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Eqwina is usually pretty quick, so I don't know - might try sending it again, just to be on the safe side ;)


On the other hand, she might have had work stuff come up, and that would've impeded getting the bio pushed through.  Either way, I'm sure she'll get on it as soon as she is able to.

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Thanks guys, and yeah I got a bit of experience, I missed this place, but I could never find it after the dmpsw boards when down lol. I wont toot my own horn though I am ok I guess.  I am just glad to be back, and posting. I guess I will resend my bio as well, is the link in the help section for creating a char up to date?

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hm you ever gone by any other name...i been here almost 4 years but cant recal your handle...then again i never been good with names so it migth just be my head that its something wrong with

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No ive always gone by this name, like I said I never got as into this as I wanted to due to other obligations, I did however start out in the BT. I have been around a lot since the old site closed though, and trust me you guys got some of the best role play around, and some damn good writers. i am happy to be back amongst you, and hoping to have my bio approved soon so I can dive right in. I missed this stuff, and look forward to a lot more fun in the future.

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I have been REALLY busy, but I still check the email accounts daily and I have not had any new bios come through in awhile. Maybe try copying it into a PM here. If you can do that I will get it approved for you asap :D:D:D

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