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Handle: Daetirion

Character Name: Seidh (Seeker)

Email address: Brokensky3@msn.com

Division: Freelanders (Seanchan)


Place of Origin: Shon Kifar, Seanchan

Age: 29

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 150

Hair: Dark hair, cropped closely

Eyes: Grey

Physical : Wiry yet surprisingly powerful. Short on stamina but with an innate sense of balance and ability to judge distance and height. Training has greatly increased his flexibility, and he relies upon this and speed in fights. A sprinter in all respects, if anything becomes extended expect his ability to decrease greatly. Ravens tatood upon his back, various other small scars, mainly to arms and lower legs. General choice of clothing is a tight fitting base layer of brown or grey. Over this, either a disguise (often armour) or undistinguishing clothing with a tendency for dark green.

Weapon of Choice: Dirk (see Inspiration Note plain black hilt, no decoration)

Secondary weapons: Throwing spikes (see Inspiration)

Personality : Highly intelligent. Seemingly insipid normally, when truly excited he is seemingly full of energy. A tendency to solve problems in a vertical manner (both literaly and metaphorically). Most telling emotion is often frustration, and he has a rather bitter and cynical outlook over those outside of the Seekers. Whilst he is required to reduce emotion when investigating, when he is able to reveal his true identity, his sardonic outlook emerges - in fact when in disguise this may creep through anyway. Quite partial to Kaf

History: Born as property to one of the more minor Imperial family, Seidh was content with his situation, having known little else. However, his owner was eventually suspect to investigation for that most common of crimes - ambition. Cooperating with the Seeker's investigating in secret, Seidh was taken under the wing of one of the elder Seekers, Uerus, who noticed his intellect and sharp wit, and potential to exploit. Following the successful prosecution and execution of the offending member of the Blood (with evidence from Seidh), the experienced Seeker successfully intervened once the property was auctioned off, and at age 14 Seidh found himself entering training at the Tower of Ravens.

Progressing through training was rapid, Seidh normally excelling in insertion training, throwing weapons and stealth. Areas he struggled with included pressure situations which brought his frustration to the fore. Eventually mastering his occasional temper through working closely with his original mentor, Uerus, he was eventually deemed fit to assume active service within the field. Shadowing Uerus, Seidh began to pick up tips and tricks, and had some notable successes. His capabilities quickly reached a position for independent work, and participated as a junior officer within many successful prosecutions and investigations. A reputation for clarity emerged, although often his investigative techniques were called into question. His logic and investigation style were often slightly maverick, although whilst criticised it is without a doubt it brings successes.

After a decade of active fieldwork, and during a placement investigating a general of the Ever Victorious Army, Seidh was recalled to the Tower of Ravens. Upon arriving, he sought out his old mentor...


Seidh knocked softly, entering immidietly upon confirmation. Training kicking in he assessed the situation in the room. Uerus sat in his chair slightly slouching, indicating a degree of informality. A figure unknown was also sat, opposite Uerus and similarly at ease. Both had wine glasses to hand, filled with a rich ruby red, and with a third glass placed upon the writing desk. Moving to the indicated chair, Seidh nodded his greetings and seated himself, sinking into highbacked chair.

"I understand i need to offer congratulations, Uerus. Your elevation to the Council of Ravens was long overdue." Seidh had heard of his old mentor's elevation to the ruling council whilst doing field work well outside the capital, but was generally happy at his appointment.

Replying in a low, yet emotional voice, Uerus murmured his thanks, before moving to the matter at hand...

"I apologise for recalling you when you were so deeply involved. However it is far more crucial. The Empress has finally announced the Corenne and all Seanchan is mobilizing for the greatest event of our time"

Seidh indicated his appreciation of current events. Seanchan had been teeming for years with rumours of the likelyhood of the Corenne being launched soon although he failed to make the obvious connection with his presence.

"Seidh, as one of the most promising field officers, you have been recalled to accompany the Daughter of the Nine Moons and the Ever Victorious Army to our ancestral lands. She will need the very best to investigate those presumed loyal, to maintain the integrity of the Return and keep it undivided"

Taken aback momentarily, Seidh then listened intently to the details. The unknown individual was to be the coordinator for all the Seekers contained within the Corenne, including those allready undertaking covert works for intelligence purposes. Seidh would form an integral part of one of the most elite teams accompanying the Daughter of the Nine Moons, and the personal responsibility for her safety was stressed to the utmost. Hundreds of Seekers were tasked to the same cause, but whilst others would be situated carefully throughout the Ever Victorious Army and other elements comprising of the Return, Seidh had in effect a Carte blanche to investigate whereever he felt neccessary. Resources and aid would be availible, and he would only report to the direct coordinator of Seekers and the Daughter of the Nine Moons herself. This was notabaly different to the rigid structure he was used to, but certainly not unwelcome.

Quite amused at the recognition accorded to him, Seidh began to discuss details with both Uerus and the Coordinator. The discussion lasted long into the night, and Seidh became more and more enthused by the prospects of what he was about to embark upon.


Character Name: Seidh (Da'Cavole)

should be

Character Name: Seidh (Seeker)


and the Dot9M is not in the corenne but are about to do the return, unless lara have mixed her signatures up :P word wise, the corenne has already happened, so either he was in the corenne (in witch case remove the ref to the involvement of the empress heir), or he is about to be in the return (not the corenne)



Actually Ata, the Corenne IS the Return - those of the Hailene are literally the 'Forerunners', or 'Those who Come Before'.  You can think of the Corenne as the whole of the equation though; you might have been thinking of the Rhyagelle, or "Those Who Come Home" in place of the Corenne in your brain  :-*



See here for reference:





bleh i was thinking of the hailene >P


so once the da\covale say seeker consider it CC\ed


*just edit the title when you edit that word coren*


I ... don't understand the issue. Seekers are property.... doesn't that make them da'covale? Just da'covale of the empress? I mean, I'm not going to hold of the bio being CC'd just for that detail, but I think it's nitpicking at an unnecessary detail.



Seekers <i>are</i> property of the Empress, may she live forever.  In that, I don't see anything wrong with this bio.  However, I am going to say I prefer someone not me CC on this, 'cause I was probably one of the worst bio approvers ever in my time *grins*


if you read the bwb and even the page he used as a reference da'covale is the lowest rank, a seeker can be chosen from it, someone can be raised to so'jhin...but a so jhin can also be reduced to a da'covale


you cant be something and still be dishonored by being reduced to it...da'covale is while not stated directly (but the bwb dont state the oposite directly either) hinted at being the lowest rank of property...the lowest slave rank...as empress only property the seekers would by logic be some of the highest type of property rank wise that there is ;) hence not da'covale but so'jhin or simply seekers...


Of interest, i'd agree with Coren and Raeyn


I'd thought that you are either Blood, common or Da'Cavole. Within Da'cavole you can be Seeker, Deathwatch, So'jhin or just Da'Cavole. But then im just going by whats in the Wheel of Time books


Thanks for CC

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