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ooh, newbie - hello

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Hey hey,


I guess I should introduce myself.  I've been a fan of WoT since....well, since I started reading it.  I don't remember exactly when that was, but I know only the first four books were out at the time and I thougth that was all there was too it.  hehe, I got to the end of Shadow Rising and thought, "hang on, that doesn't sound like the end"....... hehe, 15+ years down the track and things are still going crazy.  Oh well.


I found this forum while looking for information on a possible 12'th book (since Robert Jordan had sadly passed away - RIP, Mr J).  So here I am.  Hope to have some good discussions.  I'm sure there are people here so much crazier about the series than me, but there are some correlations between the books that I've noticed through reading somewhere along the line, I thought it might be good to discuss with other like-minded souls.


So, cutting a long story short - Greetings and well-met.  See you all somewhere along the way, folks


~ Paranoid Android (just "PA" for short). 

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hope you found the info on picked author to finish it and estimated time of publish then


sounds like your heading for the discusiongroups, but if you got time and interest i do recomend exploring the orgs and the rp as well ;)

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hope you found the info on picked author to finish it and estimated time of publish then


sounds like your heading for the discusiongroups, but if you got time and interest i do recomend exploring the orgs and the rp as well ;)

Hi, thanks for the welcome.  ANd yes, my google search originally sent me to the "dragonmount news" section which had details on the new author.  It was from there that led me to the Forums :)


All the best,

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