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All your butts are belong to me!


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* stops in to say "HI" to her majesty *

* she doesn't seem to be here today *

* shrugs *

She wouldn't have been happy to see me anyway.  :(

* walks away juggling his balls *

* lets loose a really huge butt bomb *

* doesn't bother excusing himself *

* nobody here to excuse himself to *

* ponders *

If you rip a ripe one in an empty thread, does it still smell if there is nobody there to enjoy it?  ::)

* checks his back pocket *

* the "real" deed to his butt is still there *

* reyler has the lean *


My butt belongs to her.

* shrugs *

* nods *

* exits *

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No, see, I've explained this before, it's entering Fiddlesticks what gives me all ownership rights to a person's posterior. I've been very clear on this point and I'll not have you louts fouling it up.

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Specifically to the promotional art for "The Last Laugh", where Joker was under the impression that he was terminally ill and decided to take everyone out with him. Damned if I can recall who actually drew it, though.

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But how does he do it. He beats everyone... even if they have virtually no weaknesses.


What are you, dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think he is? He's the goddamn Batman.


God, Frank Miller needs his head kicked in so badly after that.

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