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Anyone ever look at the site and see out of date things?  Anyone look at the site and have questions about things?  Well this is your time to let us know.


So everyone just post any info that needs correction or needs to be up there period.  And if you don't want everyone to see the info, then just PM me.




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Well, first off, the member list doesn't look like it's been updated any time since 2007, second off, I notice on the member list there is an area for phillosophy while phillosophy descriptions have been removed from the website. Also, if a third of those people on the list are still active I'll be very suprised. Just my two cents so far

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My two cents are that Paths and Disciplines should remain available to those that want to use them. Even if the majority of people make a blend of several, or have None at all, i feel it'd fall under the Old Tongue category as something that can optionally be taught.

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I realized that some might not know the site's address.  So here it is: http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/warders/


As to the Paths/Disciplines, I was wanting as many opinions are there are out there.  I've been here through the Disciplines being scrapped and Paths brought around.  It wasn't pretty, so anything we do we want people's opinions on.  So if you feel only the Paths or only the Disciplines are needed voice it.  I know I still consider Corwin being in Daisho al'Dracon.  So hopefully when people check this with the week starting we will get more input :)




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And I still consider Mariasha Path of Water (joined the div right after the initial disciplines were scrapped).  I think that if we still have the data on it, we should keep it for reference, as it's always possible to set up/use NSW trainers to aid people who wish to study either of the above.... or something :)

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i think it should be optinoal between 3 choises


1 / use nothing

2 / use the old discs as they stand

3 / use the new disc and path system


the 3 not being blendable, ie

if you choose an old disc you dont get a path or can blend them or whatnot

if you choose a new disc you can choose a path, choose no path, or blend a path from the other paths

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Depends... I can see a follower of an old Discipline trying to incorporate minor elements of other Disciplines, but only to enhance her own.


For example (in Melenis' case), she'd be a follower of Me'Areath but try to get the stamina reserves of the Mo'kai'la to be able to keep fighting longer. She'd still be Me'Areath, but would have incorporated something from another Discipline without actually mastering the moves that are associated with it.


Sorry if i'm making little sense, i had trouble trying to describe what i meant. ^^;

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the reason i say so is that for those who want to mix and match there is the new discs with paths you can do that, the paths is based of the old discs if not the exact same


the old discs you chose one, it was a lifestyle, its like an ajah, you may have been able at start to see yourself choosing several, but you had to choose 1 only, it had definite strengths and weaknesses to balance eachother out...it wasnt just a figthing style as much as a defination all over of your character...at least thats how i feel, and they should be kept clean as they stand...i'd love to see it optional in a way that if you chose the old discs you did the old reqs as well, because in my book they much better enabled me to writing figthing posts, i hate that now because i dont even know where to start i am so out of it..in the old system we learned from the classes and instructors how to


and sorry not even the oldest here but i do have an attachment to the old still, and i dont like to see  them mixed up, just feels wrong, so personaly i am against it, i dont like the idea that old discs gets mixed up, i would like to see them implemented as an alternative on the terms they where originaly used before the new system implentation


i dont know i just see mixing disc strengths to overcome their weaknesses as a path towards allowing to go in the direction of the forbiden disc, which is forbiden for being to good. The limits in the discs to anything really is half the fun, it gives you a clear statement of your weaknesses which is just as important in good rp as strengths.


this just how i feel though.

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*nods* It's just that part of becoming a good warrior is knowing how to compensate for your (or your disc's) weaknesses, whether it be by trying to use something from another disc, or specialising in several weapon types or whatnot.


I did forget to mention though that trying to modify a disc would only be done when the disc itself has been Mastered (i'm thinking arouns WS... 16-18'ish?). Above those WS levels, i can imagine a certain level of customisation taking place in the combat arts ^^;

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there is a fair difference between figthing with say 2 swords, and 1, between focus on defence and offence, between having one strong sword hand and 2


its like black and white, the moment you mix white into the black you go to dark grey, so the compensation so to speak go on the cost of your specialisation, there are limits to the human body, a good example is my bf, he is a bass he sings very deep, he can also go fairly high, and if he trained he is fairly sure he could go higher though...however the "muscles" used or whatnot, would lead to him loosing some of his lower tones if he where to strain to reach the higher tones


others is compare the cheetah to the lion, speed versus weigth/strength, the more the cheetah adapted to gain the weigth and strength in the heavier build, the more it would loose speed


this is how i see the discs, they have strengths and weaknesses, compensation for weakness would go on the cost of the strength in the specialisation.


also around those ws's within your figthing style or whatnot you can master all weapons equaly, normaly your 2ndary and teritary weapon start behind in scores, then last come all other weapons, at a sertaint score all others catch up with teritary, and you only have 1st, 2nd and all others, then later it catch up with 2nd,


the exact ws points this happen at i dont have in my head though, however by that a master do gain an advantage from the higher ws in that it mathers less and less which weapon you put into their hand


edit 1st tier -2 on 2nd and -4 on 3rd

2nd tier -2 on 2nd

3rd tier all equal save for primary weapon

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I agree with Ata, the thing with disciplines, is that you have to devote yourself completely. What makes a master a master though, is that their Strengths are so strong that they can use those to cover their weaknesses. For example, say that you focus completely on speed. As a trainee, you get beat around, because your blows aren't strong and one hit knocks you out, however, when you become a master, you are so fast that even though a hit or two KO's you, no one can get that hit on you. Even though you aren't strong enough to knock someone's weapon out of their hands, you're fast enough to move around their weapon and hit them ten times before they can even raise their weapon. Maybe that's a little exageration, but you get the point.

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nods thats more what the new system focused on with different disc and paths, this is how i view the old discs and would want to see them maintained, like said they more then just fiting style as it was the group you belonged to, the group you did most all your training classes within, and some of them even had rules going on special diet type stuff and whatnot


they just felt more fleshed out sort of, and well offered another aspect to things...people like different rp things, which why i think it should be optional, with 2 options following the new system, and 1 the old, and you can get to choose...i am well aware with lack of masters around and whatnot per today it would likely be much harder to get reqs done in the old system...but given the chanse i wouldnt hesitate to take that choise :?

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Well, I know that I'm a new member and whatnot, but I lurked for a while on and off, and I've read a lot of old threads. I know that certain things happened to make most of the older members want to leave DM, and I think that the whole website suffers from the loss and needs time to rebuild its members.

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We will of course listen to all suggestions :) and in the end hopefully Joe and I will come to a decision that everyone will be okay with.


As soon as we make that decision I am going to pass it along to our wonderful Owen and Raeyn to look over and after that we will pass it along to the rest of you.  ;D

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um when do we ever have enough members in a RP? and if you ment for the system, well if its electable then there can be a general warning note on the old disc one to make sure those who chose it is in the know tow and ok with the fact they may never be the quickest ws raise, there always is NSW and whatnot to use ic for trainers, the clue is just finding an rp partner and that dont change whichever rp req you do, eks wheter you want to learn about bond studies or say play stones, you still need someone higher then you to rp it with you and teach you, its just what you rp thats different


besides that ws was never an easy raise, i used 1-2 years to gain ws 18 on Liitha, i wont expect any less for any char i got


so in the end i aint all that conserned about it, maybe because i been through the haul a couple times, so its not that big a deal, i'd rather spend 5 years as such gaining my 2nd ws 18 if i felt i got something more out of it rpwise then using 2 years on going the curent way



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It's still up for me; could just be a glitch ;)


Considering that they are currently redo-ing the website, it could have just been taken down off the menu.  Either way, they'll let us all know what's shaking soon.

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