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Fantasy Baseball Week 8 Recap


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dununun dununun This is Sports Center.... how I miss that sound... any ways time for an update.


To start things out... empy empy empy... never question my might. That's right folks you guessed it after my bro suffered an embarrassing defeat at the hands of the empymister he faced me.. things went well for a while... but the  i whitled him away and finished with a fairly decisive 7-2 victory.


As for the bro he had the fortune of playing seggie last week.  I was happy to see that his team didn't didn't take the embarrassing defeat to bad and he rebounded to defeat seggie 7-2 (copy cat)


Not to much to say about the iron (west tex bla bla bla) FDM matchup... after a nice start (#1 week one if I remember) for iron he has fairly effectively sucked it up and fallen to last place. Last week was no better as he lost to FDM 9-1


On to Corki vs the one person not 10+ games behind me (The Tigers).  This was a good matchup for me last week as it allowed me to lengthen my lead.  They ended up tying 4-4


Onto this week. Week 9


Seanchan Royals Vs Boyo's Brick Wall.


Emp's (not so effective) Wall Breakers vs. The Tigers (I actually routin' for ya Empy!)


Boyo's Bro (MotB) vs FDM's Bat Breakers (Not lookin so good for ya bro... don't loose to her again! :P)


west tex bla bla bla vs. Corki's Mishaps


Thanks for tuning into Dragonmount's Sports Recap... tune in whenever I post the next one for what ever update I give!





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Good game Soy. 


But I must look on to the Tigers who crushed me earlier this season when I had 5 people on the DL.  Now that my team is healthy... well... I am winning.  I plan to crush Tiger and look to the next match up with Soy.

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Seriously though... all bragging aside... I was sitting anxiously in front of my computer Sunday night watching all the games update on MLB.com it really did come down to Sunday night... Good game...


Back to strutting... oh yeah...

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Ok... seriously... I love the person that dropped Adam Dunn... but... really... what was your reasoning?  Was your team just that good that you didn't need his homeruns?


I also took a chance and picked up that Bruce kid.  I wish I could play more outfielders though. 

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My bro dropped him because he had been slumping majorly... he's a very streaky fellow and has a terrible batting average... I thought about picking him up but didn't.. cause he would have drug me down.

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

Oh yeah...slipping into third with ease, now I just need to focus on second. Knocken yall down one at a time! ;)

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