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Looking for an RP

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Hey there, I used to RP occasionally as a CoL back when the RP and OOC of each org entertwined in harmonious balance.  But now that it's split I really don't have a home or purpose in the RP. 


The thing is I'm feeling a bit serious lately and would really enjoy just writing something other than comedy stuff.  Maybe even attempt to formulate proper sentences and actually do the whole writing story thing whilst interacting with my fellow DMers.  Or RPing as the kids call it.


So is there anyone out there who could use someone to come in an play something or other?  I don't really know what's required to RP, I remember the rules used to be quite stringent about what and where one could RP.  I could be an OOC character, though of course I yet have my Bio for Justen Diablos. Don't know if it's still approved though, I might have to resubmit it *g*. 


Let me know if there's something an old dog can do to just get in the mix and write some stuff.  If anyone even checks this board that is.


Justen Diablos,

Of the CoL Diablos'

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Oh, i do, don't worry ^^


As for me, it doesn't much matter where you prefer RPing, i have characters in every Division anyway ;D


Though, in case you can't find your bio or it needs to be resubmitted or somesuch, there's always the Revolutions board. Though for the love of the Light please try and form a group before starting to post there? It brings up the life expectancy of the thread quite a bit ^^;

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If it was approved in the ye olden days, it should still be viable for the DR PSW.  Just get it to the current CotL DL, Nynaeve, so she can have it on record :)


And as Jeh said - if you wanted to something without worrying about getting bios in for any characters, Rev One is a great choice.


I think pretty much everyone *checks* this board, but not many people use it for their planning... might have to do something about that :D



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