ignoring, I'm just working on catching up to it.  Oh, and my keyboard was mysteriously dead this morning, so I'm using the one from my husband's machine, and it takes me forever to adapt to a new keyboard, so my typing is incredibly slow as well.  So... it may take me all day to do these posts.

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Sorry that you had computer trouble....Vista is ummm...fun, yes fun is the word.  ;D



Now as far as not posting I forgive you, not that my forgiveness matters anymore than a bucket of dirt.  Either way I am glad that you are back in action.  ;)

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