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[TV] Mad Men (AMC)


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Anyone else watching?


It's set in the Madison Avenue (hence "Mad" Men) advertising scene in the 50s, and more specifically centers around the creative director of one ad agency, named Don Draper. But apparently that's not his real name, and the show is just starting to get into who he really is.


I just started to hear about it within the last two weeks, and I've seen the first four or five episodes of the series. It's pretty good, although I felt like they were beating me over the head with the 50's gender inequality issues in the workplace in the first episode. Once they had that scene set, it wasn't a problem. It's a little slow getting into the grand plot issues, but the characters and side/background stories (or what seem to be those stories at the moment) are interesting.

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Wow Cads.. I just got the first disk from netflix over the weekend and we watched it.  I agree, it hits you over the head with how 50's it is but I think it is very good.  I quite enjoy how it doesn't feel almost planned.  What I mean... well... there is a freaking word for it and my old mind lost it.  I don't feel like I am watching a regular sitcom that has some formulaic plot set up.  It is more focused on telling a story.  I will definetly be DVRing the 2nd season and getting disk two next week.

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Hehe, that's not quite as strange a coincidence as the night a friend came over and brought me a dvd he thought I'd like from his Netflix queue ('twas Firefly, he has excellent taste)... and it was the same dvd that was actually playing on my tv as he walked in. Same disc even, not just the same series.  :D


But yes, Mad Men doesn't have an obviously planned and executed plot. I was reading the Wikipedia entry and it seemed to say that the show is more about social commentary on that era than it is the usual sort of dramatic plot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Because a) I'm in love with the Mad Men logo, and b) I'm using sig making to distract myself from other things, I turned it into a Seanchan sig.





I tried to tweak it into a female version, which worked ok, but not great.




Let me know if anyone wants a personalized version.

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*makes not to check this thread at home so he can see the pic*


I think we get the last Mad Men disk today so we will be all caught up and ready to watch the recorded premiere in a day or so. 


I just wish AMC was in HD.  Going down to the those normal channels makes me feel dirty.

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