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Survival Classes


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I could take either one, if Melenis needs Wilderness, I'm fine with the next survival class offered being the one she needs.  I don't think we need to take both of them, but I wouldn't mind taking city as well when it's offered next.


I am in the same boat and plan to take both so since Melenis needs/wants wilderness we can start with that.

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Alright everyone who wants the Wilderness Class it will be up Tomorrow. You have until Saturday to post your response. :) After the second "lesson" is posted you can't join.


The City Survival Class will start a week from today :)



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*clears throat*


Right. Posting is similar to channeling, in a way. Knowing your limits is important, because you wouldn't want yourself to burn out on it and spend a week or two recovering from lack of posting ability.


Make a couple of characters (2-3 recommended for starters) and try to keep them from blending into the same type of character. Work on those distinguishing personality traits!


Then, stretch your limits by adding a character or two, and see how many you can juggle at the same time. Given time, you'll be right up there with Tigara and myself, with a plethora of characters and having no trouble at all keeping them all apart while chatting OOCly at the same time ^^


This concludes Lesson One. :D

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We all expand our character pile in time... I went literally years between character creations!  Raeyn was made in January 2001, Saerythra in late 2001 or summer 2002, Mariasha was probably summer 2003, Rendra in 2004 or 2005... and Lillith as she is here in the past year :)  I already know what my next is going to be (a Wise One), but not for another 6 months to a year.



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