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An Ogier Visit


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Lorei continues on her way and soon enters the land of the Seanchan. She marvels at the beautiful scenery.

"My that tree looks awfully...perfect!"

She walks up closer to the tree, the better to inspect it's perfection. She touches it.

"It feels like a tree, but there are no bug burrows in the bark. Curious!"

She examines a leaf and is amazed to discover that though it looks exactly like the real thing, it is not.

"Wow! It really is scenery!"

Consulting her trusty guidebook, she reads: "The people of the Seanchan deal primarily with movies, television, and electronic games. Consequently, their sense of the unreal and surreal is well developed. The visiting Ogier must be constantly on guard, lest they lose the ability to distinguish between what is real and what is not!"

Lorei looks around her at the beautiful but fake scenery, shivers slightly, and says: "Man, you can say that again!"  ;) :D 

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Nope, not interested, especially not in that old chestnut.


But we do find the reviews and discussions you have here about the new movies, games, and shows very interesting. Not that we leave the Hot Tub very often to go to the movies. And I don't think Jaime has installed that game system in the Spa yet. But we do have a big screen TV set up there, I think.  ;D

I'm Lorei the Elder Builder btw, and the others will be along later. We're just visiting. Wonderful weather for walking!  :)

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:o  I loves the Muppets!! Thank you Sam!  ;D ;D  If I had a Seanchan avatar it would be Janice, the blond Muppet guitar player "for sure, for sure!" :D


We Ogier are a very talented bunch, the Renaissance people of DM if you will.  :D We Build; we Brew; we Speak. *sips the ale Moose gives her* Moose is a Master Brewer; his ales are the finest anywhere in Randland. *pulls out her tabac pouch and an extra pipe* Would you care for a pipe? *sets down the extra pipe and packs her own*

As an Org we do what most of the other Orgs here do: we talk about books; we tell jokes; we trade recipees; we chat. Right now we're doing a little RP on the Ogier public board, just for fun. Since we are Ogier, we tend to be a quiet org, except that we do have a Deathwatch Guard or two in Stedding Lantoine. They cause a little mayhem once in a great while, just to keep life interesting.  :)

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lol, or maybe he's stuck on the llama?  :D


nice song Tig!


And we are going to start a book review/book club type thing over at the Ogier, to do for fantasy/scifi books what you guys do for the movies/TV/games. It should be fun. *nods*





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Guest nephitess

*wanders in rubbing her nose with an ink smudged finger*


*looks up from her writting*


Hey there...how you all doing? LOL


Like the muppets sam! ;)


*claps and acts all groupy like for Tig*  great song hun!

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ok tig your stuck with the llama now lol


I llike that llike I llike a llama. ;D


Yay groupies!!!!!!! (even thought I really should have saved that song for SG, but oh well.) *buys diamond watches for my groupies*

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*looks around*  I guess the 'Chan have all gone off to the movie theatre to see "The Dark Knight", so I guess we can pack up the portable Hot Tub and Tiki Bar and continue our journey. We don't want to keep those Aiel waiting. They have sharp pointy things, and they're not afraid to use them!   :)

*waves bye*

*wonders where they all really went*

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